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Let's talk about everybody's favourite pansexual genderfluid timetraveling alien

sprite Fiddlah

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Okay so I don’t know just exactly how many of us are still into Doctor Who (I know Drake and Epoch have some interest in it) but I still want to get some thoughts out about the latest episode out.

Okay so going into this I’ve already have some… concerns regarding the quality of the episode. The Chibnall era has already bungled so many aspects that are synonymous with the show and plot arcs that its hard to go in expecting any guaranteed quality. Even Thasmin was just kinda thrown in at the end of the era and just not… given a proper chance. So let’s talk about this, the regeneration episode.

Okay so let’s start with the cold open shall we? Its overall pretty weak. It doesn’t take its time with establishing the scene and what team TARDIS are even doing there to begin with. But then again, there’s already cybermen on the scene so I suppose we don’t need to suspend our disbelief too much here, same thing for why the hole in Dan’s helmet and immediately cause him to start suffocating but at the very least get a little hint that he’s thinking of leaving when he stops to stare at the crack and that’s at least a nice piece of foreshadowing.

But here’s the thing, the fact Dan is even considering leaving comes right out of left field and while its arguably less forced than Yaz’s departure it still feels forced and that’s just… upsetting. Dan as a character was of to a great start when he debuted but since the original plans for series 13 were scrapped over the pandemic and flux was hastily draw up to replace it we’re never going to see his full development as it was originally intended.

Okay so Sasha Diwan’s master has managed to somehow evade death AGAIN and has taken the guise of Rasputin. Now Diwan really comes into his own in this episode as the master, wonderfully suave and maniacal in his acting and just sells the character. His best performance as The Master yet! The scene where he dances to Boney M.’s Rasputin will forever be a highlight of the era for me just because that level of showmanship is so in character (and yes, I am listening to that song while writing this why do you ask?) Even if the plot feels convoluted with the master basically doing the exact same thing in two different eras and somehow not causing some time-wimey shenanigans while simultaneously fusing with the doctor to ruin their image (the latter plot point was horribly glossed over and maybe could be explored a little more) but despite that it still gets on as a great master centric story.

Ace and Tegan on the other hand? Well I’m going to be blunt, they felt like bloat. They don’t serve much purpose in the story besides fan-service, like they could have easily been swapped out for any other companion and the result would be the same. As a matter of fact I would go as far as to say their roles should’ve been filled by Dan and Graham respectively, it would have given both a serendipitous sendoff which Dan in particular desperately needed.
In fact I would say this applies also to Rishad, Vinder, The 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Incarnations of the doctor. The first, 6th and 8th doctors in particular because none of the returning characters are from media staring them, its just a weird to think just how much has been shoehorned into this episode. I could almost swear Chibnal was so stuck for ideas he just had a dartboard of characters from the franchise and just added in whatever he threw a dart at. Its just… a mess.

And then there’s the pacing because ho boy, if you thought Flux was awkwardly paced, this is just a whole lot worse. Like even with the extended runtime the plot moves just way to fast for my liking. Even in what are supposed to be slower moments you just don’t get that room to digest the plot. A story of this scope really should benefit from a slower burn. Because you have more time to fill, you can take your time. Make sure each scene gets the time it needs to hit the way it does. (Kinda of an awrkward wording but I hope it gets the point across.) But no, it keeps going at this breakneck pace and breaks its neck because of the pace its going at. A good example is when the Master Doctor drags Yaz into the TARDIS and proceeds to attempt to ruin the doctor’s image, after the master gets a change of clothes it just jumps ahead to the to planets destroying each other instead of showing us how he does it.

And finally we come to the ending. Now its not perfect, but it very well makes a damn good effort to stick the landing. To be honest when the promos promised a “Reichenbach Falls” climax I was expecting the doctor and the master to mutually attempt to kill each other before leading into the regeneration because well yeah, a protagonist and an antagonist who are effectively immortal may feel like an undercutting of a climax like that you can still make it work; and well I felt like that wasn’t what I got. Regardless it was genuinely hard warming to watch the 13th doctor and Yaz spending their last moments together before Yaz inexplicably left the TARDIS (little weird but hey I guess we’ve got to make room for Donna Noble SOMEHOW) and watching that glorious regeneration shot superimposed onto the newly formed “Companions Anonymous” just brought it home.

And then. Holy roly-poly! Bam! David Tennant! DAVID TENNANT! DAVID --ING TENNANT! What a twist! I am crossing my fingers for a good payoff for this because man, I want to know, I want to know what the heck is causing a repeat regeneration. (Also what caused the doctor’s clothes to also pull off a first and regenerate with him instead of staying on him and you just have a newly regenerated incarnation in ill-fitting clothes.) And here’s hoping we get one!

