Fangamer Podcast Logo sprite Fangamer Podcast #100 - Audience Participation

The big one zero zero - tell us about your experiences with 100 episodes of the podcast!

sprite Gerritt Rosa

Fangamer Podcast Host

[email protected]

Next week we will have our 100th episode of the Fangamer podcast. Since we really couldn’t have gotten this far without the awesome community we have formed here at Fangamer we’d like to hear what you think about this milestone.

When did you first start listening to the show? Do you have a favorite episode or guest? Where do you want to see the show go in 100 more episodes?

Plus any other questions you feel like asking the Fangamer crew, post away and we will answer as many as we can during the live recording.

Also if you prefer talking to writing, leave us a voicemail at 503-446-CAST from your mobile device or record your question/comment and email it to [email protected]

Edit: Our “guests” for this episode will be Charlie and Kevin who’s segments you hear every week and have helped us make it this far and continue on to 150!

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I started listening to the podcast around the time when Ben started as a host. It’s been great to have the podcast as something I listen to on the way to and from school.

Without a doubt my favorite podcast moment has to be the song that Ben made for the podcast opening. I still would love to have that as the podcast opening song, because it’s hilarious. Other great moments were the dramatic letter reading and the month or so where we anime came up as a constant topic of discussion. My favorite Game Club has to be Final Fantasy Tactics, and I’m really looking forward to Okami next year.

I would like to see more audience participation threads. I feel for the past several months, the cycle of Game Club and Monthly Gaming News has gotten a little tiring. If we weren’t participating in the Game Club, we didn’t get any other chances to be active contributors to the conversation. Getting them back in the last month has made me really happy.


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sprite General of Camilla's Army

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Oh man, 100 podcasts. That’s a lotta casts, that’s the equivalent of ten ten’s.

I first posted in the “Favorite Villains Thread.”, but didn’t listen to it when first came out. I saw the threads every week, but never knew where to listen to it. I finally did about the time the “Coolest Moments in Video Games” thread popped up. I posted in that and listened away. My post got mentioned, so I was pretty stoked and I listened ever since. I’ve been around for 50+ podcasts and seven GameClubs.

I’ve gone back and listened to old shows that interested me and always found them enjoyable. I want to thank you guys for doing it every week. I’ve met some cool people who post in this thread and even gotten to chat with Ben, Gerritt and a bit of Liz through Fangamer occasionally. Podcast is making friends across the lands.

As for my favorite episode, it would probably be the anime, Starship Amazing or OTP cast. Dan and Liz as well as Derek and Calvin create an aura of sillyness that can almost always make me pause the cast to laugh with tears in my eyes. Gerritt and Ben, you’re always the raddest, but you’re business men. Matt, I await the later casts when we get to know you and you can join our group of bros among the Sea of Stars.

Gerritt told me that Kevin and Charlie are planned to be joining on the cast so if something happens and they are not there, ignore the questions related them

1. Is the Final Fantasy VI Fanfest still on for early next year? FF: VI was planned to be a GameClub almost a year ago.
2. Charlie, what video game soundtrack holds a special place in your heart? (If it’s not Chrono Cross, it’s not an answer.) (Seriously though, I wanna know your jams.)
3. Kevin, can you give your fellow hosts and other listeners why they should be hyped for Okami GameClub? (PS, while barkbarkbarkbark is a convincing argument, let’s delve a little deeper here.)

My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

sprite Super_Blooper057

Hey there you guys. I know I don’t ever post, but I’d just like to pop in and congratulate you on your 100th podcast! I remember way back when I saw the news article on SMNet. (Here it is right here.) Anywho it sure has been a journey. As a matter of fact, since Liz left none of the original cast remains!

That being said I have yet to see a video game podcast quite like this one. The great insight combined with the unavoidable foolishness true makes this podcast special. Keep up the fantastic work!

