White Sesame Seed sprite Theories [November-December 2017: Seeds of Doubt]

Where do they belong, other than on top of a hamburger bun?

Struthio Camelus

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Hello, everyone! I apologize for the late start, but the new theories post for the month is finally ready for action. Hopefully next time I will not delay as much. Maybe I am just sorry that October is over, but November’s pretty alright, too. My, how the year has blown by.

In October, I provided the following prompt: What was the doomed future like, and how did Buzz Buzz escape to the past? It seems, however, that we only received one response last month! I had meant to make a submission too, but sadly, I fell through on my promise. I will make one this month, however.

The victory goes to reincarnated? for their interesting depiction of what a world captured by the might of Giygas may have looked like — and how his natural antithesis may have struck back against him.

I picture the future earth full of brainwashed, zombified, and enslaved people. After Giygas became ruler of the cosmos, he brainwashed the people of the earth into doing his bidding by instilling fear into the hearts of all citizens. By using his mind control, he had the power to project painfully accurate and disturbing images into the minds of ordinary people, torturing them until their minds basically turned into vegetables, and they would do anything just to rid themselves of more torture. The citizens would be forced to build robots such as Starmen, Wooly Shamblers, and Atomic power robots, which would eventually replace all human life, so there wouldn’t be anyone to go against Giygas’s rule. Humans and robots would be selected at random to travel to the future to try and bring down Ness and his team. In Earthbound, the brainwashed people are seen as having blue faces. This is because all of the factory smog has left little to no air on earth for the humans to breath, hence turning their faces blue through asphyxiation. At the time that Buzz-buzz traveled back from, all that was left of eath were huge factories, and humans had almost been wiped out completely by robots.

Giygas is known to be the embodiment of all evil, but was there ever a manifestation of good? I think that there was another force at play in the battle for world-domination, an Anti-giygas. The universe was kept in balance when the two forces were equal, but when bad started to overthrow the good, terrible things started to happen. After being overthrown by Giygas, Anti-giygas realized that it needed to use its powers before it was destroyed completely. It harnessed the rest of its powers to travel back in time to 199X. While traveling through time, it did not have enough energy to keep itself in one piece. The Anti-giygas shattered into hundreds of pieces, with its main consciousness being kept in one small body. It chose the name Buzz-buzz because it was easyer for the children to understand then its true name, and even though it was small, the thing now called Buzz-buzz still had the PSI powers of a god.

The rest of Buzz-buzzes pieces were scattered around the world as magic butterflies. They did not hold the mind of the Anti-giygas, but they still has a bit of leftover PSI, which they would then pass on to Ness and his friends.

Nice work! You can take a look at the original thread here, if you’ll willing to travel back in time! Just click here!

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Buzz Buzz, the insect from the future, is quite a small little thing. After all, he’s only a couple pixels big. However, he’s not the smallest character in the world of EarthBound. Maybe there’s a few characters that are so small, you’d be able to put them on top of your hamburger buns!

In EarthBound, Ness and his friends can find two tiny sesame seeds within the Dusty Dunes Desert — one black and the other white. We learn from the two that they used to love each other, but have now been seemingly split apart, scattered far from each other in the desert. What’s the backstory between these two and how did they get split up? What sort of relationship drama may have occurred between sesame seeds, after all? Did they used to own a house or did they live on top of a palm tree? Perhaps they were once married and a monkey was their divorce lawyer? This prompt is a bit silly in tone, so feel free to be silly as well! Researched theories and written prose alike are acceptable submissions.

The due date for this prompt is November 30st, 11:59 PM EST! I hope you’re starting to think of some potential origin stories for these two sesame seeds. If you don’t, maybe you should look into some seeds of inspiration? No? Not funny? Well, there’s only so many jokes you can make about this topic. So sesame, anyway. (Says me? No? C’mon…)

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins


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The dusty dunes desert, like many deserts, was not always so rife with dust and dunes! An age ago, the dusty dunes desert was a beautifully bountiful base for a whole species of teeny-tiny tenda like creatures who called themselves sesame seeds. They lived in the ocean side paradise in peace, with nothing but mountains and seas to wall them in there valley. They had a long history, now forgotten in the sands of time, but one ended by their own choice.

