Fangamer Podcast Logo sprite Fangamer Podcast #98 - Thankful for in Gaming

Part 2

sprite Gerritt Rosa

Fangamer Podcast Host

[email protected]

Around this time last year we had a Thanksgiving Podcast where we all shared what we were thankful for in the world of video games.

I think it’s time to bring this back again, and see what you, the podcast listener, are thankful for this year in the world of video games?

We record this on Tuesday next week so you’ve got some time to think about it before we read through the thread and discuss on the podcast.

sprite Durp676

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I’m thankful for Steam, allowing me to get ridiculous deals on games I’ll never end up playing.

sprite Lauramw

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As someone who’s about to be eyeballs deep in student debt from taking 3D animation classes, I’m thankful that the industry has been weathering the financial climate so well. I was chatting to my program advisor the other day and he mentioned that Modern Warfare 3 made something in the neighborhood of eleventy jillion dollars.

If I can learn the skills well enough and I’m willing to go where the work is, there’s better chances for me in the video game industry than other related fields. Not saying that it’s some all you can eat job buffet, but work is there for the people who can do it, which beats some other industries right now. For that, I can definitely give thanks.

(Please hire me, Video Game Makers. I’m serious about that student debt, Sheridan ain’t cheap.)

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  • Kind of looking at this from the opposite side of Lauramw’s post, I am thankful for the dev team and their contributions to Story of a Lost Sky. Without their hard work, I would have never gotten to this stage, having worked on Story of a Lost Sky for three years now. We’ve gone from this to this to our current version.
  • I am thankful for the constant stream of creativity coming out of the Touhou fan community. This was recently released at Comiket 80 and serves as a source of inspiration that fans can do amazing things.
  • I am thankful for everyone who has played and given us feedback on our project. That constant feedback cycle has allowed us to improve the game and address problems we’ve never forseen.
  • Lastly, since anime has been discussed many times on this podcast. I am thankful that this year, the Standing Committee for Coordinated Simultaneous Anime Viewing (SCCSAV) started. It was really Vucub who spearheaded the effort, so I want acknowledge his contribution. SCCSAV was a way to bring people together from the online anime community to watch episodes together synchronized over VOIP software like Skype. I run three viewings with a handful of people from Fangamer’s community including the Iyashikei Mondays viewings. While I’ve usually watched on my own, the social aspect of watching anime together has added a lot of fun to the activity.

sprite ChaoticLemming

Currently I am most thankful for region free hardware. I’m currently living in Japan, which makes a number of my consoles utterly worthless right now (as far as new content), but my PS3 and original DS are keeping me in the game. The DS library is drying up, but there are plenty of Japan exclusives I can still check out. I even brought my old Game Boy, perhaps the earliest example of region free hardware, and picked up a Japanese copy of Link’s Awakening (or “The Dreaming Island”) for $10!

On that note, I am very thankful for the abundance of inexpensive used games in Japan. I have a Japanese Super Famicom and there’s plenty of cheap, quality content readily available and in quite good condition. I’ve recently picked up Front Mission, Star Fox, and Fire Emblem, all boxed and with manuals, for under $10 each. If you’re into retro games this is a great country to be in.

In a more general sense, I may be most thankful for video game music. It makes up most of the soundtrack of my life, and has greatly influenced my taste in music. I think video games provide an excellent medium to challenge composers because they need to create music that sounds fresh even after it has looped dozens of times, and they often need to score lots of unique scenarios and stretch their horizons. Yasunori Mitsuda’s breakout work, Chrono Trigger, illustrates these points very well. The piece “Secret of the Forest” contains five unique sections in just over two minutes, so that by the time we return to the A section we’re ready to hear it again, and at least for me, this feeling has lasted for over five playthroughs of the game. Additionally, the soundtrack is about as varied as they come, necessitated and fueled by the sprawling, time-traveling nature of the story it accompanies. Video game music that succeeds in this way simply intoxicates me, and I find it hard to imagine what my iTunes library would look like without it.

Guess what? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself?

sprite Harlequin

    I am most thankful for the Fangamer podcast, but, that is probably not what you were looking for.

    I am thankful for trophies. (I use a ps3) Trophies make me feel like the time I spent playing a game accomplished something. I was just listening to podcast #21 about aging and gaming, and it is true that as I grow older my time seems more and more valuable- so much so that I often spend a good deal of time just thinking about how I should spend my time!

