Mr. Saturn sprite On Fangamer and Expansion

Because we love us some Chrono Trigger.

sprite Reid Young

Fangamer Mastermind

[email protected]

What follows is a longwinded post about Starmen.Net, Fangamer, the store, and where all three of them are going. This started out as a much more concise post (see the tl;dr summary below) but I wanted to explain why this is happening, so keep reading past the spoiler if you’re interested in the behind-the-scenes machinations.

We’re going to begin creating merchandise for other games soon. Expect Chrono Trigger to be one of the first

Forumly Foundation
The Fangamer Store is owned and operated by Fangamer, a company founded this year by myself and a handful of Starmen.Net staff/oldbies. Our goal is to rebuild Starmen.Net and then use the new site as a template for building communities around other great games. Unfortunately, to do that, we need money. Using Fangamer investment money, I paid myself and ROFISH while we spent the first half of the year designing and developing this forum software. There are still bugs (I’ll be getting to them eventually I promise), but we feel that this new forum is both a success and a solid foundation for the work which we’ll eventually begin doing on the site.

Unfortunately, development is expensive, so we had to stop coding once the money ran out (and ROFISH resumed college classes) and begin searching for a better way to generate money. You may remember that, a little less than a year ago, we tried putting ads up on the forum. It worked — the ads generated a couple hundred dollars of revenue — but it kinda sucked and wasn’t really ‘worth it’, so we left the ads behind after moving to the new forum. I won’t say definitively that they won’t return, but they’re not in the cards at the moment.

The Magical Uniting Power of Merch
We’ve sold merchandise through Cafepress since, like, 2002, but their stuff has gotten very expensive since then. Seeing that their base price for a medium-to-low quality t-shirt has risen to $18, we knew that we could create merchandise that was higher quality, less expensive, and lower cost (to you guys). We also knew we could turn a much larger profit on it if we did it ourselves.

We’ve always known that merchandise was a better way to make money; fans love it, and we (especially Jonk and I) love to create it. The best thing is that, unlike advertising, merchandise isn’t intrusive or irritating. In fact, people love it, which isn’t something you can say about “LOWER MY CREDIT RATING” ads. So after reviewing our Cafepress revenues, I felt strongly that starting our own store would be a worthwhile investment.

Store Launch wewp
Four months later, the store launched and we knew we were onto something good because the response was overwhelming. Sooner than we expected, we’ve nearly paid off our initial investment in the store. We’ll soon be generating profit that we can use to finance new merchandise and, more importantly, resume the redevelopment of Starmen.Net.

As you might have guessed, though, we can only take EarthBound merchandise so far. That’s not to say we’re low on ideas, because we’ve got concepts (and even mockups) for dozens of totally viable products, not to mention about a million shirt designs floating around in our heads. However, we want to avoid the impression that we’re milking EarthBound for all its worth (trust me, its a lot of work for a not-very-huge reward), even though the store is still very young.

Wanted: Cult Classics
More importantly, however, we realize that EarthBound only reaches so many people, and we can’t expect you guys to buy t-shirts every month for the rest of your lives. Well maybe you will, but hopefully only because you like the stuff we produce So while we love EarthBound, there are a lot of good reasons to expand the store by looking at other game franchises.

Personally, I’ve been a huge Chrono Trigger fan since the summer of 1995 when CT and EB were both released on the SNES. In fact, shortly before I created YANEB , one of the first things I ever ‘submitted’ to any site on the internet was a crappy colored pencil drawing of Crono and Marle I traced out of Nintendo Power. Since then, CT has always seemed like a ‘sister game’ to EarthBound, and fans of both series generally seem to appreciate both games.

Cut : Chase
All of this is a very roundabout way of saying “we’re expanding soon!” and that you can expect Chrono Trigger, which is being re-released on the DS in November, to be one of the first new games we’ll be bringing into the fold. This won’t happen overnight, but I wanted to begin preparing you guys in advance.

I would love to hear what you guys think about this. Are we greedy capitalist pigs? Are you even interested in merchandise for other games? If so, what games would you be most likely to support? Can anyone tell me with a straight face that there has ever been an RPG mechanic as awesome and well-implemented as the Triple Tech?

