Ness Robot sprite How about Mother 3 cartridge stickers?

sprite Redlandsman87

    I already asked about this is the M3 forum, but I just thought I’d recommend the idea here.

    Many of us are going to be applying the English translation of Mother 3 to GBA flash carts, obviously. And being a game thirteen years in the making for us, I’m sure everyone is going to want their first English play through the of the game as special as possible. And of course, as authentic as possible.

    Now, to have the cart as authentic as possible, it is of course going to need the M3 label on it. But how would we go about getting the stickers for our carts? Well, we could either go to a print shop and have it specially requested. Or we could buy a Japanese Mother 3 (for some of us, a second one), for full price, so that we could can try and take the sticker off or put the casing around the “guts” of the flashcart. This would just be a waste of time, money, and a perfectly good copy of Mother 3.

    So how about selling cartridge stickers? It would make things a whole lot easier for everyone looking to make a M3 GBA cart.

    How does everyone feel – Yay or nay?

    sprite prismra

      Yes! How can we do this?

      sprite Heidi Mandelin

      Office Megazord

      [email protected]

      I think the better solution would be for Jonk or someone equally as skilled to make a mock label that people can print out for free and stick onto their cartridges. I’m sure there’s some special sticker paper out there that people can buy if they want to go the extra mile and make it look really official.

      I suggest this because people will want the official logo on their carts, and that’s not something we can sell.

      I am just singing about Zelda and Majora’s Mask in the Milk Bar.

      sprite Redlandsman87

        Oh, okay. I see – don’t want you guys to get into any law suits or anything.

        A mock label would be nice, but does anyone have a scan of the official label that could be used? Sure, it may not be entirely legal to use the actual cartridge sticker, or any reproductions of it…but anyone who would even be using it has already done worse by downloading the ROM and pirating the game. Plus, many of us already follow the “honor code” by buying official merchandise and games, so what could a few stickers hurt?

        And while we’re at it, a scan of the Mother 1+2 sticker would be nice as well, since Mato and Co might possibly translate it.

        I hope I’m not asking too much of you all, and let me say thanks very much for the help.

        sprite AC/DC fanatic

          I’m a bit new here and I wanted to know how to dump the translation onto a GBA flash cart. I’ve been playing it, and I thought that this topic could explain my question

          sprite Redlandsman87

            No problem, but let me redirect you to the following topic. If it doesn’t answer your question already, you could easily ask it there and you should be able to get the help you need.


            sprite prismra

              I think the better solution would be for Jonk or someone equally as skilled to make a mock label that people can print out for free and stick onto their cartridges. I’m sure there’s some special sticker paper out there that people can buy if they want to go the extra mile and make it look really official.

              I suggest this because people will want the official logo on their carts, and that’s not something we can sell.

              This is what I was thinking. Does anyone have a high-dpi cart scan? Does anyone know the printed dimensions of a GBA cart label?

              sprite Jon Kay

              Fangamer Designerd

              [email protected]

              I wouldn’t want to make stickers (right now that is) because people will use them to try and sell pirated carts, such as many have tried to do with EarthBound Zero.

              sprite AlphaKnight

                I wouldn’t want to make stickers (right now that is) because people will use them to try and sell pirated carts, such as many have tried to do with EarthBound Zero.

                this is true, I had not thought about that.

                sprite Cringe

                  Indeed. Though it really is inevitable…

                  But as asked by prismra, do any scans exist so that we could at least privately make them?

                  sprite LynxRunner

                  • EarthBound Central

                  I could scan my Mother 3 cartridge and give dimensions.

                  As for people pirating them, would it make a difference? They’ll probably be able to find a sticker elsewhere on the internet and slap that onto the cartridge.

                  sprite Redlandsman87

                    Yeah, it’d be cool if you would scan your cartridge. And very much appreciated. ^^b

                    sprite Reid Young

                    Fangamer Mastermind

                    [email protected]

                    As for people pirating them, would it make a difference? They’ll probably be able to find a sticker elsewhere on the internet and slap that onto the cartridge.

                    Oh, they definitely will. We just don’t want it to be ours. Just because people are playing MOTHER 3 with ROMs doesn’t mean that piracy is suddenly awesome. We’re still against it, and we still want to prevent people from profiting unfairly from selling the game.

                    sprite prismra

                      I could scan my Mother 3 cartridge and give dimensions.

                      2nded! That would be awesome!

                      sprite Difegue

                      Fjord, scary level 15

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                      Wait, if guys began to sell fake gba carts, they will have to remove the red translation screen, right?
                      You should put a something on this screen that makes the patch unoperant if it’s removed, or something.

                      Silver Streak

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                      Theoretically, that is impossible, since there is always a way to remove any sort of copy protection that is implemented on anything. Some clever ROM hacker will eventually find a way to remove the screen, and that’s that.

                      I’m the only Koopa in the entire kingdom with a white shell with silver spikes and horns.

                      sprite Difegue

                      Fjord, scary level 15

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                      Yeah, well at least it will reduce the thing a bit…
                      Unless someguy release a translated rom without the screen.

                      sprite IWontGetOvertheDam

                        It’s illegal to give out something as your own that is owned by someone else, in this case, giving out a sticker with the MOTHER3 label on it. That’s why AVGN changed to Angry Video Game Nerd from Angry Nintendo Nerd.
