Fangamer Game Club Logo sprite Game Club: Okami

Kevin Williams gives Okami a rating of "BARK BARK BARK"

sprite Gerritt Rosa

Fangamer Podcast Host

[email protected]

The first hotly anticipated Game Club of 2012…


This is gonna be a pretty big endeavor but we’ve worked with some awesome dudes from the community to try and break this up into reasonable chunks. If you have no idea what any of this is, check out the FAQ below:

What is Game Club?

I thought it might be appropriate to restate the purpose of Game Club for any new participants/listeners considering we’ve made it through 9 games so far and it’s been well over a year since the first episode.

While recording the first 50 episodes of The Fangamer Podcast Liz and I found that there were several games podcast listeners would consistently bring up that were relevant to our weekly discussions but we hadn’t played. Lot’s of these games we had on our own personal bucket list of games to get around to at some point but we never really got around to doing anything about it.

Game Club was born last year in April from the idea that we wanted to get through that bucket list of games and improve on our “Gamer Street Cred” so we felt more comfortable speaking to larger gaming themed discussions on the podcast. To make that happen I borrowed a concept from other podcasts I listened to that would play through a new video game together over the course of a few shows, and chat about their experiences on that game in a roundtable discussion.

Much like a traditional book club , Game Club is a chance for the Fangamer Podcast crew and audience to come together regularly and try out a video game for the first time, re-visit games from our youth that are either critically acclaimed or have the potential to be considered a best in class experience, or share our love for a specific title with our buddies via forum and podcast.

We take notes and break down our experience analytically and discuss the aspects we enjoy, find tiresome, or find interesting with the podcast audience over several weeks of playing through the game and then record a podcast or two around that conversation.

Game Club is similar to the Fanfests that crop up every summer but the big difference is these games may be a bit more controversial in terms of how everyone enjoys them. We look at the games more critically, analyzing them for how they stand up today, would we recommend this game to other gamers, and does it really hold our interest in some way.

Past Game Club podcasts can be found here on our iTunes page but a quick list of those games is:

  1. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
  2. Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64)
  3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (SNES)
  4. Pokemon Red/Blue (Gameboy)
  5. Super Metroid (SNES)
  6. Paper Mario (N64)
  7. Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Gameboy)
  8. Psychonauts (Xbox)
  9. Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP)
  10. Sweet Home (NES)
  11. Cave Story (3DS, DSi Ware, Wii Ware, PC, Mac)

How do you choose the game?

In the past we would do a poll of several games we’d like to play and have the community vote on one and whatever won would be the game to play. We’ve scaled back this model as there are certain games we really want to play and plan to trade-off every few Game Club’s between our pick and a community vote. We also have a big forum thread where we take suggestions.

How do I participate?

There’s a number of ways to participate, the first and most simple is grabbing a copy of the game and just playing along with us and listening to the podcasts that come out on the show.

If you find, like many of our listeners do, that you really want to voice your opinion on the game and share your thoughts with other’s playing through, we suggest you post here on this forum thread regularly on anything that comes to mind. We often look to the thread for community opinions for our discussion on the podcast.

You can also leave the podcast crew a voicemail at 503-446-CAST with your thoughts as we get closer to a podcast recording of Fangamer Game Club. or you can tag anyway Game Club tweets you make with the hashtag #FGGC which let’s you see other Fangamer Podcast listeners quick thoughts on the game.

Lastly we are starting to do live casts of playing through the game, but read on for more details on that.

Game Club Schedule

Game Play Point Date
Start the game! Wednesday January 4th
*Opening to Forest Dungeon (Opening Dungeon, Hana Valley, and Tsuta Ruins) Wednesday January 11th
Gale Shrine to Orochi (Kusa Village, Gale Shrine, and Moon Cave) Wednesday January 18th
*Seian City Pt. 1 (Seian City, Sunken Ship, Imperial Palace) Wednesday January 25th
Seian City Pt. 2 (Dragon Palace, Oni Island, Seian City Again) Wednesday February 1st
*Kamui – End (any exploration/side quests as well) Wednesday February 8th

*Denotes podcast show for this Game Play Point

When can I tune in for the live podcast recordings for Game Club?

We record the podcast live in front of a audience here around 10 AM PST every Sunday/Monday. However, we tend to change that schedule a bit so check out our twitter where we will post updates before the show goes live.

Where can I find a copy of the game?

Platform Cost Notes
Wii $23.56 Heard the controls are a little wonky but still playable
PS2 $16.98 The definitive version

And to all you folks who put down “participating in a Game Club start to finish” as their new years resolution, YOU SHOULD DO THIS ONE. Playing along with Game club is a wonderful experience, I’ve played more games in the past than ever before and it makes you think about your experience a bit more deeply and perhaps… just maybe look at games a little differently going forward.