Even if you hate CT and have only half-thought about buying something from the store, I want to thank you guys for your excellence the awesome way you’ve supported this community and the store, even though it’s only been open for a month. Also, don’t forget to check out the new Onett pin sets and EB Yourself shirts ;D


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I think its awesome that the store is expanding beyond just EarthBound. I’ve actually been looking forward to other game merch since you first mentioned it a few months back. As for merch I’d like to see, how about some non-RPG SNES games? Nothing particular in mind, but that system did have some good games that were not EarthBound, Super Mario RPG, or Chrono Trigger. That’s not to say that I’m not interested in Super Mario RPG or Chrono Trigger shirts as well though.

Loaf's awesome avatar

my fantastic hair won't solve this problem.

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I'd wear Animal Crossing, Pikmin, and Katamari clothes, I guess. Probably nothing else. It's awesome that you're expanding, though.

sprite Jon Kay

Fangamer Designerd

[email protected]

Other games I am interested in personally (that I think could have some fanbase to it to sell merch) are:
• Super Mario RPG
• Banjo Kazooie Series
• Metal Gear Solid Series

sprite Kevin Williams

Fangamer Forum Administrator

[email protected]

I for one am v.excited about Chrono Trigger merch. I’ve dabbled in assorted CT communities over the years, but none of them were quite as cool as Starmen.Net (I think I unintentionally killed one myself, even) so bringing it into the Fangamer fold feels like a completely natural extension of our brand awareness. Can I have a Lavos plushie now? :D?

Man, Triple Techs are awesome, but they also imply a certain reliance on equivalent team-building — in other words, the attack is only as good as the weakest member, and can only be fired off at the rate of the slowest member. So if (for example) you’ve been giving all your Speed Tabs to Crono, then Delta Force isn’t going to be as efficient as using Lightning 2 and Antipode 2 on separate turns. Of course, you can also cause unbalanced upheaval in other ways, such as by not using certain characters so they don’t get any tech points, and eventually that will be your undoing when you’re forced to use those underpowered characters in specific scenarios.

That said, Triple Raid is good times.

Also, for some reason I was looking at the lists of games people were adding, and I thought of UN Squadron. Your guess is as good as mine. (You’re plane can’t handle it!)

Baseball sure is a funny game.

sprite Liz Bowes

Fangamer Cream Of Tweet

[email protected]

Other games I am interested in personally (that I think could have some fanbase to it to sell merch) are:
• Super Mario RPG
• Banjo Kazooie Series
• Metal Gear Solid Series

I love me some Metal Gear and I will stand by bringing it into the fold until my death.

How are we doing with bringing in Phoenix Wright, is that still going anywhere?


Man, Triple Techs are awesome, but they also imply a certain reliance on equivalent team-building — in other words, the attack is only as good as the weakest member, and can only be fired off at the rate of the slowest member. So if (for example) you’ve been giving all your Speed Tabs to Crono, then Delta Force isn’t going to be as efficient as using Lightning 2 and Antipode 2 on separate turns. Of course, you can also cause unbalanced upheaval in other ways, such as by not using certain characters so they don’t get any tech points, and eventually that will be your undoing when you’re forced to use those underpowered characters in specific scenarios.

That said, Triple Raid is good times.

Honestly in the endgame I feel like you’ll put out the most damage if you have the 3 indivdual units use their highest level abilities instead of pooling together on one. From my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, a good triple tech will hit for about 7-8k at top levels, whereas with your Flares/Luminaires/etc hit for about 3-4k each, so if you do three of those, it’s going to be much more than 7-8k. At the very least, it will be over 9000.

sprite Jatopian

only wishes to be psychic

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Triple Techs that didn't involve Crono sucked. I like me some accessory space, thanks. That was one of my three or four little gripes with the game.

But I do love me some Chrono Trigger and might buy something CT-related. If it's awesome. You guys can do awesome, right?


NeoPaula: I’m gonna marry this stupid jerk!

  • Dios Dance
Other games I am interested in personally (that I think could have some fanbase to it to sell merch) are:
• Metal Gear Solid Series


Fronz Kofko

The Wizard of Yendor hits! You die…

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The Neverhood.
(It also has a sequel called Skullmonkeys and a movie is being made for theaters and I am too much of a fanboy and I will shut up now about it)

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• Metal Gear Solid Series

Surgeon General’s Warning: Smoking cigarettes may help reveal hidden laser death-traps.

Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

sprite Kevin Williams

Fangamer Forum Administrator

[email protected]

Metal Gear

Metal Gear?!

Honestly in the endgame I feel like you’ll put out the most damage if you have the 3 indivdual units use their highest level abilities instead of pooling together on one. From my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, a good triple tech will hit for about 7-8k at top levels, whereas with your Flares/Luminaires/etc hit for about 3-4k each, so if you do three of those, it’s going to be much more than 7-8k. At the very least, it will be over 9000.

Really, really depends on the team makeup and the build at that point. One of the fastest battles I ever had with Lavos was using Crono, Lucca, and Robo — in that order — so that Fire Zone was in range to hit the right pod. The damage on a character-zone attack like that is massive.

‘Course, once you get to level ** it’s easiest to just give Ayla a berserker and let her go for the 9999 critical strike.

Baseball sure is a funny game.

sprite Katon

Space Waifu

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Gitaroo Man merchandise would be amazing, as well as Animal Crossing to second Kupo KK’s recommendation.

sprite Heidi Mandelin

Office Megazord

[email protected]

There isn’t enough good Animal Crossing merch available in America. Oh, the designs that could be made for that game…they would be beautiful.

I am just singing about Zelda and Majora’s Mask in the Milk Bar.

sprite Zade

    I would second more Animal Crossing merch.

    As for other games, one of my favorite series is the Mana series (Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, etc.), so some stylish merch from that would be spiffy-awesome.

    I'd also die over some merch from the game Live-A-Live, though that's super-freaking obscure for a site that would want to actually make money, so I'm not holding my breath on that one. =P

    sprite Reid Young

    Fangamer Mastermind

    [email protected]

    Well, considering how EB’s prominence has increased since we started growing in 2000, nothing is impossible ;D

    sprite nana

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    I’m with Zade, I’d absolutely love some Secret of Mana merchandise.

    I’d also love to see some Silent Hill, Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Mega Man, sheesh the list goes on and on…

    Time to get cracking reidman!

    EDIT: As for a CT t-shirt idea, it would be awesome if you could make a shirt that says “But… the future refused to change.”

    Trust me, I’ve seen this screen enough times to know just how much of an epic fail a game player can achieve, but I still love it.

    sprite nana

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    Haha Silent Hill merchandise would be awesome.

    Blood-soaked flesh-coloured T-shirts.
    Blood-soaked nurse uniforms.
    Blood-soaked shirts with pictures of flayed corpses.

    sprite Jatopian

    only wishes to be psychic

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    I do think you guys should probably focus on games that don't have good merchandise elsewhere.

    sprite Liz Bowes

    Fangamer Cream Of Tweet

    [email protected]

    I’m super excited about the idea of Chrono Trigger anything, I really hope this gets off the ground and we see some results soon!

    sprite Kevin Williams

    Fangamer Forum Administrator

    [email protected]

    I’d also die over some merch from the game Live-A-Live, though that’s super-freaking obscure for a site that would want to actually make money, so I’m not holding my breath on that one. =P

    Oh dude I loves me some LaL, so that’s two sales right there. I think that’s enough for a “limited edition,” eh? ;D

    Baseball sure is a funny game.

    sprite ZaphodBee

    This post brought to you by the letter 'kegs and eggs'

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    EVO, a million votes for EVO

    sprite Vyre

    • Numbers Badge

    I’d love to see your top-notch designs applied on other games.
    On that note, I’d like to see cool Golden Sun stuff. And… this is a bit of a stretch, but… what my heart really wants is Zone Of The Enders merch. I’d even buy a real Jehuty, no matter the cost.

    Ohh, and since we’re talking about cult classics, why not consider Brave Fencer Musashi?

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    On Fangamer And Expansion

    Eww, this isn’t DeviantArt!

    (Sebastian’s spinal trauma picture springs unwelcomely to mind.)

    Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

    Dr Shlub

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    Some AC merch would be swell!

    sprite Difegue

    Fjord, scary level 15

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    Use your money to base yourself in Europe.

    Else, Chrono Trigger goodness would be nice, and also…

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    Rooting for Chrono Cross.

    Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

    We have movie sign!

