Rawr! Screech!

Luna's Lavos Spawn Adoption Agency!

Rawr! Screech!

Welcome, one and all, to Luna's Lavos Spawn Adoption Agency, or the LSAA, as it will be called from now on! Here you can adopt one of our fine Lavos Spawns! Aren't they just the cute little buggers! Ooh, that one appears to be eating your brain! Ha ha! Aren't they just darling! Here, lemme flamethrower that thing off. In the meantime, why don't you adopt one of the little pookies!?

Luna's LSAA Adoption Form!

Filling this out isn't mandatory, it just tells me you adopted one, and where my little darling is at. I like to keep track of them, dontcha know. ^_^



Lavos Spawn's Name:

Lavos Spawn's Homepage:

Any comments you might have:

People Who have already Adopted!

Yes, one of the advantages of filling out the form is that you get the webpage where you have your little darling advertised here! The following people have lavos spawns!:

NameEmailSpawn's NameSpawn's Homepage
CursedBurgerTree_With_a_Mission@hotmail.comFuzzey Huggie Bunnyhttp://www.angelfire.com/mi4/cursedburger/
Tracyaquamite@yahoo.comNika http://www.aquaticas.com/eckin/about.html
Tomatotomato@starmen.netSenor Juanhttp://www.starmen.net/tomato/luna.html
Mojoman13 mr_mojoman13@hotmail.com Frederico http://kungpowbill.tripod.com/smonkeys/
RaSeb raseb1@hotmail.com Mr. Pindol http://www.fourside.f2s.com/raseb/index.htm
EBBoy buttflds-tops@mediaone.net Burutzagi http://miscell.topcities.com/lavos.html
Night Star becerino@hotmail.com Lavos http://www.geocities.com/XxElvenIcexX/index.html
Tyros omnifalconx@ignmail.com Soval http://www25.brinkster.com/tryos/

Now it's time for you to collect your little bundle of... er, needles! You can adopt a male, female, or FIESTA! spawn, the only differance being the female one has a pretty pink bow, and the fiesta! spawn has a sombrero and a maraca! :) So here's the code for it!:

Male Lavos Spawn

Female Lavos Spawn

Fiesta! Lavos Spawn

That's it! Just copy and paste that into your webpage, and it should turn out like the cutie below this! Enjoy!


Rawr! Screech!

I got MY Lavos Spawn From
Luna's Lavos Spawn Adoption Agency!

Rawr! Screech!

I got MY Lavos Spawn From
Luna's Lavos Spawn Adoption Agency!

Rawr! Screech! FIESTA!

I got MY Lavos Spawn From
Luna's Lavos Spawn Adoption Agency!

Song currently playing: World Revolution