Shaolin Master Killer

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I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on this one, as much as I like Okami. I still don’t feel ready to replay this. It can be a huge time sink depending on your play style, and I don’t think I can play this game without an exhaustive mindset. I have all of the stray beads and could just breeze on through but it just wouldn’t feel right to me.

That said, I do hope a lot of folks get to experience Okami for the first time because it’s gorgeous and exciting, if not long-winded and repetitive at times. I’m quite looking forward to the casts about this.

I may be playing Okamiden around the same time however, as someone has given me a copy of that recently. But it’ll be outside the onus of a game club setting.

sprite General of Camilla's Army

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This GameClub officially starts the same day my new semester starts, so I’ll use the rest of my break to get a head start and knock out the first playthrough point.

I know I’m going to enjoy this GameClub and I hope you all do too!

My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

sprite Jovis

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Been searching high and low for this game in town the past few day, but the bargain-mongers must have already snapped them up.

Looking forward to this if I get the chance to start in time though, I remember back when it first came out the amount of front-cover press it got from various magazines, and for its time the artwork and graphics were eye-candy.

sprite September

Oh, perfect timing! Just started playing for the first time a few days ago. And I already love the game.

“Green green! Oops, that’s not it… I’m still new at this.”


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I had no problem with the Wii controls, they do grate on your wrist after a while, though. Otherwise the only thing ‘missing’ from the Wii version is one inconsequential scene in the credits. Using the wiimote for the celestial brush is very nice, although it does take a while to get used to the game’s testy shape detection.

Anyway, can’t wait to hear what everyone has to think about this game, because I am an immense fan of it. For those people who are playing it for the first time, get on it fast because each GPP covers a lot of work. It’s a 70+ hour game, less if you ignore the sidequests, but honestly the sidequests are the best part

P.S.: bark bark bark bark bark

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I was afraid I wouldn’t be in the mood t0 play Okami as it is such a time sink when its Game Club would show up, but after a few hours of Twilight Princess again… It’s calling for me. I have a New Game+ file save near Sei’an that I would like to finish that features an incredibly ridiculous broken Thief’s Glove that can probably kill everything but bosses and late game enemies in one-hit.


sprite General of Camilla's Army

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Gonna drop some HOT TIPS and explanations for things I don’t remember the game going over.

If you’re doing pretty well in a fight, you might have noticed a little red circle with Amaterasu’s silhouette. This is GodHood. GodHood allows you take a hit without being damage. You acquire them by avoiding hits and preforming combos.

A red circle indicates Level 1 GodHood, a yellow circle indicates Level 2 GodHood and a green circle indicates Level 3 GodHood. A skull indicates Level -1 GodHood. This is brought on by dying in a cursed zone, drowing in water or running away from a battle. I believe you take more damage per hit.

If you’re hit while you have positive GodHood, you will go down to the next level. You may have come across a Traveler’s Charm along your travels, this raises your GodHood up one level. GodHood does carry over between battles.

As a foe leaves this mortal coil, time slows down for him. If an enemy is attacked during their death animation with the appropriate brush technique, they’ll explode into flowers and drop Demon Fangs. This is called a Floral Finishers. They’re certain merchants across Nippon that sell you valuable trinkets and accessories for Demon Fangs. This items are usually very good and I would highly recommend buying them. It’s wise to get started early on Imps since they’re so easy to kill

Now for some HOT TIPS.

1. If you’ve been acquiring Praise, you’re probably wondering what to pour it in. Personally, this game is easy enough that health is never super big. I mean, you got an Astral Pouch and GodHood, so I’d recommend getting some more Ink Pots. Four, five, maybe six or seven, before you start really focusing on other things.

2. Bloom every tree (including the cursed ones that attack you), and feed all the animals in Hana Valley for a sweet item.

3. Fleetfoot is useless, do not buy it.

4. If you learn a skill from the dojo and successfully do it in front of Onigiri Sensei, he’ll tell you to do it again. You do not need to do this, you can just leave, but you have to done the skill at least once for him.

My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

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I’m in Tsuta Ruins already since I got a head start. Okami runs quite smoothly (60FPS) on a PS2 emulator, though I do lose some of the image processing effects that the game does to make everything look shiny and painted.

Mmmm...  fishsticks.

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About how many hours of gameplay will this game take? I’d like to play, but I’ll be pretty busy over the timeframe for this game club and want to know if I’ll have a hope of finishing.

sprite General of Camilla's Army

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It really depends on much you pour into sidequests. If you’re going for 100%, it can take a good 50/60 hours. If you’re here for the story and bit of exploring, low to mid forties.

