Jason Guy sprite The Mother 3 Guide

Anymore information out there anywhere?

sprite Moses

    So in a fervor of Mother 3 translation bliss, I quickly downloaded the patch, applied it to the rom, and in my fervor, I also bought the Mother 3 Guide, out of a desire to support Starmen.net for all of their hardwork (and also the Guide looks BOSS in the preview page).

    So I paid the $26.75 (that’s a lot of tax, btw) without hesitation.

    … And now I actually have questions about what I just purchased.

    Mainly, I know you’re supposed to have access to some sort of “secret forum” in which to view the Guide progress, but I don’t know how to access it, if it is even available, etc.

    Can anyone clue me in, or point me into the direction where this stuff is addressed? Thanks.

    sprite Reid Young

    Fangamer Mastermind

    [email protected]

    We’re working on the secret forum, we hope to have it up within a week or so. We’ll send you an email as soon as its ready!

    Also, that wasn’t tax, it’s $20 + $6.75 for shipping

    sprite Moses


      Thanks reidman.