Fangamer Podcast Logo sprite Fangamer Podcast #103 - Gaming New Year's Resolutions

Plus a look back at all the game related stuff that went down in 2012.

sprite Matt Hawkins

Fangamer Podcast


It’s that time of the year, to look back at where we’ve been… at least when it came to gaming… as well as look ahead.

This upcoming Monday night (the day after Christmas) is when Gerritt, Ben, and myself will be recording our next final podcast of this year. And everyone’s input is definitely appreciated, for one last hurrah for 2011; feel free to share you favorite games of the past 12 months, along with any other notable game related moments, revelations, accomplishments, and headlines.

Also, any predictions for 2012? Note: we might save that for the next episode… BUT, what we’re mostly looking for everyone’s gaming new year’s resolution!

And as always, we always love playing voicemails, live on the air. Speaking of which, the upcoming podcast will also be simulcast via live-stream! No exact time has been set, but I’m assuming it’ll be around 9 EST/6 PST. Myself or one of the guys will be back with more info once we’ve figured something else out (or simply keep an eye out on our Twitter handle).

sprite ChaoticLemming

I have to say, looking back I realize that I didn’t play many new games this year. My biggest ones were L.A. Noire which I liked, and Arkham City which I loved. I have a few games in the pipeline, notably Skyward Sword, Radiant Historia, and Rayman Origins, but those will basically take up my Q1 2011 I figure.

We always seem to have one of these, but my resolution has to be to either to do less impulse buying or actually play the games I buy on impulse. I’ve bought so many old, cheap, used games this past year and only even started two or three of them. They’re good games too; Front Mission, Suikoden, and Wild Arms to name a few (yes, they’re also all JRPGs). I kind of worry that I’m becoming just a collector these days, which feels so strange. I always thought collecting was for old fogies, but maybe I’m starting to find the idea appealing. If that’s the case, I at least need to keep my finances in good order, but really I should just be playing the dumb games.

Guess what? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself?


Shaolin Master Killer

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As for a ‘gaming resolution,’ I resolved last year that I would finally clear Solstice – the biggest skeleton in my closet. I didn’t even play it, it’s so hard to find a block of time to dedicate to it. So I’m going to resolve to clear Solstice again. And this time I’m slightly serious in a non-serious way.

Most of my fresh gaming in 2011 was for old games, mainly PSX. But I did pick up my two personal grails – E.V.O. and Ogre Battle both for SNES, so they win the year by default for me. I had my first playthroughs of FFIX, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, and Skullmonkeys – all of which I adored. It’s kind of been discovering the side of the fence I missed sticking with Nintendo as a kid. I picked up a Twin Famicom so I’ve been playing a lot of imports (such as the wonderful Otocky), and finally scored a copy of ToeJam & Earl for myself. So contemporary gaming has mostly been an afterthought for me.

sprite Woody

My gaming resolution for 2011 is to actually play more games. The last few years I haven’t been able to play as much as I want, mainly because of school and devoting six months out of my year to swimming, and I want to portion time to actually play. I’ve done a lot of watching games on YouTube, and listening to other people talk about the games they’ve played, but I’m bored of being a spectator. But no more! I’ve graduated and am done swimming, so its time to play! To go along with this, I also want to complete more games. I have a problem with playing multiple games at once, which is fine, but I never seem to finish many of them. And finally, I want to fully participate in a Game Club this year by playing a game all the way through with everybody. I’ve started a couple, but have never been able to stick it out. So here’s to making 2012 the year of more gaming.

sprite Chrononaut

My gaming resolution is to tackle one or more Game Clubs completely in 2012. I love listening to Game Club podcasts, even if I’m not playing through the game at hand. Game Club was what got me into Chrono Trigger, which now regularly switches places with Ocarina of Time as my favorite game of all time. Who’s to say that won’t happen again?

“Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time
travel is now simply an engineering problem.”
-Michio Kaku, Wired Magazine, August 2003

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My gaming resolution is to actually finish games that I start. I have such a huge backlog of games that I started years ago and never got around to finishing. I don’t know why, but whenever I’m playing any sort of long game I just lose interest when I get near the end and have to force myself to play on.

Also, to listen to the podcast weekly, try to participate in Game Clubs, etc.

sprite Xaiph

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  • April Fool's 2012 5-sigs

My gaming resolution is to also finish games that I start and to play more new games. I’m beginning to realize that I have a whole drawer of games that are only half-finished, and many of those games are on the Gamecube and earlier; there aren’t that many that are new.

