Skinhead sprite Dingoo A320

sprite ChaosX1022

I don’t know if you guys know what this awesome hand-held is but it plays GBA, SNES, NES, and some others I don’t care to say. Well I bought this to have all Earthbound(Mother) games on one system and I’m having a slight problem with Mother 3 it crashes sometimes during battles(thank god for save states) sometimes I forget to save before a boss fight and what not. Why do you think it crashes? Thanks Alot

sprite Pizzaman

    I saw the A320 and was wondering about it myself as an all around emulation device. I think unfortunately you’re one of the first.

    But one thing we can say is that that’s not normal behavior. It’s probably a problem with the emulator. If the A320 has in-built emulation and isn’t easy to update, you’re probably stuck until Dingoo (if ever) releases an updated GBA emulator.

    Since you’re here anyway, can I ask-how does the device perform? How much was it? Are the controls good? Aside from the freezing problem in Mother3, did you have any other problems with it?

    sprite ChaosX1022

    It really is a great little system it plays every other GBA game with no problem except for games made by Camelot(Golden Sun) but plays Mario Kart just fine. Like I said Mother 3 only crashes during fights and it doesn’t happen every time that’s just me nit picking I should be happy I get to play Mother 3 on a hand-held at all. The SNES is a little iffy you have to mess with the framerate a little bit but no big deal set Earthbound to 1 and you good to go. I haven’t came across any problems with the NES at all plays everything nicely and what not so no problems with Earthbound Zero. It also plays NeoGeo arcade games, Most Capcom Arcade games and there are some other emulators being made for it.The controls are pretty solid haven’t had any problems.Depending where you buy it from it will run you between $80-$100 bucks which is not that bad, once you put all 3 Earthbound games it pays for it self. One places you can check it out
    I picked this place because for one it’s an American company just in case any thing goes wrong with it and for two I paid 13 bucks for over night shipping and got it the next day. There is other places you can get it from for 80 but the shipping is either free or really expensive and the site might ship it from china and that could take up to 3 weeks. Also there is a web site with these great group of people who hack the Dingoo to make it better
    I hope this helps Pizzaman or anyone else that looks at this topic. Plus it is really awesome having every Earthbound game on one hand-held. Any other questions just post a reply and hope we don’t get locked.


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    My main concern is how it can play a GBA over the full screen and still apparently play a SNES game, which has a larger screen resolution. I’d happily pay the £60 it comes out at (provided I don’t plan to eat but oh well), but I don’t want it to be like playing it on the DS lite, where either parts of the screen are cut off, or layers overlap.

    On the issue of Mother 3, it’s a bigger game than most GBA games, and it seems to have different quirks on any emulation as a result. Your best bet is to keep on with those save-states. I’ve got a similar system going with EB0 on my DSTT; it won’t save, so I’ve got save states doing the work for me.

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    sprite ChaosX1022

    The SNES screen Looks Fine and you can plug the dingoo into your TV I haven’t had any problem with with screen overlaping.

    sprite Pizzaman

      Thanks for the info, ChaosX. I might just pick one up. Seems like a good alternative to The Wiz, for classic gaming people.

      sprite ChaosX1022

      It really is plus it plays flac music files and a crap load of video files and comes with composite cables so you can hook it up to your TV which is great. I don’t know how it looks on a SD TV but on a HDTV it’s not to bad it the SNES looks better on the TV through the Dingoo then it does with a real SNES.

      sprite ChaosX1022

      So I found out from a Dingoo forum play the game as it should be played do not use save states at all once you use a save state it will crash in the next battle or so. I can confirm this is true I’ve tested about 15 battles without using save states and no crashing but when I save state in about 3 battles it crashes. Yay I can enjoy Mother 3 plus I’m on Chapter 7 so I’m almost done.

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      Every time I see this device mentioned, I think of the Airbus A320. I wonder if that’s no (moon) coincidence.

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      sprite kev2355

        Ive got one and its great. The emulators arent perfect but now that theyve gotten linux running on it, there only getting better. Its as powerful as a PSP for half the price(For emulation atleast).

        PS. dont get it from thinkgeek. Go for deal extreme, its cheaper!

        sprite ChaosX1022

        yeah but if you go to deal extreme it comes from Hong Kong which it takes like 3 weeks to get it and what if it comes to you broken then what that’s like 6 more weeks to get a new one.