My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

sprite Kevin Williams

Fangamer Forum Administrator

[email protected]

I beat Okami on my first run in about 35 hours, and my newgame+ run in another 35. That’d put 100% in a single run around 50-60, given that many of my hours were overlapping repeats of dungeons and such. But also, I wasn’t thorough at all on my first run — I never found any of the secret springs, for instance. So more careful audience members might find themselves hitting the forty-hour mark.

I myself have no idea how I’m going to track my time, much less how I’m going to successfully divide my attention between Okami and Skyward Sword… augh, dilemmas!

Baseball sure is a funny game.

sprite Gerritt Rosa

Fangamer Podcast Host

[email protected]

I just finished the first weeks play through point and I skipped most of all the side quests and didn’t doddle at all and it took 6 hours. A very reasonable amount of play time, and if you want there’s plenty more to do before progressing the next play point. Despite how long the game is said to be, there’s a lot of optional stuff, while fun, that can be skipped and experience later or whenever you have time.

So for those who are worried, that’s 1 hour a day starting wednesday and you are caught up for the first play point.

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I’m clocking in at about 4-5 hours from the start to clearing Tsuta Ruins. I’m now 6 hours into the game since I explored the next part a bit.

sprite PrimalDialga

Aw man, HUGE okami fan!!! Count me in! I’ve probably beaten this game about 4 times! (one getting every karmac and stray bead in the wii version) It has indeed been a while… I’d love to dive back into the colorful world of Nippon.

sprite General of Camilla's Army

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Clocking in with Rune here. Finished the Tsuta Ruins and going out of my way to pick up Stray Beads and get into tussels and I’m about five hours in. Having a good ol’ time!

My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

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dang it, I’d love to watch this…but sadly, Tuesdays, work day for me.

peep peep peep

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I WANT to play this, but I have so many games I need to push through from all the winter sales. It’s a great game though, and I hope everyone enjoys it.

ur gay


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I’m happy to have another excuse to finally get into this game. It’s been on my shelf for years, but for one reason or another I just never got around to it. Now that I am, I’m sad it took me this long. Still, it’s a lot of fun, and it’s one of those rare games centered around an art style that not only maintains that style throughout everything, including menus and such, but is still a well designed game. Difficult? Not so much, but that doesn’t diminish the gameplay at all.

Some of the small things I’ve noticed and appreciated:

  • The sky is actually a static pattern, as that of a blank scroll. No matter how you change the camera angle, the sky doesn’t change. It adds to that ancient legend on a scroll feel.
  • The loading screen features a mini game in which you either have to try to match the rhythm of the paw prints or push x (on the PS2 version anyway) as fast as you can. I may be wrong, but it seems like it gives you demon fangs for the trouble.
  • Even the bestiary has each entry unroll like a scroll, not to mention the consistent art style of each.
  • Incorporation of a lot of Japanese culture, from the architecture and character designs to the legends themselves. This is especially evident in the names of the various characters.
  • Starting a fight merely uses a radius around where the fight is triggered, using the terrain just as it is outside. It really goes a long way to feeling like some standard RPGs do where you are forcibly yanked from the overworld into some other place to do your fight, then returned upon resolution.
  • Finding the Clovers hidden in various places seems to be a reference to Clover Studios. A nice touch, indeed.

I’ll probably note a few more things I find interesting, but overall I’m extremely pleased with this game.

sprite butsukoy

    I played this game a while ago upon the recommendation of the community and I found myself not as into it as I thought I would be. I might have set my expectations too high, but nothing in particular stood out to me and I never got that fulfilling feeling while playing. It was Chrono Trigger all over again. I can admire the art style and see that it’s well made, but it just wasn’t clicking for me, yet it’s Zelda with doggies so I should theoretically like it. I supposedly stopped halfway through, so I’ll give it another shot where I left off and see if it’s me or the dog.


    sprite Gerritt Rosa

    Fangamer Podcast Host

    [email protected]

    The mini-game loading screen demon fang thing is really smart, I remember the long load times on the PS2, which for Okami really aren’t that bad, even when compared to modern games today. I’ve managed to get a few demon fangs off the mash the button screens but none off the timed paw print screen.

    Also if you use finishing moves from your brush to kill bad guys, even if they are in the process of dying, you can usually get a demon fang.

    sprite General of Camilla's Army

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    For Wii users, the loading screen minigame that Arlin and Gerritt speak of is not for us. The Wii loads faster so it became useless.

    My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

    sprite teknomaniac

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    Also if you use finishing moves from your brush to kill bad guys, even if they are in the process of dying, you can usually get a demon fang.