My favorite game of the year probably has to be Link’s Awakening; if there wasn’t a Game Club for it, I wouldn’t have played it. Not only was it a great game, but it showed the depth that can be found in games. Some of the theories and such that were posted in the thread completely changed how I viewed it. Now, with subsequent games, I feel the need to dig deeper to find the reasons behind things.

A somewhat notable headline is the Zelda timeline that was revealed recently in the “Hyrule Historia” art book. It doesn’t exactly impact the gaming industry, but it’s a nice to finally have the convoluted Zelda history organized.

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  • I believed in Smash
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  • Buck's Birthday Badge Bonanza Bazinga
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
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Last year we set ourselves the goal of finishing Chapter 3 of Story of a Lost Sky. I wrote up a complete progress report here as part of the “12 Days of Anime” event that my blog is contributing to. It has a listing of the things we accomplished this year and where we’re going next year for our project.

The major highlights:

  • Much improved AI that takes into account smart pathfinding.
  • More robust mission scripting system.
  • New missions
    • Chapter 2 Side Missions: “To the Aid of Alice” – Demonstrating such new features like territorial defense. It was the main motivation for us to do the improved AI.
    • Chapter 3: New missions in the Youkai Mountain that has lots of new enemies and terrain. I’m planning on spending my winter break coding chapter 3. The first three missions are done, the last two are in progress.
  • Tons of new graphics and a new song. (See the blog post for a gallery).
  • Two releases in the past year: 0.6.0 during January and 0.6.1 in August.

Here’s where we’re going next year:

  • The next version (0.7.0) looks like it’ll launch early in January next year.
  • Work on chapter 4 will begin immediately afterwards. I’ll set us another goal right now. We’ll finish CH4 by the end of next year. The core engine is stable enough that we can go ahead with focusing on the content from here forward. In fact, I haven’t done any deep modifications of the game’s mechanics other than bug fixes.
  • We need to rework the tutorial section at the beginning. It’s not very intuitive when many walls of text are dumped on you at once.
  • Continuing to get art and music in. It’s a region we’re admittedly short handed on, so things are coming in slowly.

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My gaming resolution for 2012 is to finish my Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei – Demon FAQ for GameFAQs. I started this last year when I had a kick to start contributing again, but right now I’m barely halfway through the first game. This wouldn’t be taking me so long if it weren’t for the fact that: a. I need to grind to figure out most of the fusions and b. there is SO MUCH DATA. 32KB and going strong!


sprite butsukoy

    My GOTY is easily Pokemon Black/White. I know there are easily bigger and better games out there and I’ve certainly played a few of them. (Skyrim!!!!!!!!) Yet, for such a personal award, I give Pokemon the win because I <3 Pokemon. Looking at it critically, I can definitely see it’s many flaws, but simply I don’t care in the big picture. For something that is so entrenched in my childhood, it gets easy points for nostalgia. It felt like a natural expansion of the series while keeping to its roots. Its story was fleshed out while staying down to earth. It stuck to 150 Pokemon for the main game and had a nice distribution of designs representative of all generations. Playing the game as fresh as possible definitely helped – brought me back to how I played Pokemon Red as a kid. Watching the Japanese trailers and abstaining from anything Pokemon related the next few months really heightened my anticipation. No other series can get me as pumped as this one. This game delivered on everything I wanted and more, and I think my feelings on the game and the musical theme of my childhood can be encapsulated in a single theme song.

    As for gaming resolutions, I’ll try to play more western developed/non-Nintendo games and try to own a current gen console or decent gaming rig of my very own. Also, I haven’t posted as frequently on these forums as I would have liked, so that’s something to keep mind of.

    sprite ChiptunerX

    I’ve got a few gaming resolutions for the new year, the most notable of which is to beat all the Zelda games ever, minus the CD-i versions, because those are stupid. I’ve beaten Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess, and almost Skyward Sword, but there are some other minor titles that I want to clean up. Looking forward to that excursion.

    On a completely unrelated note, I want to get Ayla to Lv. 99 in Chrono Trigger. I’ve got this New Game+ file with her at Level 91 that’s just gathering dust, so I want to see if I can get the Iron Fist or whatever it is once and for all. Can’t really feel complete without doing that.

    I need to beat Hell in Cave Story. It’s always been an ambition of mine, and I always come really close, but never seem able to do it. I’m making progress, but not as much as I’d like. I used to always die on Heavy Press, even after using my Life Pot. Finally, I’m past that stage, but I just can’t seem to beat the third form of…um…the final boss. Bleh. That’s
    something to get done. I really want to learn just how the story ends.