Here’s to another hundred!

sprite Charlie Verdin

Fangamer Awesome-Man

[email protected]

Kevin and I are still there, technically. We just do segments instead of host. =P

sprite Kevin Williams

Fangamer Forum Administrator

[email protected]

I’m not saying I’m going to guest star on this podcast, but if you feel like exhalting my name, it won’t go unnoticed. :3

Baseball sure is a funny game.

sprite Charlie Verdin

Fangamer Awesome-Man

[email protected]

On a similar note, feel free to use this audience participation for some Audiocandy feedback as well. I only have a vague idea of what works, what doesn’t, how I can improve, etc.

sprite Phazon_Chaos

  • !Merch Museum
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Having been listening to the podcast since episode 1, I have to say that I’ve enjoyed listening to it this whole time and it’s been neat seeing it evolve. I’m not always too vocal in the forum threads, but I try to post every so often and leave the occasional voicemail. I guess for favourite guest, I’d have to say Derek Alexander always brings a pretty large dose of humour to the cast, if sometimes pushing the PG-13 level of the podcast. The embarassing aspects of nerd culture episode was pretty great too. I don’t really know where I’d like to see it go in the next 100 episodes, just kinda keep up with where it’s going. If anything I guess maybe (try to) make Fangamer news a bit more frequent segment, even if you can’t get Reid and/or Jon on the cast.

As for Audiocandy, I think you’re doing a great job. It’s always neat to hear the different remixes for games that are being discussed and I look forward to your choices when there’s no particular game to draw from, whether it be a game remix or simply something from a nerdy band like I Fight Dragons (or, now having listened to the Cave Story game club podcast, the not so nerdy Five Iron Frenzy, I’m really digging their style). Finally (and quite appropriately so), Kevin’s Final Word. I don’t really have too much to say about it other than it’s great. I’m pretty sure there hasn’t been a single one so far that hasn’t gotten at least a chuckle out of me, if not a full-blown outburst of laughter.

All in all, just keep up what you’re doing, the podcast is great and I look forward to seeing how it will continue to evolve over the next 100 episodes.


Shaolin Master Killer

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I’ve been listening since episode 1 as well, and have kept up with the cast fairly well. I probably have missed a few here or there when I’ve been busy and never thought to go back. I will admit that I tend to space out whenever you guys talk about anime and I didn’t listen to the game clubs of games I didn’t participate in or have never played before (FFT and Cave Story in particular).

I will agree with rune that I would like to see more discussion threads in general. Even if I don’t participate myself I think it’s an essential facet to the “community” flavour of the podcast. While this has been maintained fairly well with your live recordings it is nice to give people the opportunity to collect their thoughts and really make their opinions known, rather than using the limited text real estate proper chat etiquette demands.

I appreciate audio candy because remixes and arrangements and the ilk are not something I’ve kept up with in many years. So it’s usually fresh and I think it’s fine going where it’s going. I always appreciate the Final Word, whether I agree with it or not because it’s always well constructed and heartfelt. But I find myself exclaiming “preach it, sister!” more often than not.

Where do I see the podcast in 100 episodes? I don’t care to guess. It’s been interesting seeing this creature develop and I’m more inclined to observe it and not hold any expectations. I’m not a fortune teller, after all.

As for any questions and things like that – I’m sorry but I can’t think of any right now and I don’t know if I will before the podcast. Admittedly, I have trouble every time this subject comes up thinking of something erudite or worthwhile to say (although I always enjoy listening to the participation podcast). I think because it’s so much more nebulous than if a subject is given, I feel more compelled to say something original or interesting or whatever and then I don’t. I guess I’m just not a creative listener.

Anyways folks, congratulations on reaching number 100. Maybe I’ll send in a voicemail giving congratulations with the same nonsense I usually do.

sprite Gerritt Rosa

Fangamer Podcast Host

[email protected]

Kevin and Charlie will be joining us for this show which should be fun. I updated the first post with that as well.


  • SMCon 2011

Favorite episodes: Any episode with Liz and Dan. Sorry Gerritt and Ben, you guys are great, but those episodes were just magical. I’ve been listening back since episode 1 (although I missed a few in between), and I was actually on some of the first few podcasts -- it’s definitely improved a lot since then!

sprite HotBeverages

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sprite teknomaniac

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Man, I had to go look at the podcast list to remember the first episode I listened to, and I am almost certain it all began with the Nerdy Books podcast in October 2010. I think digressions happened a lot more frequently at the time, and as a new listener, I didn’t mind because it’d be great to hear some off-topic commentary that gave a bit of a personal touch to the podcast.

Hmm… favorite episodes or guests… that’s a tough one! In general the guests on the show have solid input, so I can’t really select one over another. As for favorite episodes, I’m going to have to give it to the “Why We Love ______” episodes. Also gotta give a hats-off to Ben because his intros have been ridiculous/fantastic. I forget which episode it was that Gerritt accidentally gave the wrong number to, but Ben flew in with a nice “BZZZZZZZZZ” sound effect, followed by AWESOME music. I remember I almost had drink come out of my nose.

