Camera Man sprite Theories: Picture Perfect [06/14 - 06/27]

Deadline: June 27th

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
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Hello and welcome to Theory of the Week!

Starting today, I am pleased to announce I am taking the reigns over the wild and wacky world of theories, so I hope you’re ready! There will be a few changes. but nothing that effects the overall event and they’re all for the better!

Theories will now update bi-weekly and Thursday will be dedicated to this event. Expect a new topic every other Thursday!

Also, rom now on, if you participate, you earn the Giygas badge, but it is a decay, meaning it will be removed after the next topic’s end unless you continue to participate. However, simply participating ten times will make that badge permanent.

What is this?

If you’re new to theories, welcome!
This event is rather simple: I give you a simple idea for a theory and you give me an answer. You can answer as silly or as detailed as you like, but whichever I deem to be the best one wins for the week and earns a point to the tally. The idea is to have fun and expand your thinking for the series, so please keep in mind, winning isn’t everything.

Your entry will go on the front page of the site, be added to the archive, and by just participating, you earn a lovely decay badge! You can earn others as well!


There are a few simple guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Put a bit of effort into your theory. I’m not telling you to write something elaborate, but please put more effort into it then “Giygas is a fetus because I said so and look a baby.” I’m not going to be super strict, but I do reserve the write to not give your theory participation points if it totally lacks effort.
  • Be sure to turn it in on time! Because this is technically a contest, I cannot accept late entries, unfortunately, but even if you miss it, you’re still more than welcome to share your theory, you just can’t participate in the actual contest.
  • You can submit something detailed, silly, something more story-based, etc. So long as it answers the theory prompt, you are free to do as you like!
  • Don’t put someone down for their theory. I hope this isn’t an issue, but all theories are welcome (so long as they abide by the forum rules) and they don’t have to be flawless in order to be here.


  • If your theories claim victory five times, you earn the lovely Octobadge:
  • For seven, expect to earn this groovy upgrade:
  • Winning isn’t everything. Just participating will get you this terrifying creation:
    The Giygas badge is a decay and will only last until the end of the next theory, but if you keep participating, you’ll continue to wield it. After participating TEN times, that badge will become permanent.
    (Do keep in mind, this doesn’t need to be consecutively.)

One of the most mysterious and intriguing individuals from the Mother series is someone who possesses unexplained and peculiar abilities. That’s right, I’m talking about EarthBound’s photographer!

What is the story behind EarthBound’s photographer?

Your theory is due on Wednesday, June 27th at 11:59 PM PST.

You can keep track of your wins and participation totals here.

Simply answer the theory below! If you have any questions, please let me know!
Let’s see what you guys got!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

sprite That Marsh

  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner

I think that he somehow knows about your adventure, what places will you visit and so on. Wherever (or from whom) he got the information is a mystery, but he was certainly curious about it. But he also didn’t believe it-I mean, some 10-year olds beating a galactic god of death and destruction sounds silly. So he started watching-following Ness and his friends around. As for his ability to actually follow Ness even in the most insane places and pop out of nowhere can be simple: He’s a psyker using some form of PSI Teleport. Or he could be using some strange technology. Or he is an alien in disguise! But what matters is that he wanted to help Ness and his pals. In a way his dad did: Dad recorded your progress by writing it down, the photo guy recorded your memory through pictures, eternalizing your adventures forever on photographs. So Ness can, at any time take out his photo album and remember the good times he and his friends had.

(And glad theories aren’t dead btw!)

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

My theory is that Dad hired him to keep tabs on your adventure. Your dad can’t actually be there with you on your adventure, much as he wants to. He can talk with you on the phone, but can’t actually be present. So Ness’s dad hired a photographer to follow Ness around and take pictures.

Now how does he fly down from the sky like that? Simple. He doesn’t. Earthbound is played from the perspective of a kid. The world isn’t necessarily wacky, its just how Ness experiences it. The world is viewed through his eyes. Now for a kid, someone appearing out of nowhere might seem to fall from the sky magically.

Sound far-fetched? Earthbound would be a whole lot different told from the perspective of an adult. The joyous wonder of children is what makes EB, well, EB.

Another, slightly less serious and more tongue in cheek theory is that Giygas sent him in hopes of annoying Ness so much from appearing seemingly every five minutes that Ness would give up in frustration, allowing Giygas to win.