    Somewhat-gaming-related is Pokemon Online, a battling simulator that started out as a hobby and quickly grew into an obsession. Now I’ve got metagame on the mind, and it’s not gonna leave me alone until I get that number one ranking on the beta server. I’ve hit as high as #2 before, but can never seem to take that final leap into the top slot. Seeing as I’m currently sitting at fifth, maybe that resolution/goal isn’t too far off…

    And finally, I gotta buy a 3DS. Who knows, maybe that’ll happen before the new year (Christmas, anyone?), but I just know I’ve got to get my hands on one of those. I ignored it when I had the money in April, instead opting for a trip to VGC 2011 (yeah, more Pogeymanz). Now that decent titles are finally being released for the handheld, it’s time to pick one up. Can’t wait for Snake Eater 3D.

    Well, those are my new year’s resolutions. I guess I’m in for an eventful 2012.

    Edit: Where might one send Fangamer a voicemail?

    <chiptune> <da> <bess>

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    You can send Fangamer a voicemail by calling 503-446-2278.

    My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

    sprite Phazon_Chaos

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    Not necessarily my game of the year, but one thing I realized this year thanks to Game Club is just how much I like Cave Story. It’s one of those games that I can play over and over again and never get tired of it. I got Cave Story 3D for Christmas and that’ll make my third playthrough of the game this year since (and including) Game Club.

    sprite Jovis

    either wrong or drunk

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    You know what, I had a pretty good year in terms of gaming: completed most the games I started several times, and make sure I feel Im done with a game before reaching for a new one. I’ve even discovered I have a couple of new favourite games in Super Metroid and Opoona.

    So I think this year is going to just be more catching up on what I’ve missed – hidden gems for N64, DS, and Wii mainly. I also owe it to myself to play Wind Waker again.

    All in all, a good year, so more of the same next year

    sprite HotBeverages

    • ebff-10-love

    Gaming resolution for 2012:

    Finish Okami.

    I’ve been working on it ever since it was released for Wii, but unfortunately, I got bored with it about 1/3 or 1/4 (I thought I was a lot further along, but apparently there’s more. I hear it’s an 80 game. )

    Favorite games of 2011? I haven’t finished Portal 2, so I can’t say that, so I’ll go with Deus Ex. I loved that game, absolutely loved it. I played through it twice, once non-lethal, and the other stealth, and I have to say that even though I loved the first play-through, I loved it even more when I played it on Hard in stealth. It was the first game I felt that I was actually good at it. It took patience and strategy, and I just loved waiting for an opening to be able to sneak past those guards.

    (Despite it being my favorite game, I do have to acknowledge that I did not like the ending(s) at all. Everything else was so well done (yeah, I know, boss battles), but the ending had nothing good to it)

    I also enjoyed Uncharted 3, most particularly the desert scene, when Drake is so lost. However, I still think Uncharted 2 is my favorite in the series.

    I know this isn’t a 2011 game, but I played Heavy Rain for the first time this year. I loved how different it was, despite it’s controls being sh****t. My favorite moment there was when my favorite character, Scott Shelby, ended up being the origami killer. I know it was so obvious for other people, but I was really surprised! I liked him so much, how bad ass he was; I felt betrayed

    I played inFAMOUS 2 this year, but did not enjoy it as much as the original (which I also played for the first time this year, right before I got inFAMOUS 2). Cole’s VA annoyed me, and I didn’t really care about either Nix or Kuo (especially Kuo). But it did have a moment at the end that really got me if you played evil when you had to kill Zeke. It was really hard for me to do it, and I couldn't at first.

    Predictions? No, because I suck at them, but I do hope Quantic Dream comes out with another game. If they fixed the control issues in Heavy Rain, and did a new/different story, it would be amazing.


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    Portal 2 was the big standout for me this year. Arkham City is an equally obvious choice. But I think this year was also a great time of rediscovery for me. I played lots of games from my younger days, like Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (AKA the only good thing The Phantom Menace produced).

    I played Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Nanostray 2, both games that seem to harken back to other eras (the classic adventure and side-scrolling shooter genres, respectively). I started playing Riviera: The Promised Land and Yggdra Union again, both weird, mostly-forgotten games, but they’re unique and revel in their quirks. I got back into TF2 and MInecraft. My brother, especially, has gone into Minecraft with a vengeance and he’s been modding, coding, and cube-crafting nonstop. Of course, in his rampant experimentation, he accidentally borked my copy so I’ve been working on getting it… working again. Such is the cost of youthful exuberance!

    I guess what this year lacked in gaming quantity for me, it made up for in quality. I hope I can get my hands on the 3DS in time for its soon-to-arrive barrage of good-gamery.

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