Jeff sprite Rant about your favorite stuff

Write an essay or something

sprite OilFreak

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I enjoy ranting about stuff I passionatley enjoy. I figured you would too.


Here’s my favorite games from most favorite to less favorite:
1) Majora’s Mask (64 version i friggin hate the remake)
2) Minecraft
3) Mother 3
4) Metroid Prime 2
5) Super Metroid
6) Metroid Prime
7) Earthbound
8) Hollow Knight
9) Donkey Kong Country 2
10) Donkey Kong Country
11) Sonic Mania
12) Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Those are my actual favorite games btw lol

Anyways, feel free to share! You could rant about 1 thing you enjoy, just get your voice out there!

did you know there's an easter egg in the rules? it contributes nothing and is just silly, but I bet it remained a secret!

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Ok, I believe that (some) of the Ronald Dhal books are connected in some fashion.

For example, In James and the Giant Peach, the Old Man (who gave James the beans that made the peach giant in the first place) might be connected to or himself be Willy Wonka. His appearance is strikingly similar to Wonka’s, the effect that the magic bean had on the peach is similar to the effects some of Wonka’s candy (specifically the bubblegum) had on the kids. Finally, the book also mentions a CHOCOLATE FACTORY near the house of James’s aunts.

I have some more examples but I’m too lazy to put in one post.

Strike that! Reverse it!

sprite OilFreak

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Ok, I believe that (some) of the Ronald Dhal books are connected in some fashion.

For example, In James and the Giant Peach, the Old Man (who gave James the beans that made the peach giant in the first place) might be connected to or himself be Willy Wonka. His appearance is strikingly similar to Wonka’s, the effect that the magic bean had on the peach is similar to the effects some of Wonka’s candy (specifically the bubblegum) had on the kids. Finally, the book also mentions a CHOCOLATE FACTORY near the house of James’s aunts.

I have some more examples but I’m too lazy to put in one post.

Interesting! I don’t think Dhal would mention a chocolate factory for no reason!

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The notion of a Roald Dahl Extended Universe is kind of delightful, ngl.

Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

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Oh, the opportunity to talk at length about my favorite niche interests? Don’t mind if I do…

I love nothing more then to consume “bad media.” Things like b-list movies, outsider artists, and bad fan fiction. It started out as an ironic enjoyment of such things. Over time though i feel like I’ve grown to appreciate these people, these artists. They have bared their wrists with open palms to show a vision that they passionately believed in. It’s a pure form of artistry. I applaud them, the Neil breins, Tommy Wiesus, and even the ebony dark’ness dementia raven way’s of the world.

However, i do want to clarify that i greatly dislike media that is bad for the sake of being bad. Cheap soulless cash grabs. They are my BANE haha

List o recommendations:
1) The Room (How can i not)
2) Love on a Leash (Absolutely wild take on a “beauty and the beast” subgenre of romance)
3) Trigger Warning (So many layers to why this book is hilarious, Feels like it was written by a NRA lobbyist lmao)
4) Day of the Triffids (An oldie, but goldie, sci-fy in which so many steps had to be taken to make the antagonists a threat ALSO the plot twist revealing the Triffids weakness had me dying)
5) Yoko Ono’s music career (Pretenouis advent grade music that is absent of discernable substance is always an… interesting experience)

I can think of plenty more, but i just wanted to hone in on my favs.

I always seem to find my way back here!

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A boi who’s weird but still chill.

sprite OilFreak

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Oh, the opportunity to talk at length about my favorite niche interests? Don’t mind if I do…

I love nothing more then to consume “bad media.” Things like b-list movies, outsider artists, and bad fan fiction.

May I recommend any of the Ernest movies?