The only thing I can really ask for is that maybe in one of the next 100 episodes, Keri Laimbeer is a guest host? Possibly along with her father?

Questions for All the Peeps on Ep 100:
1) What has been your favorite Game Club game so far?
2) If you could acquire one attribute/quality (physical or mental) from each of your fellow Ep 100 hosts, what would it be and why?

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I can’t really contribute much to the topic since I’m a super noob to the podcast and really only started listening a few episodes ago, but I just want to say that I love what I’ve been hearing so far! So far this is the only podcast I’ve found that I can listen to for 2 hours straight without getting bored. You guys really know how to keep it interesting.

p.s. I don’t know what it is, but Gerritt has the most pleasing voice ever.

sprite heavenchai

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I started listening when Ben joined because I am trying to be infamous for my vaguely creepy admiration of Ben. Man, that guy sure is somethin.
I do appreciate that my reputation has switched to “guy that makes quips”.

I loved when you had Mare Odomo on and I wish Kiss & Tell was still around.

Speaking of which, this podcast helped me find out about some other podcasts and that’s cool.

It was interesting when there were those recent episodes that dealt with the medium of anime, particularly Gerritt’s distaste of it. Anime is clearly one of my biggest interests, and though I always try to remember how amusing it is that I enjoy the things that I do, that perspective was kinda meaningful to me, and it made me rethink stuff.

Anyway that’s it for now, see you later.


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I don’t remember when I first started listening to the show, actually. I think I remember the introduction of Ben, so it might have been before that, but I also went back and listened to some older ones, so it may have just been me listening to an old one.

I don’t think I have a favorite episode, either. My iTunes sort of gets rid of them as I listen, so I don’t have a list of the ones I’ve listened to. But, there have been a few that I’ve listened to four or five times.

….In a row.

I think I’d like to see more topics about different aspects of games and gaming. There are really only so many things you can talk about, but right now, a lot of the casts are about either news or game club. Both of which are fine, and great! But different aspects of gaming, like the limits of the genre, or perhaps a tougher topic, like sexism in gaming culture, would be interesting to hear about. But really, just hearing you guys talk about stuff is fine with me, so I’m on board with whatever you do.

also i miss liz D:

they call him…the universe crimbus

sprite Xaiph

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I started listening to the podcast when it started, but I didn’t actually start contributing until the Audience Participation 2 episode. If it helps your egos, I (re)joined the forum because of the podcast.

I always enjoyed the episodes that included the phrase “But I digress…”, since it resulted in many interesting topics (I think Fangamer should trademark it). Whether it was Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball, the many pros and cons of all types of beers, or the many types of fan service that the genre of anime offers, there was (and is) always something interesting to hear about.

I also enjoy all the “nerd culture” that is talked about; thanks to the podcast, I’ve learned about all sorts of other podcasts, music, games, and more that I would have never heard about otherwise. Audiocandy has also really helped to turn me on to other types of music. I also found Fobbies are Borange because of Ben (I mean to listen to that soon).

As for where I want to see the podcast go, just keep going the way you always have. I’m excited to see what Matt brings to the table as someone who is knowledgeable about video game news.

And now for some questions!
-What ever happened to the Indie Games review segment? It was only in one episode (I forgot which) and the game reviewed was Flower for the PS3.
-Why did each of you want to be a part of the Fangamer podcast?
-Why Corgis?

Now I have to go play some X-Baseball.

sprite butsukoy

    My favorite part of the podcast is when you guys mention my name. In fact, I am calculated to have a 25% namedrop rate whenever an episode airs. I don’t care about what you talk about, as long as you all rightfully pay your respects to me.

    Seriously though, ever since the reboot episode, I’ve been a loyal listener since. The OTP one had me in stitches as well as whatever embarrassing thing Jon says. You guys talk about subjects not found often in other podcasts and have introduced me to shows and games that I wouldn’t have tried before. Congratulations on making it this far and I look forward to what you guys will do in the future.

    Now to continue procrastinating on that itunes review.

    sprite ChaoticLemming

    I’ve been listening at least semi-regularly since the beginning, but didn’t tune in every week until about the time of the Majora’s Mask game club I think. I started contributing to forum threads sometime late last year, and I really enjoy that whole set up. Lots of people have very interesting ideas and comments, but they simply can’t all fit into one podcast. I love it when we have a place to discuss things beyond what time you guys have for the show. On that note, you guys have picked lots of cool topics over these 100 episodes. I particularly enjoyed the shows about addiction, innovations, coolest moments, nerdy books, and what we’re thankful for.

