Fangamer Podcast Logo sprite Fangamer Podcast #110 - Games That You Wish You Could Be Into, But Simply Can't?

Like a specific title or genre of gaming, that you or others believe should be your thing, but just isn't?

sprite Matt Hawkins

Fangamer Podcast


Surely this has happened to you: there’s a game on the horizon that looks and feels like something else you really dig, or which simply simply looks up your alley. But once you give it a spin, things just don’t click?

Or perhaps there’s a title that all your buddies are way into, and because you all share common interests and tastes, you’d think you’d be all over it as well. But cannot? Or maybe there’s something that you should like, but in fact kinda hate?

If you know what that’s like, please spill your guts! We’ll be talking about it, during our next podcast. And better yet, feel free to tell us by leaving us a voicemail, cuz we love playing them on the air! That number, as always. is 503-446-CAST.

sprite Chrononaut

Great topic! For me, Skyrim is a prime example of one of these games.

I’m not exactly sure what it is about Skyrim that prevents me from wanting to return to it over and over again. Part of it could be due to the fact that 2011 also saw the releases of Portal 2, Uncharted 3, Batman: Arkham City and Zelda: Skyward Sword, all of which are tighter and more polished experiences than Skyrim. Plus, the game has thus far failed to change my view that first-person games work better with guns rather than swords. It’s a wonderfully designed game, to be sure, but I’ve found that I’d rather sit down and play a different game rather than the Elder Scrolls V. Even I have to admit, though, that slaying dragons ended up being pretty cool.

The Final Fantasy series is another prime example. I’ve started a few of them, and I’ve found that I’d rather just continue my New Game+ on Chrono Trigger or tackle Earthbound or Mother 3 again. I didn’t grow up with Final Fantasy, so that might be part of it, too.

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-Michio Kaku, Wired Magazine, August 2003


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^ Agreed on Skyrim, not so agreed on Final Fantasy…

Anyway, I don’t play Minecraft. I don’t play Left 4 Dead. I don’t play first-person shooters in general. In fact, I’d probably be content playing Super Nintendo for the rest of my life. People see me playing video games all the time, and they’re all “hey so you have an Xbox, right? Lets play blank.” or assume that because I’m a gamer I must like first-person shooters, when frankly, I don’t give a crap about ’em. :O

That’s not to say there aren’t exceptions. Who wouldn’t love Portal? :P

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sprite Jyooruje

I dont play most of the new games. In fact i only have a wii and a 3ds so i dont play Uncharted or any of that new games series. I keep on my retro-stuff. I play retro games on Wii and the only new games i buy to it is Zelda and JRPG. On 3ds is the same think but im expecting Kid Icarus with some expectation.


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The really big one for me was Contact. I understood that it was not EarthBound-related, despite the initial rumour mill’s rumblings, and that it was pretty much nothing at all like EarthBound. It looked and sounded neat, and a lot of people on starmen were raving about how much they loved it, but I found it to be really poorly put together in terms of some of the game’s ill-conceived mechanics (I can’t complete certain and progress in the game unless I find a randomly appearing item?… WHAT?!… not to mention all the lame back-tracking to swap suits to change my abilities), the characters (especially the game’s primary antagonists) and what I felt wasn’t all that great a plot.

Some people were really going on about how much they loved the ending, so I endured, and maybe it was just due to it being built up or due to the buildup of frustration with the game’s lack of goodness, but I even found that to be a let down.

I wanted to get into it and to love it so much… I wanted it to be a game I’d replay to uncover every single one of its sidequests — it seemed to have so much charm and so much promise… But in the end, the only love to be had was for Mochi (and a little for the Professor).

The only other thing I think I much liked about the game was that the “system” for healing your character that relied on food items being eaten and only being able to be eaten in a limited capacity at a time was called the “digestive system”.

Otherwise, I think I may have actually hated the game.

As for Skyrim, I only played a little of it, and I actually had a good time playing it, but I really don’t understand what all the fuss is about. As good as it is and as big as it is, really, in most ways that matter it just seems to me like it’s a larger, more open Ultima Underworld … which was released 19 years prior, in 1992.


Now, Ultima Underworld was a fantastic, groundbreaking game that was well ahead of its time, sure, and to be fair is still one of my favorites ever… and I’m not trying to say that they should have to reinvent the wheel every time a new game is made. What I am saying is that I find it staggering that people were getting so excited about this game leading up to its release, when it just felt like another first-person swords and sorcery game with some political intrigue thrown in for good measure. Again, it’s okay to get excited by these sorts of things — I was anticipating it as well, but so many people seemed to feel that the game was going to be something really, really special, and I’m still not sure why or how that happened.