    So there’s a trick to this – certain demons have a brush technique that they are weak against, so if you use that against them as a finishing move, then they’ll drop Demon Fangs for you. I believe there’s a guide on GameFAQs for it (in fact, you may find it here so enjoy!), but it’s more fun to discover which technique is strongest against which enemy.

    sprite Puppyduck

    • fanvatar1

    I’ve managed to get a few demon fangs off the mash the button screens but none off the timed paw print screen.

    I never bothered to check – does getting demon fangs from loading screens actually add them to your inventory? Or is it just intended to be somewhat entertaining?
    Finally picked up Brown Rage a few days ago, my life is complete.

    edit: huh, I guess it does. Cool.

    <emily> you post like the voltron team of spaz.

    sprite Kevin Williams

    Fangamer Forum Administrator

    [email protected]

    The demon fang loading screen trick only works on the PS2. But the game loads a lot faster on the Wii, anyway. :smug:

    Actually, I barely got any demon fangs on my first run — I couldn’t work out how to do the floral finishers, and I didn’t get the humiliation moves until I was deep into the game (past Sei-An City at least.)

    Baseball sure is a funny game.

    sprite Gerritt Rosa

    Fangamer Podcast Host

    [email protected]

    January is going to be a busy month for me (going on a trip an moving at the end of the month) so I’ve been playing ahead. I’m on the moon cave right now and will probably finish it up tonight. That said, I’ve really enjoyed the experience so far, it’s really a beautiful game. It’s art style has helped it age well.

    I’m somewhat surprised to see comments here and else where that people couldn’t really get into Okami, I feel it takes a nice departure from the typical Zelda style game but adds the right elements back and removes the stuff that makes Zelda feel so redundant.

    Also I thought the brush strokes mechanic would get annoying but I actually really enjoy it, especially whenever I get to bloom one of the trees. So purty…


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    It’ll be interesting to see where you end up on this one, because Okami does have its fair share of redundancy. But overall, it’s great to see you have much positive energy about it.

    Maybe it’s dangerous to use an umbrella term like “Zelda style,” although Okami and some Zelda games do share similarities I find Okami is unique enough that it must be weighed on its own merits before it’s weighed against similar games. I can see where people might not get into it, while the various finishers help keep you on your toes and the battles are usually pretty exciting the game can at times be fairly repetitive. It doesn’t matter how gorgeous the game is if the player just isn’t feeling it, yeah?

    sprite Gerritt Rosa

    Fangamer Podcast Host

    [email protected]

    True but I guess because I’m worried about finishing each point with time to spare, I mostly just skip random battles.

    sprite redbeard

    I’m entirely new to fangamer but I’ve been listening to old podcasts and realized all the awesome fanfests and game clubs I’ve missed… so I’m psyched to join in on Okami.

    all these games are old enough to have a wealth of information on gamefaqs – when you do these things, do people generally abstain from using guides?

    I remember, when Ocarina of Time came out, trading information on forums and IRC about heart pieces or skulltulas. it was a lot more fun to ask questions of other players than to look it up myself. strangely, it felt more rewarding as well, even though it was second-hand information…

    sprite Gerritt Rosa

    Fangamer Podcast Host

    [email protected]

    Guide use is entirely up to you, I know I’ve used guides off and on when I get stuck since I need to keep up with the schedule but it’s not a requirement that you play without one.

    That said, I remember most forum threads being like the situation you recall, posting tips on what we’ve learned and asking questions. It’s nice, it somewhat replicates the feeling of it being new again.

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    Any decently popular game out will have extensive guides on GameFAQs within a couple months of launch.

    I’m not really planning on using a guide since this is the second playthrough.

    sprite Xaiph

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    I just finished the first game play point, and I have to say I love all the details in the art. When you bloom a Guardian Sapling, the scenes that show the area being purified really make it feel like they're exploding with life. It really adds to the experience. Issun and Susano are probably my favorite characters at this point. They’re always saying something ridiculous…

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    I want to point this out because I’m not quite sold on it. What do people think of Okami’s brush stroke quick time events? Many times over the course of the game you run into some scene where the game pauses in the middle of a cutscene and you’re forced to do a slash across the screen. On one hand, I feel that they add interactivity to the cutscenes, but you don’t really get anything other than an opportunity to try again for failing them or any rewards for succeeding.

    sprite General of Camilla's Army

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    I feel like they’re thrown in there for plot. In terms of the Susano scenes, he can’t defeat all those imps, Ammy’s gotta help him out. Same with Mr. Orange. His dance awakens some leaves, but it’s Ammy who has take Bloom the buds. I can’t think if any point where Ammy uses the brush herself with no player guidance, making you feel as if you are the only truly changing this world.