    • donor4
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    • ZAWA RRPS Loser

    I’m going with the sentiments everyone else are going for here:

    • Animal Crossing
    • Gitarro Man
    • Chrono Trigger
    • SMRPG
    • Pikman (not so much for me but for other hard-core fans)
    • Disgaea
    • Phoenix Wright
    • Katamari Damacy
    Zombie Bob Vila is trying to get into This Old House
    Steam ID | Myanimelist | 3DS FC: 3110-4381-5573 | AC Dream Code: 5200-2152-7786


    I say stick to more lesser known games. Careful with Square because those guys shut down the 3d fan remake of CT remember? If you stick to lesser known games and games by companys without a stick up where the sun don’t shine you might do better.
    I would really like to see quest for glory stuff. They just released a remake of 2 and I would love shirts etc.
    Evo I second tho I dunno how you would make that a shirt.
    Phantom dust!

    Wilhelmina Carmel

    Wilhelm Scream

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    Animal Crossing all up in here and deff. Chrono Trigger, lawl. Anything that would look awesome on a t-shirt (like everything), really.

    Elf Kitty

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    Chrono Cross!
    Silent Hill!
    Animal Crossing!

    sprite Difegue

    Fjord, scary level 15

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    I say stick to more lesser known games. Careful with Square because those guys shut down the 3d fan remake of CT remember? If you stick to lesser known games and games by companys without a stick up where the sun don’t shine you might do better.
    I would really like to see quest for glory stuff. They just released a remake of 2 and I would love shirts etc.
    Evo I second tho I dunno how you would make that a shirt.
    Phantom dust!

    They shut down it because they took the original scenario of the game, so you know, this remake may let fans know the story FREELY.
    I bet they was already thinling about CT on DS, that’s why they do that. Yep, Square is precautious.

    sprite ZaphodBee

    This post brought to you by the letter 'kegs and eggs'

    • sub

    CTnet is not dead, not dying, and not an almost was. We’re not about to give up just because what we’ve worked so hard to make has yet to be seen by the public. And we’re not gonna quit until long after we’re done.

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    Did the DS even exist back then?

    Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

    sprite PKSkyler

    • EarthBound Central
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    you guys should make some tight ass Captain Falcon inspired shoes, and name them “Falcon Kicks”

    sprite sunarashi

      hmm….my personal faves seem to be said frequently so far, but one I haven’t seen(or have not noticed) is pokemon. Especially ones related to gold/silver or even better, Red/Blue.

      sprite Liz Bowes

      Fangamer Cream Of Tweet

      [email protected]

      Pokemon already has an enormous fanbase with tons and tons of merchandising; Pokemon does not at all need fangamer’s help.

      sprite Queue

      Lying facedown in a city near you!

      • ruby
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      You guys are too hard on yourselves. “Milking EarthBound for all it’s worth”?! Considering no one in this country has ever done anything to date merchandise-wise, you’re not milking it, you’re doing an incredible game with an even more incredible fan base the justice it finally deserves. I’m one of the biggest EB fans I know and you have no idea how long I’ve waited to wear a t-shirt that had something to do with EB on it so I could proudly display to everyone else how much I care about a game that’s had a huge impact on my life. If anything, you guys should be cranking your merchandising into high gear!

      Don’t stop there either. You guys love EB too, so I know you have your heads in the right places when it comes to other games as well. Chrono Trigger is another awesome idea. I, like you, have also loved CT as long as I have EB and I hold them in the same pantheon of gaming greatness. CT is yet another game that never really got it’s time in the sun merchandise-wise, much like EB. CT probably has a bigger fanbase as well. So when fans of that game come to fangamer to buy stuff and see all the EB merch as well, you might even sway people to become interested in EB. Never a bad thing.

      Another game that I think you should focus on and could fit into the interesting game niche you have going, is Katamari Damacy. It may not have the same gameplay style as EB and CT, but it’s another offbeat and iconic game with little to no merchandise stateside to speak of. Can you believe that you can’t find a Prince or King of All Cosmos action figure, sticker, t-shirt anywhere? I’ve gone to Japanese import stores and they have little to nothing on file about the games merchandise. So that’s my vote. I haven’t met a single person who’s hated KD after playing it, much in the same light as EB. Something to keep in mind.

