Flying Man S sprite Is There A Better Way To Sign Up?

Do I always have to confim email address?

sprite FlyingManCourage

Is there a way to “sign up” my email address at FanGamer store so that I don’t always have to confirm my email every time I want to get on the notice list for a specific product? The problem is, there are many products I’d like to “sign up” for and some even in multiple sizes/colors, so confirming my email every time for every item has become slightly redundant.

Is there any way to get my email “authorized” so that it recognizes me when I sign up for these notices? C’mon FanGamer, I feel like we are way past the confirm-your-email phase of our relationship. Did you get the flowers I sent you? We don’t have to play games. If this is about that time I said your sister was prettier then I think you took that out of context….

In all seriousness am I doing this sign-up thing, wrong?