Overall, while Power of The Doctor had problems, it still had its great moments. No sure where it’ll fit into my tierlist, if I ever make one, of 13th doctor stories but here’s to a bright new era of who!

sprite P.K. No

    I know nothing about Dr. Who, but I was introduced to it by my art teacher, who had us draw the TARDIS. I might look into the series, given how a few people have been discussing it.

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    Drake Inferno

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    SPOILERS (Even after all this time, I can’t get the tags to behave properly)

    I’ve talked about this a bit with Epoch, but while I’ve loved Doctor Who all my life, and continue to with every fiber of my being… It was very much time for the Chibnall era to end. So much of the episode, like a lot of Chibnall episodes, felt in some ways less like a progressing plot and more like a puzzle built to seem convoluted and mysterious once before it unwinds itself. Why were the Daleks even there? Why introduce a traitor to the Daleks only to kill it off? Why Rasputin, or the two eruptions across time? Since when has forced regeneration needed a TARDIS and a dang planet? What’s with the Master’s out of nowhere desire to become the Doctor and why is he so incredibly creepy about every aspect of it? Why is Graham there? I want to like the episode, I really do, but the more I think about it the more frustrated I am by the realization that it just kind of ignores the question of why anything is happening, acts like it’s very clever for solving a puzzle it established in the first place, and just… seems unclear as to why it exists. The fanservice stuff was cool, though.

    What is love, if not sharing food with someone, and then running away from that someone,
    as they chase after you, shouting “That was my food, give me back my food”?

    sprite Fiddlah

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    I know nothing about Dr. Who, but I was introduced to it by my art teacher, who had us draw the TARDIS. I might look into the series, given how a few people have been discussing it.

    Uhhhh in terms of getting into the show my recommendation would vary by country. If you live in the UK you can go straight to and jump straight into the revived series for basically nothing. If you’re living outside the UK, or wanting to experience older series of the show then I’m told britbox is pretty good.

    @Drake Inferno- You know what? That is a much better explanation as to how I felt about this episode. It feels more like Sherlock than Doctor Who.

    sprite Fiddlah

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    So Disiney’s brought the internation distribution rights to the new run. Uhhh I have mixed opinions about this. On the one hand, this doesn’t affect me and I’ll still be able to watch it for the price of a TV licence but I feel uneasy for people living outside the UK who aren’t going to recive the same luxuary.

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    So Disiney’s brought the internation distribution rights to the new run. Uhhh I have mixed opinions about this. On the one hand, this doesn’t affect me and I’ll still be able to watch it for the price of a TV licence but I feel uneasy for people living outside the UK who aren’t going to recive the same luxuary.

    There is no easy way to watch Doctor Who as an American.

    BBC America is a trash network. They mostly show American shows and they edit new Doctor Who episodes. They cut content in order to have advertisements… and during said commercial breaks they run spoiler filled promos advertising what is going to happen when they return from commercial break.

    I have literally emailed the BBC asking if there is anyway I can buy a TV liscense because I just want to pay one source to watch Doctor Who.

    As is, the best an American do is Brit Box (through Amazon or standalone) for Classic Who and HBO Max for New Who.

    Before this I was forced to pay a visit to some Swedish Pirates.

    I only own a handful of DVDs because of how much upmarked they get here in the USA. I get wanting to make a profit but for the most part I feel irriated and isolated by whoever has been running these things at the BBC.

    I do not like Disney on principle, however, I believe they are going to be offering ALL of Doctor Who in one place. Creative control will remain with BBC and RTD with input offered by Disney in exchange for Doctor Who being available in a lot of places.

    There is a interview from RTD before he was formally announced as the new show runner, where he had talked about wanting to do some spinoff series for Who in the same vein as the MCU.

    It takes a stupid amount of time and resources to make these huge corporate deals so my guess is RTD was already coming back and knew about this upcoming deal.

    I think it is too soon to think Disney is changing the show. I have found nothing to suggest they are taking control, other than some click bait articles with garbage formatting ambitious statements that have caused a lot of panic in the fandom.

    I think it’s important to look and see how Disney has treated the other propeties and IP’s it has purchased in recent years, specifically
    MCU and Lucasfilms.

    Disney kept Kevin Feige over MCU and Kathleen Kennedy over Lucasfilms.

    Feige has been brilliant and somehow the MCU has been able to make alot of enjoyable comment more than duds. It has its problems but from an enjoyment standpoint at least 3/4ths of the material has something good and worthwhile.

