Myna Bird 2 sprite Idea: Pre-orders

Let's buy stuff and get it later!

sprite Biiaru

    I was thinking about how much I want the Snow Wood hoodie and about how ready I was to buy a shirt or two when I thought, “hey, hold on a minute! Why can’t I pre-order one?” This would really be a great idea, you know. For one, you could accurately judge how many people wanted a shirt, and for two, people could make huge purchases at once without having to worry about making multiple orders days apart to make sure that they get everything!

    So perhaps for future products you guys can have a pre-order system? That’d be awesome and I’d use it, provided that the shirt or whatever was interesting to me! Though, then again, they pretty much all are…

    sprite AC

    That sounds nice! I’d be worried about everyone pre-ordering though, and when they did come out, there wouldn’t be any really left over. But pre-orders play things safe and personally I’d be for that. Wouldn’t want to miss out on any merch.!

    sprite ThreatenedFobby

    i would get preordering shirts and hoodies and all, but stuff like the pins and other limited-run merch should be how it is.

    sprite Kevin Williams

    Fangamer Forum Administrator

    [email protected]

    In before reid comes by to say something like, “how serendipitous.

    Except he won’t because he doesn’t know as many big words as I do.

    Anyway, stick around, cuz we’ve got something along these lines in the works.

    Baseball sure is a funny game.