    I’m also a big fan of the new live streams. Unfortunately, I can’t watch them live because my time zone doesn’t really allow for it, but I do like to watch the recordings. Getting to see what you guys say when you say it gives the show a more personal feeling, which I think you already do a good job of anyway. The only problem is sometimes I don’t go back and listen to a show again after I see the video, so I miss out on Charlie’s and Kevin’s segments (sorry guys!)

    Since my memory is a little fuzzy, and I think many of us would like to recap, my question for you all would be: how did each of you originally get involved with the podcast, and how did you then step into the role that you have now?

    Congratulations on 100 awesome casts!

    EDIT: Also wanted to mention that, thanks to Liz’s suggestion, I’ve started watching Galactic Heroes and it’s damn good. It didn’t grab me immediately, but after about 5 episodes the wheels really start turning. I like how Ben described it recently: it’s an honest depiction of the politicking and societal costs of war, and everybody is beautiful.

    Guess what? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself?

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    I started listening to the podcast around the time the “Why we love Chrono Trigger” cast came out, and I listened to it for quite a while. Lately though podcasts can’t seem to hold my attention as I usually talk to people while playing games (and that doesn’t work). Last time I listened to the cast was in July, around the time they started doing the live broadcasts.

    Still, I’m glad you guys have come this far and it’s great to see you haven’t lost your spark yet. Probably not going to ask questions as I don’t think I’ll get around to listening to it. Maybe when I have time I’ll either catch up or just jump into the latest cast and start listening again.

    Good luck guys!

    ur gay

    sprite Winkytoes

    I started listening about a year and a half ago around the time when y’all put out the “Why we love Earthbound” episode, I’ve consistently listened since. Probably cause there is so much digression. If it weren’t for that… I probably still would have listened.

    Not only do I frequently re-listen to your podcasts, but every night I put it on sleep timer as I fight my way to REM sleep. The “Video Game Music” episode is probably my favorite though, both to sleep and listen to.

    Commissioner Gordans moustache

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    I actually have a question for Matt. You mentioned a while ago that you played Visual Novels. I’ve been really out of the visnov scene for a while. Which ones are your favorites and are there ones that you’re looking forward to a translation coming out for?

    sprite Charlie Verdin

    Fangamer Awesome-Man

    [email protected]

    Looks like Matt isn’t going to be able to make this cast. =(

    EDIT: Nevermind, I should learn to read.

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    Episode #100! Whoooooooooo!

    I’m not sure what episode was my first, but the one I distinctly remember was way, way back in the day when Ben first guest hosted. But man, it has been good times through and through. I also wanted to say that my favorite episodes were the Majora’s Mask Game Club podcast, but that may be cheating because I was on those. On the other hand, I’m extremely critical of myself whenever I guest host so me approving those casts must make them EXTRA good.

    Fine, if that doesn’t count I definitely love the “Why We Love Super Mario RPG” cast. I don’t actually passionately love SMRPG myself, but you guys just made me feel like I really need to change my ways.

    Also any episode with Jade because she loves Final Fantasy IX.

    For everyone: What contribution to the videogame community are you most proud of? Besides this podcast.


    sprite Liz Bowes

    Fangamer Cream Of Tweet

    [email protected]

    EDIT: Also wanted to mention that, thanks to Liz’s suggestion, I’ve started watching Galactic Heroes and it’s damn good. It didn’t grab me immediately, but after about 5 episodes the wheels really start turning. I like how Ben described it recently: it’s an honest depiction of the politicking and societal costs of war, and everybody is beautiful.

    Oh god its such a good show and Reuental’s voice is so deep and smooth, like damn how can a man sound like that I don’t even know

    sprite Gerritt Rosa

    Fangamer Podcast Host

    [email protected]

    Unless Charlie knows something I don’t, Matt will be around for the recording tonight at 7:00 PM PT on

    sprite Triflake

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    I’ll be honest, I remember the first podcast I listened to was the one where Ben interviewed Anamanaguchi. I can’t remember which one exactly that was, it was probably an audience participation, I dunno! Regardless, after I became a regular listener to the podcast I eventually went back and listened to some of the older ones when I was playing Minecraft or doing something monotonous and needed something else to listen to.

