Problems with saving on Wii


I’m playing Mother 3 on my Wii using Visual Boy Advance GX, but it doesn’t save. This is the only game I’ve seen this happen with. I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Does anyone know what it is?

sprite UltiMario1337

Does it flat out give you an error message when saving, or does it say that it’s been saved, then when you reset, the file’s gone?

sprite Zasheir

  • mafia

I can think of a couple things that may help.

You could try SRAM patching the rom with GBATA, which makes the game change its save file format into something that VBA GX may have greater support for. I’m not sure if this would make a difference with the latest versions of VBA GX, but it may be worth a shot.

Secondly, you should make sure your SD card’s write lock isn’t set. There’s a little grey tab on the side of the card, and when it’s in the wrong position, it makes your card read only.

Another issue may be that VGA GX doesn’t actually write your save to the SD card until you return to the emulator’s menu. Thus, if you play for a while, saving at the frogs, and turn off your Wii while still in the game, none of your saves were ever actually written to anything.

If all else fails, you could try using an older version of VBA GX. I’ve noticed the save support on that emulator tends to vary wildly between versions. I know that 1.0.3 works with an SRAM patched rom, at least.

sprite RedShadow13

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  • saturnmelee
  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge

Zasheir’s third ‘paragraph’ is correct. You can change the settings in vba gx to auto save s-ram, which should fix the problem

Lurker extraordinaire!

sprite Chrissii

SOS Brigade Chief

    Hi there. I’m having a similar issue. The first two chapters of the game I didn’t have any trouble at all, but when I got to the start of Chapter 3, I saved, and loaded up the game the next day, and suddenly my save was back before going to Osohe again! I got upset and stopped playing for a few weeks, and went back yesterday to try again… Saved when the frog asked me if I wanted to in-between Chapters 2 & 3, exited… went back in and this time I wasn’t just back further, my entire save file had disappeared. Has anyone experienced something like this? I would think it was something in the settings, but the fact that it worked before just fine is really throwing me off :\

    Edit: It also may be worth noting that, the first time I encountered the problem (when it reverted to an older save, despite having saved multiple times in that play-sitting) I did not return to the Wii menu before powering down, nor did I exit the game at all. The instance that happened yesterday, when it completely wiped my game, I exited the game to the emulator’s main menu first, then exited the Homebrew channel to the Wii main menu before shutting down. Using VBAGX 2.0.1. Thank you again in advance!

    sprite Decepticon_Starman

    I can’t save at all. It keeps saying something like, ERROR! cannot open VGAX/SAVES and so I can’t save through virtual boy, and it doesn’t recognize it when I save in-game. what do I do?
    EDIT: okay, I figured out the problem. go into the settings menu and make sure you have the right folder to save the game into. the point and click keyboard is a little glitchy, so there may be typos in the save location. if there are, then there will be errors with saving and loading.