    Kennedy has been responsible for pushing Star Wars movies into production and filming with no planning or outlining for the future. I know some people love Star Wars and I do not begrudge them, but I saw the movies in theater and just was kind of agog…

    Regardless of the objective quality of their content, Disney has kept them in charge because of them being profitable.

    While RTD has done some stuff that makes me roll my eyes, I think Doctor Who will be safe in the foreseeable future.

    “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.
    Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
    -The Doctor

    sprite Fiddlah

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    No, I’m pretty sure it’s just going to be the revived series that’s going to be on the platform. That or just the new RTD run. And definitely not classic who. I’ve heard that disney would not take kindly to having such serials as The Talons of Weng Chi-ang on plus in this day and age.

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    No, I’m pretty sure it’s just going to be the revived series that’s going to be on the platform. That or just the new RTD run. And definitely not classic who. I’ve heard that disney would not take kindly to having such serials as The Talons of Weng Chi-ang on plus in this day and age.

    Ah, in that case then it’ll be the entire revival.

    Going back I did misread about classic Who and was a bit too excited at the prospect of easily seeing ALL of Doctor Who in one place.

    “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.
    Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
    -The Doctor

    sprite Fiddlah

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    Eyyy, Cleverdick Films just posted their latest instalment of his doctor who documentary. You should check this guy out, he’s supprisingly interesting to watch.

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    Eyyy, Cleverdick Films just posted their latest instalment of his doctor who documentary. You should check this guy out, he’s supprisingly interesting to watch.

    Thank you! I will give it a shot.

    So, how does everyone feel about the current Doctor? From what I understand we will get three specials in November 2023 and a Christmas spexial in 2023 where we get a full adventure with the regeneration after him.

    I find it a weirdly nice change of pace.

    At first I was not happy about Tennet because I thought for sure we would have more of the Rose Tyler “I wuv the Doctor!!!!!” (and that isn’t to knock Ten/Rose Shippers, if that is your ship I am so happy someone loves those episodes!) but it seems we will be getting some Doctor/Donna stuff.

    And seeing Tennet again in the context of Tom Baker playing the curator, and seeing how so many of the classic Doctors are there in the Doctor’s mind… it would make sense one of them would spill out from time to time. Especially as the Doctor never regenerates by choice and gets to play a lottery.

    “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.
    Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
    -The Doctor

    sprite Fiddlah

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    Its absolutely something that hit me from left field. When I heard the news of Doctor/Donna’s return my mind immediately went to “oh, maybe we’ll see some flashbacks throughout the coming specials of these two which will tie into Gatwa’s first story, Gatwa’s doctor will still be the focus.” or… Having those specials be Gatwa and Tennant bumping into each other and teaming up in a more classic multi doctor.

    But this.
    I swore at the screen multiple times when seeing this. If this is going where I think its going then that reminds me; wouldn’t Donna’s head explode if she remembered who the doctor was?

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    My biggest gripes about RTD’s inital run was

    1.)Wiping out Gallifrey.
    2.)The really unhealthy and non consentable relationship between Ten and Rose (A being who is tens of thousands of years old having a relationship with a teenager is just all kinds of squick).
    3.)Donna suffering a fate worse than death, simply because she was awesome and pushed past the limit.

    All three of those are debatable to some extent and I was shocked that anything involving Donna was going to happen with RTD’s return. I would not be shocked for the Time Lords kept killed off again or a return of Rose… but Donna was the last thing I expected. She was the only of 10’s long term companions to really keep him in check and the way she got removed and damned back to an ordinary life was just so cruel.

    That said, I am cautiously optimistic.

    Either way getting more Ten and Donna makes me excited!

    “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.
    Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
    -The Doctor

    sprite Fiddlah

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    I’ll tell you something.
    We’ll definately be getting a Rose.

    sprite PSIPooStorm

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    Doctor Who is the most underrated TV series of all time, even though it has a gigantic and dedicated fan base. It’s always been genius and it’s been going for YEARS. Allons y!

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    sprite Fiddlah

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    Ah, another Tennant Fan!

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    I’ll tell you something.
    We’ll definately be getting a Rose.

    I figured we would in SOME kind of way. I am not anti-Billie Piper Rose, I just really wish she would have had something more to her than jealousy glomping on the Doctor.

    I’m a bit of a hypocrite because of how much a sheer knocking out 13’s Doctor was. It still feels quite weird to say I think the Doctor is/was attractive, but hey, she’s a Timelady, what more needs to be said?

    Growing up watching Classic Who I had crushes on Romana and Ace, so it comes full circle?

    “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.
    Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
    -The Doctor