Captain of Positivity

  • !Franklin Badge White
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  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
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  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - Staff Badge
  • fanvatar2
  • Weezerfest Memory
  • BigMac

Went with something a bit more silly this time

You’ve heard of Santa Claus, you’ve heard of the Easter Bunny…
The camera man is from the same crowd of immortal people who help the world. However, unlike the others, the Camera Man doesn’t perform in secret, however he can only be seen by his photographical subjects. His sole purpose in the world is to document people adventures for them to remember.
First he hears about people’s adventures through his magical newspaper, which is written by various scouts throughout the world disguised as NPCs. Then, the Camera Man sets out, with a roll of infinite film, to photograph the chosen adventurers throughout their journey. The Camera Man can see into the future which is how he knows of the party’s next locations. Additionally, seeing the Camera Man is a good omen, as he only takes pictures of those who’s adventure will succeed. (Which is how you knew Ness would defeat Giygas even without the prophecy)

Back home in his secret printing shop, his group of helpful, magical Mr. Saturns expertly print the photographs and assemble the photo albums, one copy for each of the party members, to keep as a remembrance of their adventure.

Finally, just like Santa and all the others, the Camera Man stays alive on christmas spirit the goodness of the world, and because of this he sadly did not exist to document Lucas’s adventure thousands of years later.

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

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What is the story behind EarthBound’s photographer?

I personally think that the Photographer from EB secretly follows the group around during their adventure. It may sound creepy but I feel that he just wants a piece of the action and is genuinely curious about Ness and the gang.
His hobby and life passion is photography. Why would he pass up the opportunity to take pictures of the heros that will end up saving the universe?

As a young boy he was mystified by the camera. He saw the camera as the truth. He begged his father for a camera and on his 11th birthday he got one. Immediately the little photographer took pictures of everything that excited him, nature, people, and everyday life. At age 15 he became the star photographer for the Fourside High School Newspaper. Not too long after the photographer teen even got a few gigs from extended family. A few years later he got in and attended a prestigious art school, he majored in Photography. But things weren’t peachy. The school was expensive and demanded a lot from him. It was too much of a strain on him and he dropped out at the end of his sophmore year. From there the photographer boy spent the next 30 years paying off his student loans, bouncing from mediocre job to mediocre job. This boy was now a full fledged man, but the spark for photography was long gone. That was until the year 199X when a young boy with a red cap was sent on a journey save the world. The Photographer overheard this and the flame for photography reignited. From there on The Photographer made it his mission to capture the adventures of Ness and his friends. This also involved him travelling quite, which was another thing he enjoyed quite a bit. The photos he took now serve as proof of four kid’s perilous journey. So in 50, 100, even 1000 years from now. If someone says, “I don’t believe it happened.” All that is needed are his pictures.


idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
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  • !Franklin Badge White
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  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Wow, we got some great responses this week and each offered a great story behind the photographer and each was a joy to read.

The winning theory this week goes to Parzival!
I really liked the idea of the surreal elements Ness and co. experience just being a fabrication of their imagination and the whole idea would make for a great story as a whole. I enjoyed the concept, so congratulations! A winner is you! Congratulations on your first win and I do hope you’ll join us again next month!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

sprite That Marsh

  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner

I lost again.

sprite Parzival

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Riddles Lord
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 2 Wins
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Thanks for a great month everyone! I look forward to participating again!

How do I get rid of my signature?

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

I lost again.

Don’t look at it that way!

It’s not about winning or losing, it’s about having fun and enjoying the series you love! Your theory was indeed a joy to read, so don’t get down on yourself.

It’s all about sharing your theory with other fans who will enjoy it!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

Captain of Positivity

  • !Franklin Badge White
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • 5x Theory Hall of Fame
  • 30th Anniversary Funfest - 3rd Place
  • 30th Anniversary Funfest - 1st Place
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
  • Writing Challenges
  • Piroshki
  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - Staff Badge
  • fanvatar2
  • Weezerfest Memory
  • BigMac

Hey, it’s ok, I lost too. At least you get a badge for participation! Badges are the only reason I do this.

I’m kidding I’m kidding! I really enjoy theories. It’s fun seeing what other people think of the unknown details in these games

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite That Marsh

  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner

Thanks guys. I just don’t like to lose.

But hey, who does?