    I am thankful for easily accessible and affordable downloadable games. I’m thinking about the $10 range and indy developers, like the game Flower, where you can try something new and just have fun. Also the ability to buy games like FF Tactics on the ps3. (though if we had a wishlist thread it would be for more universal backwards compatibility)

    I am thankful for my SNES holding up after all these years. It was my first major Christmas present that I had to share with my little brother, even though he could barely hold a controller. Now, at age 30 I still pop in Earthbound or Zelda or Actraisers or Super Metroid and feel instantly relieved of all my grown-up stress. The fact that I can just blow on the cartridge and everything will work is so simple and nostalgic.

    You hear the stories of kids who were “raised by wolves” but I was raised by videogames like Earthbound. The camaraderie and warmth I feel from this community of gamers is something like a role model for me, and for that I am truly grateful.

    ETA- I totally agree with ChaoticLemming on used games and soundtracks! Those are really good points!

    sprite SuperSpeedy

    A Living Oxymoron

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    I’m thankful for the Indie game scene exploding in such a large way. Without it, we wouldn’t be getting such great games as The Binding of Isaac, Stealth Bastard, Cthulhu Saves the World, and others. Similarly, I’m thankful for Steam and the Humble Indie Bundles for making them so easy to acquire.

    sprite butsukoy

      Thank you Pokemon for still being my friends.

      In the end, I’m just thankful to have video games be my favorite hobby. It has the ability to bring others together as well as provide me a portal to another world for me to explore. To be privileged enough to enjoy this is pretty good stuff. So, thanks gaming for giving me all the hours of entertainment you have given me over the years and will continue to in the future.

      sprite Jyooruje

      I’m thankful to have video-games, video-games music and video-games merchandising (on this one im thakfull to fangamer as well) .

      sprite Jovis

      either wrong or drunk

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      There is one thing I’m thankful for this year: Super Metroid Game Club

      Never has a game gone from unknown in my rader to a top 5 favourite in the “games Jovis likes” list, and is already the game that I’ve completed more times over than any other. Everything about it is just so good, and even after I had disregarded the Metroid series as “alright” from playing Prime: Echoes. So big ups to the quality of the game, and to the quality of the debate that went on for that game (which has remained consistant following).

      Expanded love for Super Metroid found here

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      I’m really thankful for the Nintendo DS this year.

      I think this year especially, it has kept me company on my commutes and I have played and received a lot of great games this year: Most notably is Radiant Historia which I think everyone wants me to stop talking about, I beat Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, and Ghost Trick. Although still on the backlog, this year I obtained the Japanese version of Hotel Dusk (did I mention I’m also thankful for region-free handhelds, 3DS?), Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey and Final Fantasy III.


      sprite DrThePunisher

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      Stick with me on this one. I’m (kindof) thankful that Nintendo is struggling right now. Don’t misunderstand what I mean here. Nintendo has a special place in my heart and I’m 100% confident they will recover with flying colors. I’ve been a Nintendo fan all of my life and want them to succeed because they have made and continue to make games and systems that I enjoy. However, Nintendo has the frustrating history of innovating with some amazing cutting edge tech, while still being woefully behind on others. They make incredible games while still leaving out important elements that are basically industry standards. (ie. no online for Star Fox 64 3D) They have always operated on a “we do what we want to” attitude, and it would be nice to add to that “we do what gamers and fans want as well.” (ie. Earthbound on VC or a single unified profile for Nintendo systems like Xbox LIVE)

      I’m only thankful for their struggles right now, because I’m hopeful they will learn some valuable lessons that will improve their products in the future.

      DrThePunisher – Wii U / Twitter / Steam | DrThePunishr – Xbox 360 | 3DS: 1349-5542-7446

      sprite Xaiph

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      I’m thankful for pick-up-and-play games and orchestrated video game music. Easily playable games are nice because I don’t necessarily need to be in to mood to play them; I find myself increasingly busy with things, and they are a nice break. There has been an increase in the amount of orchestrated video game music: the Legend of Zelda symphony, Symphonic Legends, etc. They are all beautifully arranged, and show the depth that lies in the simple tunes of games.

      sprite Gerritt Rosa

      Fangamer Podcast Host

      [email protected]

      And here is a link to the podcast recording for this show

      We were going to do a live stream but my Soundflower doesn’t like me or my computer anymore so we couldn’t make it happen.