Please Help-Mother 3 Patch not working...

Not original Mother 3 ROM...?


Okay, please help. I’m trying to download the Mother 3 patch, but it’s not working. It always says…

Error: this is not the original MOTHER 3 ROM file.
Please make sure you have the original, unmodified
Japanese MOTHER 3 ROM, and run this program again.
The MOTHER 3 ROM is 32MB in size, and cannot be
patched while inside a .zip file.

I’ve also tried attaching it to a file called: wrg-m3.gba

THAT works, but the emulator won’t start that file.

Thanks for helping~


Update: Well, now, I downloaded a different ROM of the game, and it said it applied the patch. I tried it on the emulator, and it worked…except it WAS STILL IN JAPANESE.

Is there something I’m missing here? How much did Tomato translate exactly?


Never mind, it started working.



physically i’m pretty much the “bear” stereotype

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  • Double Rainbow
  • Radio PSI - 3 Years

Two things:

1) Please edit your posts instead of triple posting, especially when they’re all within thirty minutes of eachother
2) Please read the various FAQs/Guides posted here, because I can guarantee you it was answered already. (Also, if it says it’s not a valid Mother 3 ROM, then… It’s not a valid Mother 3 ROM.)