Ness Biking N sprite Earthbound/Zero Handbook

I have an Idea!

sprite darkoni2

They shold make a Earthbound and Earthbound Zero Handbook!

Cause I personally would Buy it because I haven’t played through Zero yet.

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You do realize Earthbound originally came with an extensive handbook, right?

I’m the only Koopa in the entire kingdom with a white shell with silver spikes and horns.

sprite darkoni2

Well, NVM on the Earthbound handbook.
Maybe Just a EB Zero Handbook.

sprite TheJorsh

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I think an EB0 book would be pretty cool.
but I don’t think I would really get it unless it was as cool as the new MOTHER3 one because I don’t really need help getting through the game(’cause I beat it already) but if it was as cool as the M3 one I would get it just to sit on a shelf and look cool next to my other Videogame guides/action figures/other stuff.

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sprite PSI Guy

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You do realize Earthbound originally came with an extensive handbook, right?

It’s expensive to buy from others and hard to find.

If the M3 handbook does well a EB or EB0 handbook might be worth looking in to.

sprite Reid Young

Fangamer Mastermind

[email protected]

Yeah, we’re definitely thinking about an EarthBound Handbook. It would be nice if the game was available for purchase :(


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(Hint, hint.)

sprite Redlandsman87

    I’m all for an EBZero handbook, all the way.

    sprite _oMeGa_

      Yes yes yes.
      They would all look so nice sitting next to each other on my shelf, My original EarthBound guide that has an intense cigarette smell, my Mother 3 guide whenever it gets here, and the Mother 1 and Mother 2 guides, if you make them.
      I could see a reason for them. The EB guides are hard to come by, and they sure as heck aren’t making them anymore, so anyone who wants one of those could finally (sort of) get one. Then there’s the EB0 guide, which would be great, since it never came out here and it’s (to me) the hardest in the series. Also, it’d be neat to see the clay models in the guides.

      longpost is long

      sprite kiril15


        sprite darkoni2

        I would buy it in a heartbeat.

        sprite beams

          Would be an awesome idea!
          You can skip and miss alot of info in EB0 if you don’t read or don’t care about what some people say, you could miss alot on the story and why you went from a house to an alien fight with singing.

          Surreality Enthusiast.