

I am at the part where you are stopped by Pork Trooper and he realizes you aren't the commander when he uses Bufferizer it freezes. I have a M3 Perfect MiniSD and I thought that might be the problem. I put it on my PSP and it did the same thing. Then, I put it back on my PC and played it on VBA-M to no avail. It has freezed before on my GBM with the M3 Perfect in different areas but it would always go past the next time I started it. Everytime that Bufferizer comes along, though, it freezes. I tried putting him to sleep or doing something that would keep him from using it but nothing works. I loaded the game with the M3 Game Manager and it defaulted to Hardware Support 1. I didn’t change it and I have played halfway through the game with little problem. Is there any thing I can do to fix this or something I could do to him to keep him from using that move? I really don’t want to have to start over.

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Then, I put it back on my PC and played it on VBA-M to no avail

What does this mean exactly?

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I’m think he means that VBA-M didn’t work either.


sprite Tomato

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No, I mean I need exact details.


I originally played it on my Gameboy Micro with the M3 Perfect. I moved the rom and save to my PSP. When neither of those worked I moved the save back to my PC and tried it there.

sprite Tomato

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I mean what happened with playing on the PC. What problems specifically did you have playing it on your emulator?

EDIT: Also, you may want to look at the flash cart topic, as I know the M3 Perfect has been problematic since day 1.


Oh, I’m sorry. I understand now. The only thing I did was fight him. I have it saved right before you crash the Pork Bean on Fassad's banana peels. I copied the .dat from the M3 Perfect and used Save Transform to turn it into a .sav. I am not using any kind of savestate at the moment. The only setting I have changed on VBA-M is for the controller. I got to the fight and he used Bufferizer and it froze. I can’t go anywhere else now because they have the tanks blocking the Clayman factory. I fought the couple of types of enemies that are right before you get to him and had no troubles with freezing.


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So it crashes on your PC as well? I could be wrong but that sounds like a dodgy ROM or dodgy save.

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Yeah, I have now tried going back with a clean rom and patching it again. I played it on VBA-M again and used the old save. I went through the fight, he used Bufferizer and no freeze this time. I beat him and it went on. Though now I don’t know how I can transfer the save back to my M3 Perfect. I want to play the whole thing on my Gameboy Micro; I just can’t get the save to work again.

sprite Tomato

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It sounds like when you first put the ROM on your flash cart, the flash cart messed up some of the data (which seems to be why it freezes/messes up for most people with an M3) and then copying the ROM back from the cart still left you with a corrupt ROM.

Anyway, your questions now are definitely best asked on the flash cart topic, lots of people there have had problems and discovered fixes for problems. They’re your best bet.


Thanks for all your help. I’m pretty sure now that the M3 Game Manager did something to the rom when I transferred it. That’s the only game I ever had a problem with on the M3 Perfect though. It works fine now since I copied it straight to the SD without going through Game Manager. I guess I’m going to finish it on the PSP because I can’t get the save to work again on the GBM.

I see you’re a fan of One Piece. I’ve been watching that for a long time now. I hope it never ends.