    I have to say that my favorite episode was the OTP one. Everyone on that episode was on a roll and I laughed a lot. It also let me appreciate the intricacies and subjectivity of game character romance/bromance.

    I’d also like to give a shout-out (type-out?) to the podcast threads themselves, because viewer opinions have opened me up to a lot of cool things that I wouldn’t have known even existed without proper direction. So hey that’s cool!

    Question for Charlie (and everyone else i guess)! What is it about video game music that makes it so appealing and different from every other genre of music? After all, game music is mostly there as backdrop, and as a result shouldn’t be too intrusive on the whole game “atmosphere.” Games of late are being treated like full-fledged movies and are being given full-fledged scores, but while those are technically songs for a video game, they aren’t video game songs. You know, I’m talking about Mega Man, Castlevania, Sonic, etc. etc. There is just some appeal to game soundtracks that I haven’t been able to pinpoint.

    i like majestic apes

    sprite Durp676

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    About two months ago, my computer’s internet connection died unexpectedly. My dad, the resident tech support didn’t even know what the problem was. As a result I had no access to, Steam or anything else. I had to endure grueling Solitaire sessions and ridiculously unfair Chess games. I had about two Fangamer Podcasts downloaded on my computer, and they were what got me through that tough time.

    sprite General of Camilla's Army

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    EDIT: Also wanted to mention that, thanks to Liz’s suggestion, I’ve started watching Galactic Heroes and it’s damn good. It didn’t grab me immediately, but after about 5 episodes the wheels really start turning. I like how Ben described it recently: it’s an honest depiction of the politicking and societal costs of war, and everybody is beautiful.

    Oh god its such a good show and Reuental’s voice is so deep and smooth, like damn how can a man sound like that I don’t even know

    Liz, you are coming back for the Why We Love Galactic Heroes cast right? The cast will just be you and Ben and it shall be the greatest.

    My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

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    Wait, I thought Gerritt liked Galactic Heroes too.

    sprite Katon

    Space Waifu

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    Yeah, but he’s never going to watch it. :(

    sprite General of Camilla's Army

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    5 Episodes isn’t enough to really dissect the best anime ever made. I’m on Episode 80 and I still ain’t got nothing to say except “my god, this is amazing”

    My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

    sprite Gerritt Rosa

    Fangamer Podcast Host

    [email protected]

    I watched like 5 episodes but I knew I was going to need to devote more time to it then I can allow. I will watch it eventually but the whole subtitles thing means I can’t do something else while watching it so it’s hard to get through.

    sprite Lauramw

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    I left a voicemail, I hope it’s not too late! If it sounds like I wrote it out ahead of time that’s because I totally did.


    Shaolin Master Killer

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    Oh man, thanks for reminding me about the OTP podcast, Triflake!! That was the genesis of Mog x Umaro pairing and also the amazing fanart to go with it by LauraMW

    I also posted a great Blingee in that topic~~

    sprite DrThePunisher

    • !Merch Museum

    Grats on reaching this milestone! I mainly listen to this podcast because you all have such different viewpoints from me and are into things that I have often never heard of while still focusing on subjects I love. Video Games! I don’t watch any anime, I barely participate in the game clubs and I’m not hugely into chip tune music. Seems strange that I listen sometimes.

    However the hosts, the guests are the stars of the show. I’m a big fan when Derek is on the show because of his passion. Also, the game clubs have changed how I play through video games at times. I feel much more aware of my playing. What types of things stood out or frustrated me. I feel that I’m able to put to words (even if I never actual write any) why I like or dislike something about a game I’ve played.

    I really enjoy participating in the threads and watching live when my schedule matches us. It’s fun to hear people you respect comment on something you’ve brought up in the thread.

    Keep it up!

    DrThePunisher – Wii U / Twitter / Steam | DrThePunishr – Xbox 360 | 3DS: 1349-5542-7446

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    • Reid is a Jinjo
    • donor4
    • ZAWA RRPS Winner
    • Buck Fever and Dr. Hobo's Guessing Game ft Kid Icarus
    • meep
    • Chompy
    • Helped Buck Fever Out
    • Sonic
    • fanvatar1
    • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
    • Theoryfest Helper
    • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
    • Hobuck Game Guessing Game 2
    • Game Guessing Game 3

    Oh I should probably also thank the podcast for fully getting me into chip music, and introducing me to The Protomen, one of my favorite bands.

    ur gay