      Overall, I appreciate what you’re doing immensely and I see nothing wrong with making game related merchandise for a game that deserves it to support a site about that game. I’ve bought just about everything from fangamer so far (I just purchased EB Yourself and Pin Set #3 before posting this, lol) and as long as the merchandise you guys put out is of the same quality I intend to do so for the foreseeable future.


      fiery ball of fire

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      Chrono Trigger, DKC Series, Gitaroo Man, Contact, Jet Set Radio, Metroid (the old games), AND YES KIRBY HOW COULD I FORGET. PS: Bust a Groove & Umjammer Lammy

      sprite TheJorsh

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      well guys, I would say no but I can’t stop the entire website from doing this.


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      No meaning what?

      And Megaman is another series with a ton of already-existing merchandise. Heck, he even has his own energy drink.

      Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

      sprite TheJorsh

      • EarthBound Central
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      • I believed in Smash

      No meaning
      “This is supossed to be a EarthBound/MOTHER site. If you start making stuff for other series,
      the Nintendo reps that DO know about could report back to the higher-ups that we’re losing interest in the EarthBound/MOTHER series meaning if they thought about translating at all,
      even just a little bit, they can forget about it now.”

      this isn’t just MEGAMAN I was talking about,
      It’s Tron Bonne!
      Legends was another series they marketed bad, the game ended with a cliffhanger and a promise for a third game, and then they never made it.

      If you’ve never played Misadventures of Tron Bonne, you need to go buy it or download it.
      or if your really that cheap, you can just read about it and watch cut scenes.

      Ask Me About My Anxiety.™

      sprite R2guitarist

      Golden Sun? :/ Anyone?
      Bomberman maybe?
      I’d also go with SMRPG and Kirby Super Star

      sprite dsinger

        Sounds… Cool!

        Frau Landers

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        I never knew we were expanding our merchandise to other games too! That’s super exciting! : D

        I know I’d really like to see some more stuff for Phoenix Wright, Katamari Damacy, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong Country, heck even some Starfox would be awesome. XD I know this RPG isn’t TOO well known, but I would be tickled pink if I saw merchandise for Okage.

        HOLY DOOLEY!


        Murder by Massage

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        No one has said Metroid. I am disappointed in all of you!

        More votes for Animal Crossing and Pikmin.

        And as for games which are popular and already have lots of merchandise, I think there are still niches yet to explore in merchandise design. Specifically, I’m thinking about the Pokemon 151 line of T-shirts. There are truckloads of Pokemon stuff with cartoonish stock art that people ages 20+ don’t want to wear, but this particular aesthetic appeals to the adults. And has always been good at making designs that are subtle and stylish. What I’m saying is that we don’t have to rule out super popular things just cuz they’ve got lots of merchandise.



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        Wow, that’s…wow, incredible. But are you sure you wouldn’t be over reaching yourselves, trying to do all that?

        However, I do recall some sweet Pikmin slip-on kicks that someone had over at the Picture thread, and I nearly wet myself when I saw them. Can’t remember who it was, but the shoes were awesome.

        So yeah, I would say some Pikmin stuff would be pretty neat.
        And I…guessssss Chrono Trigger stuff would be cool. I’ve never played CT for longer than ten minutes, but it didn’t seem as merch-worthy as EB is. Like, the fighting-style of the game was cool, and the fact that there were ten(?) different endings was phenomenal, but you can’t really sell those concepts.

        they call him…the universe crimbus

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        No, but you can sell the memorable story, the characters, the enemies, everything there is to like about a game. Like you said, you didn’t play it for longer than ten minutes. If you did the same with EarthBound, you wouldn’t see anything marketable in that game, either. I wouldn’t judge a game that quickly.

        Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

        sprite NecrosaroIII

        • I believed in Smash

        Be careful, Reid. One of the reasons SM.N has been so successful is the lack of actual competition. There were no sites like this one for EB before EB.N and SM.N. By time people started getting around to making sites, SM.N was too big, so there was no point in maintaining them. You start expanding into other games and series, and you’ll find yourself already behind. For example, Chrono Trigger already has a big website: Chrono Compendium. You’re going to have to offer something they don’t if you expect to surpass them and take their userbase away.

        This is no Zaku, boy. NO ZAKU!


        I own Leather Sleeves

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        Seconding Pikmin and Animal Crossing, and since Gitaroo Man was mentioned, why not Ouendan? Okami? Meteos?

        Gah, you got me thinking up awesome cult classic games now :\