Jeff SW sprite Looking for Mother 3 save editor

im kind of far into the game but need to level up

sprite joeshmo

newbie here… (I signed up cause I just ordered the M3 handbook) – its been a while since I last played Mother 3, pretty much because Im stuck right before a boss battle (I use save states much more then save frogs) my party has just fallen into a well or something and I have a battle with a boss (a big snake I think) but my party members are not strong enough to win the fight, I get pretty far in the battle but its too strong for me) – does anyone know if there any save game file editors or save state editors out there I can use to change the stats of my characters? I know its cheating but I dont want to have to start all over…

I had to fight 128 JeffMans to get the Video Relaxant


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sprite joeshmo

awesome, thank you !