    On the other the Konohana blooming made me ragequit my first try.

    Edit: Susano is p. much Falcon24. His first line? “I’m…the greatest.”

    My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

    sprite Kevin Williams

    Fangamer Forum Administrator

    [email protected]

    Phew… I just beat Skyward Sword. Now I can finally get my bark on.

    Baseball sure is a funny game.

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    Since I have a PS2 save in Kusa village, I’ll start playing tomorrow.

    ur gay

    sprite Phazon_Chaos

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    Man, I didn’t remember the Gale Shrine being so incredibly short. There was a lot you had to do leading up to it, but once you get there you’re already at Crimson Helm before you even really feel like you’ve done much.

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    Okami does 90% of the game mechanics right. I just beat Orochi and I loved that the entire dungeon before it was a test of every brush technique and every mechanic that the player had learned up to this point. Everything from the characters Nagi and Kushi to the music and the gameplay came together in that boss battle.

    The last GPP did have some low points: Backtracking halfway across the world in search of dogs was… eh. It was a neat way to give you some foreshadowing for the moon festival, but it all felt kind of tedious to me. I also struggled with the camera controls in the ball rolling part of Moon Cave.

    still beautiful

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    the only complaint I can remember having from Okami (since you reminded me) were the lousy ball rolling mechanics. I feel like gameplay was sacrificed in order to appease the artstyle in the case of those nefarious orbs of frustration.


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    Those orbs were the bane of my existence

    ur gay

    sprite Kevin Williams

    Fangamer Forum Administrator

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    But the snowball-rolling minigame! So awesome.

    Baseball sure is a funny game.

    sprite Sodon


    I haven’t hated a game character so much since Navi. Actually, I don’t hate Issun. He’s a cute little guy. I just hate that video game designers no longer trust the player to figure anything out on their own. This trend seemed especially bad during the late 90’s through the mid 00’s, and is really best illustrated if you watch at least twenty seconds of this:

    There are so many beautiful things to discover in the world of Okami, and the game abjectly refuses to let you discover them without stopping everything for Issun to go, “HAY LOOK AT THIS BRIDGE YOU SHOULD TRY CROSSING IT!!” It’s not even just gameplay tutorial stuff. You, as Amaterasu, are bringing the world back to life in new ways, and the game’s visual style comes alive (literally) as the world blooms. And then Issun has to open his big fat mouth and explain that your actions are bringing the world to life, as if that wasn’t freaking obvious. I don’t know if he ever stops doing it, but I’m 6 hours in and he hasn’t yet.


    Game developers still do this, no doubt, but I suppose if I’m choosing between the lesser of two evils (1. unskippable cut-scenes that interrupt the action for tutorial bullcrap or 2. intrusive tutorial windows that tell you to press buttons), I have to choose the way it’s done now.

    It’s almost enough to ruin Okami for me though. So much “Telling, not showing,” driving me up a wall.

    sprite Dovakhiin

    There’s also the fact that Issun has an actual backstory that was interesting, making me genuinely care about him by the game’s end, haha.

    Oh no, I spelled it wrong! Tumblr

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    Personally I don’t like Issun for the first 3rd of the game. He’s really annoying and the things he says make me cringe. By late game he’s not so bad though.

    ur gay

    sprite General of Camilla's Army

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    Issun really isn’t likeable in the first third of the game at all. He blatantly says he’s there to steal the brush techniques for himself and combined with him stating and repeating the obvious, he’s not that great.

    In the third act, his character becomes a lot more fleshed out, far more than any Zelda helper. He actually has a family and friends! What a concept for a character!

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    So, apparently the game accounts for the player trying to be a jerk. I was at the festival where they were launching fireworks, and I tried to put the sun in the sky:

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    What are people’s preferred weapons combinations right now?

    I went with my main as either mirror or sword and my secondary as beads to have both a ranged and melee attack.

    sprite Dovakhiin

    I’m a sword/bead guy myself. Get in close for few hacks and slashes, and rapid fire some bullets to pick off any HP left. A good balance, I would say.

    Plus the swords in this game are awesome.

    Oh no, I spelled it wrong! Tumblr

    still beautiful

    Once upon a time I was the best and that never changed.

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    I like using the reflectors as main weapons sometimes, but whenever I can I use glaive because they’re way more powerful and the slowness never impacted me too much anyway. I hate using beads as primary and I almost exclusively use them as secondary.


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    I use reflectors and beads. Just used to it, but I think I swapped out my beads for a sword when I got one on my last plays.

    ur gay