And in the time that I was playing it, while I enjoyed it, I think that’s what prevented me from really getting into it — I got tired of waiting for something, anything to wow me on some level or show me something that exceeded my “Ultima Underworld: Revamped” expectations. Maybe I just didn’t play for long enough? I dunno. I’d think that 30+ hours should be enough to see something there.


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Been thinking about this one, and I can’t think of many. I think this is because often when I am faced with a game I want to enjoy that I’m not enjoying, I simply don’t want to enjoy them after a certain point. Most infamous for me would be OOT, which of course I wanted to enjoy going into. But as disappointment mounted, I just accepted that I didn’t like it and didn’t want to force myself to like it. I think it’s more in line with genres, for me, rather than games. Because games I dislike are games I dislike, and I’d rather move on than be arsed to try to squeeze water from a rock.

There is one that comes to mind most prominently that does fit the bill, however: River City Ransom. I do want to find it appealing, I do feel it has a lot of factors that would prompt me to like a game or at least want to experience it all the way. But whenever I want to give it a go, I invariably pull out a different cartridge. I think I have an aversion to 2D beat-em-ups. They’ve never been my favourite genre, with the TMNT and Battletoads games being the only ones I’ve been in to to any appreciable degree. So yeah, RCR, I wish I could get into it.

And well, 2D beat-em-ups in general. But only with two players or more.

sprite M-Pyre

Guitar Hero. Call of Duty. FPS games in general. I see everyone raving about how amazing these games are, but I just can’t get into them.

sprite Heidi Mandelin

Office Megazord

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Catherine. I’d been following news on Catherine ever since it was first rumored to be some sort of sexy simulation game. The fact that it’s actually a puzzle game didn’t upset me, it only intrigued me more, since I heard the story was pretty good. I played the demo and the gameplay completely turned me off. Didn’t end up buying it.

Same thing happened with Alan Wake. I borrowed that game from my brother and played a few chapters. I dug the story and I REALLY loved the atmosphere (especially because it feels so Twin Peaks-like). But it was the gameplay that turned me off once again (it was way too annoying). I only cared about the story, so if the game had an Easy Mode, I’d’ve been all over it. I returned the game to my brother without finishing it.

I am just singing about Zelda and Majora’s Mask in the Milk Bar.

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Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Symphonia 2. I tried to enjoy both, I really did, but I ended up getting bored much faster than I thought I would. I think I would enjoy Abyss if I went back to it (I think at the time I started it I was anticipating another game) but Dawn of the New World I actually got somewhere and the verdict was that it just wasn’t the same. I felt like I was playing it to finish it and say I had, rather than playing it to enjoy it.

ur gay

sprite pickle

Twilight Princess. People seem to really love it but honestly it just feels like Ocarina of Time with a more frustrating control scheme. Perhaps it’s because Okami spoiled me with it’s flawless adventure gaming, but TP was more irritating than fun for me. And no camera controls make it suck automatically. xD Guess I’m just part of that minority that likes Wind Waker more.

It’s not a game, but definitely Homestuck is one of those things I wish I could get into. It has a lot of lore and all my friends adore it, but I just find it dreadfully boring and lazily slopped together(the rabid fanbase doesn’t really help either).


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I felt like I was playing it to finish it and say I had, rather than playing it to enjoy it.

Yeah, this is a mindset I’ve tried to avoid. Honestly there’s no sense wasting your time on something you don’t enjoy, yeah?

Coincidentally, I’d say Tales of the Abyss is the only Tales game I’ve loved where I’ve simply liked most of them. Sort of relating back to the topic and this concept of finishing ‘just because’ I played Tales of Legendia immediately coming off of an Abyss high. And talk about a sobering experience, as Legendia quickly became a huge disappointment even though I gave it a few chances to hook me. I eventually said “why am I doing this, anyway?” and abandoned it.

Something else that comes to mind along this same line of thought is The World Ends With You. I was doing some of the postgame stuff when I just decided to quit playing. It’s a game that had potential,but I didn’t at all enjoy the gameplay or characters. I wanted to complete this game because I had bought it new, full price. Wasn’t so much that I wanted to like or get into this game. More in line with I wanted to get the most value for my dollar. But the signal-to-noise ratio was just not working out. I finally said to hell with it.

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I know my brother loves Abyss. I might try getting into it later, but the main character is pretty easy to hate early on.

ur gay

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I have a confession to make.

I’m not a good Touhou fan. Of the 13+extra games I’ve played there’s only one game that I’ve been able to beat, Perfect Cherry Blossom, and it was only after several months of practicing and having a friend coach me through the game (FallenAngelV, if you’re out there, thanks.) Everything else, either after a few months of on and off playing or giving it a shot and going NOPE, I just gave up on them because I have better things to do than bang my head against a wall hoping to one day quantum tunnel through it.

