Meditating Poo 1 sprite Mother VsT

The classic EB voices for your own using!

Okay let me think hereā€¦

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Hey there people! I’ve been looking around the Fan Games part of the forums and I’ve been listening to some of the songs for some games, and I couldn’t help but notice how similar the sounds/voices in the songs are similar to the voices in Mother games. When I compare that to my music, it makes it look like my music doesn’t belong in a Mother game, which is kind of a problem.

So I was wondering if there was a program to use to get sounds like the ones in Mother games, preferably M3. Any ones you’d recommend? Are there any at all, actually? I would definitely appreciate any help any of you can bring me!

sprite PrincessNoodlelimbs

  • !sitting frog

Forgive me bumping an older topic – but hopefully what I have to say justifies it! If the Forum Gods should see fit to smite me for it, I accept my fate.

WELL… knowing MOTHER fans, it’s never out of the question that someone might’ve coded an entire VST dedicated to MOTHER sound sampling. But I don’t know of one. So barring that, probably your best bet would be some intensive sampling. Naturally this won’t get you what you’re hoping for (And believe me, when I read this topic heading I was like I MUST GET THIS) but I think you could get partway there by using one of the many EB soundpacks that are available online.

That, or else maybe a SNES soundchip VST! With enough ingenuity, you could reverse-engineer the patches yourself. Sounds like a lot of work though. I’d be very curious to see what other MOTHER fan musicians use to make the fangame music you mentioned. Whatever it is, it sounds like they’re doing it right!

Just some musings from a fellow software-oriented musician :>

EDIT: OKAY I AM WRONG. It turns out the SNES doesn’t work that way. The SNES, I guess, does not have its own sound generating chip, but rather is itself a complicated sampler? I am new to this, my bad. In other words your options are: Samples, Samples, Samples; or Get Really Good At Engineering SNES-like Patches With Other Synthesizers.

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  • Pink DK

I don’t know elephant poop about DAWs or music production aside from tinkering around with Ableton and Massive, but this album comes with the EarthBound soundfont the artist created and used to make it. It’s only a buck for the entire album plus the soundfont, so if it doesn’t work out, you could always spend your next dollar on a candy bar to make yourself feel better.