So yeah, I don’t have a lot of fun with the Touhou games themselves because I find their barrier of entry and learning curve to be way too high.

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As tempting as it is to also discuss my affectionately named “Mediocarina of Time,” there is game out there that I sometimes feel like I should have enjoyed and loved like everyone else, but it just wasn’t happening:

Secret of Mana.

I definitely spent a lot of time playing it. I beat the game fully and I even decided to max out all my magic levels. I’m pretty sure I had picked up the best equipment as well. From what I recall, the usual Mana Ring Command was a neat feature, the game wasn’t too difficult or too easy to be off-putting and the action and boss fights weren’t dull.

But when the credits were over and done with, I felt like I had just finished an average RPG. Wasn’t bad by any means, but not amazing.

However, I LOVE Seiken Densetsu 3.


sprite Heidi Mandelin

Office Megazord

[email protected]

Hey Matt – if the podcast ever decides to ask the opposite question (what game did you think you’d hate but ended up loving?), I’ve got some great answers for that one! :)

I am just singing about Zelda and Majora’s Mask in the Milk Bar.

sprite Jovis

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The Resident Evil series (and many other survival-horror games).

So I picked up the Resi Evil: Revelations demo on the basis that people were saying it was really good, and that I have been yearning to play another decent horror game since the absolutely brilliant Sweet Home last year. Since then – and obviously because of having Derek on the podcast, giving him a bump – I’ve been eying up D and Enemy Zero as those games look so far up my street that I’m trading some old junk of mine for a Saturn from my friend just for them. Sweet Home restored a lot of faith in me with the horror genre of video games, as before I had sampled some Resident Evil and Castlevania, so I thought the time was right for me to try again at getting into the Resident Evil series.

But for all the good things I heard about the game, that demo just opened my eyes as to why I’ll never really like any survival-horror game.

Yes, ammo is limited. And yes, the enemies take forever to die. But when all I need to do is step back, aim, and shoot, it’s just boring and unnecessarily (and unnaturally) clunky. This has been a common thread in the whole series from what I’ve seen and played, and something about the controls is obviously not connecting with me that most other people have grasped. The fact that it’s slow doesn’t make it scary to me, or if a zombie just goes BOO and you’ve now got to trudge back a safe distance, when any other sane person would run! The fact that I have a gun – a life-taking machine in my hand – to fend of enemies almost completely takes away what I love about the horror genre: vulnerability.

I haven’t experienced much of the story within a Resident Evil game, but from what I saw in the Revelations demo (OTT Zombies, Armour-clad protagonist, weird captain guy at the end), everything I saw or was trying to make connections with just felt too fantasy-based, where I guess I prefer a story more down-to-earth or believable.

sprite Matt Hawkins

Fangamer Podcast


Hey Matt – if the podcast ever decides to ask the opposite question (what game did you think you’d hate but ended up loving?), I’ve got some great answers for that one!

That’s a topic I most definitely would love to explore! So duly noted.

sprite Xaiph

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A recent game that falls under this category for me is Epic Mickey. I heard so many great things about it and it sounded amazing, but when I started playing it, I couldn’t enjoy it for whatever reason. Also in the list are various NES games, most likely because I’ve gotten a little too used to the more user-friendly interfaces of later games.

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Zelda II yet.


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I loved Zelda 2, so no complaints on that one here.


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Oz, you always find a way to be more legit.

I’d say Zelda II qualifies as the opposite of the topic. The vocal opinion is often dismissive so folks who play it may find that it’s actually rather excellent.

sprite Custom

The only example I can currently think of is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.

I’ve loved every game in the Zelda franchise and was extremely hyped for the release for this one. I even convinced all of my friends to buy it along with me so that we could all play through it, talk about our progress, and have discussions about the game, however, I’m the only member of that group that has yet to complete the game. I really want to finish it, but Fi’s ramblings and the motion controls really keep me from having fun with it. The motion controls don’t always end up being accurate for me, even if I stand up and make extremely fluid drawn out swings. It really takes away from the game when the direction of my swing ends up going astray and hitting a Deku Baba over the head instead of slashing through it’s mouth. Also, the game just feels less open to me. Don’t get me wrong, Skyloft is fun and has many side quests to do, but having 3 main quest areas that open up as you progress eliminates the feel of adventure that games like Ocarina of Time did so well. I also feel that Fi force feeding you information and holding your hand throughout the game really doesn’t help make it fun.

I really want to enjoy and complete Skyward Sword, but I don’t think I’ll be finishing it any time soon.


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Secret of Mana.

I couldn’t even get halfway through that game because of the non-fun combat mechanics, useless partner AI, hard to navigate menus, and outrageous difficulty curve. I’ve tried giving that game a chance at least 2 or 3 times but I’ve concluded that I’m never going to get into it.

sprite BlueDrago

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Wait, I’m not the only one? Yeah, I got Secret of Mana off the Virtual Console because it was interesting and highly recommended. But I just can’t seem to be able to get into it. The story hasn’t drawn me in yet, and I don’t like having to wait before I swing my sword. In fact, I haven’t played it in months. Which is really a shame.

sprite AmateurGamer

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I actually really like Secret of Mana for what it is. I didn’t grow up playing it. I never had it on my SNES. I didn’t even know it was on the Virtual Console at first. I was just looking for another good SNES rpg to play. So far, I’m really liking the game, but I’m especially drawn towards the more artistic features of the it, like the art design and the amazing music tracks. I looooooove the music tracks. The gameplay was awesome once I learned how to strategize, and the idea of upgrading your weapons instead of constantly buying new ones has always been appealing to me. It’s really a great game, in my opinion.

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Secret of Mana.

I couldn’t even get halfway through that game because of the non-fun combat mechanics, useless partner AI, hard to navigate menus, and outrageous difficulty curve. I’ve tried giving that game a chance at least 2 or 3 times but I’ve concluded that I’m never going to get into it.

These are pretty much my thoughts on SoM as well.

ur gay

sprite Kevin Williams

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[email protected]

The weird thing is, last time I played SoM it was with two other people, which is the experience most people swear by. But I was the dude, so my teammates were just spamming spell effects on the boss while I wandered around not hitting anything ever. Super great.

Baseball sure is a funny game.

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Wow, I’m actually surprised that I’m not alone on my feelings regarding Secret of Mana. I suppose the reason why I love Seiken Densetsu 3 so much is because it had what I felt SoM was seriously lacking. It had six different characters, an interesting class change system, a day changing system and decent AI… and the boss music was actually good.


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Honestly, SoM’s menu system confused the hell out of me to the point where I couldn’t get anywhere. How was I to know which direction to press to find things

ur gay

sprite butsukoy

    I, too, played SoM with my bros. We played it before as kids and were determined to beat the game again this time. As it turns out, it was so fun, we would start falling asleep during boss battles. We’d constantly get lost or killed and sometimes encounter glitches that forced us to leave a dungeon or reset the game. Some of the environments like the tight corridors or the waterfall area with obstructive lily pads were great places to fight enemies. And speaking of not hitting anything ever, I loved it when I would charge up for an attack and end up missing because the hit detection was a complete mystery. Our recent playthrough of SoM destroyed my opinion of it for the reasons mentioned in this thread to the point that it doesn’t match the topic for me – I don’t wish to be into this game.

    Banter aside – as for those games that leave my head saying yes but my heart saying no – usually, it’s because of the flaws being too heavy to overlook, overshadowing whatever positives the game has going for it (Okami). But for games that are all-around solid yet can’t pull my interest in (Chrono Trigger), all I can do is shrug and give a stupid look. Personal taste is such a strange criteria in judging a game but sometimes that’s all it comes down to. How well did the game gels with me, how did I balance its pros and cons, how much fun did I have – all of this is such a gray area that is figured out from my gut feeling of the game. So while I will note all of the technical aspects and look at them more analytically, I still ultimately look for that hard to quantify connection I have with the game that can satisfy my gaming soul.

    sprite MuddBstrd

    Nice topic! I recently played two games that, despite giving them more than a fair shake because of their reputation, I just couldn’t enjoy.

    The first is Uncharated, for which I was late to the party when I tried it a few months ago before Uncharted 3 came out. The cinematics were great and I loved the Indiana Jones type story, but I was completely turned off by the gameplay. The shooting controls were rather clumsy and the encounters with enemies were excessively protracted and repetitive. In the end, I think watching the cutscenes via YouTube would have been a better use of my time.

    The second game is Psychonauts, which I tried when you guys did it for game club. The setting was interesting, but that’s all I can say for it. The gameplay was the boring, generic collect-a-thon platforming which was so commonplace back in the late 90s/early 2000s, which I’ve come to despise. It just seems so uninteresting and lazy to me. Additionally, like so many games from that era, its visuals have aged incredibly poorly and I just found it to be rather ugly. I know it’s blasphemy in gaming circles to hate Psychonauts, and I probably would have enjoyed it had I played it upon its original release, but time has not been kind to Tim Schafer’s little-game-that-probably-could-but-didn’t-for-me.