At a peak of their era in prosperity they had the ambition to go downward, as they were not well suited for ocean life or for mountain climbing. An undertaking began ultimately divided their nation of sesame. The main ruler, High Sesame seed and his younger brother did not get along well, so when High Sesame began his digging operation on the western side of their land (unbeknownst to them, would later be the site of a monkey hole/tunnel system), his brother started a separate dig site on the eastern side.

Few sesame people remained with the High Sesame, mostly his dig team who believed in him and a few loyalists. A majority of the people chose to side with his brother on the now declared “Eastern Sesame”. The brother promised them wealth and a home so much better in the underground. His team had made much further progress in their Under Home and the people started to move in. They thrived for many years, the brother naming himself the new ruler had fallen in love with a sesame of rare colour. He called her white sesame.

Years later, Eastern sesame having lost all contact with West Sesame. All of Upper Sesame had started to turn to waste, nothing grew any more with no sesames to take care of the land, and a terrible wind had started to strip the soil of its richness. So happy underground, no one realized that their former home became a wasteland. Eastern Sesame diggers had unearth something terrible, and worst of all, they knew from its cries that 2 more creatures even stronger must be coming. The Under Home became ravaged, most did not survive the attack, and those that did could not make it out of the maze like tendacys of the Underhome. The High sesame and his lives love, white sesame took his secret presidential access to Upper Sesame and a wave a shock rose over him. His people were doomed. The main entrance to Eastern Sesames Under Home had been filled in with sand. Everything had been filled with sand, it was everywhere they looked. Lost for words and thought, the younger brother had finally thought back to his brother, on the other side of their now sand filled land. Not wanting to lose his precious white sesame to whatever may reside in this new sandy terror-scape, he told her to please stay, and that he would be back as soon as he found his brother.

why is life so unfair. Thy hatred is unjust, you jest? “why” “GNAUT” can i vote for all YE

Struthio Camelus

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Normally, I would not do this, but I would like to extend this prompt throughout the month of December in hopes of getting more responses. Consider the new deadline to be December 31st, 11:59 PM EDT.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

sprite September

The two sesame seeds were out and about one day, maybe getting stuff from the drugstore. On their way home, strong winds started blowing and separated the two. As the sandstorm subsided, they began looking for each other, but as the desert is incredibly big for two very tiny sesame seeds, it became a task akin to trying to find a needle in a haystack. Maybe even worse.

They spend days looking for each other, and then days turn into weeks, ultimately months. They pass creatures on the way, attempting to ask them if they’ve seen a black or white sesame seed pass by. But as they’re so tiny, most creatures are too far up to hear. The black sesame seed manages to talk to a few bugs, who aren’t of any help, because they haven’t seen his other half. The white sesame seed then finds a bug who’s seen the black sesame seed, but it was days ago, and the bug doesn’t know where he could’ve gone by now.

All hope seems lost. They’re tired, sad, lonely, and feel like they must’ve walked across the entire desert at this point. But then one day, a giant human child named Ness and his friends appear, and after such a long time of uncertainty, they’re finally reunited. It doesn’t take days, weeks or months from the point the black sesame seed meets Ness. It takes mere seconds, as the boy possesses psychic powers and is able to teleport the black sesame seed to his loved on in the blink of an eye.

“Green green! Oops, that’s not it… I’m still new at this.”

sprite TurtleGirl

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The two sesame seeds originally came from hamburgers made for God and Satan. God’s hamburgers had white sesame seeds, while Satan’s had black seeds.

One day, while they were eating, two seeds, one black and the other white, fell from the hamburgers and gained sentience. Aware they were alive, but without purpose, they decided to wander around, looking a purpose. They eventually found themselves in the Dunes Desert, and the moment they met each other, they fell in love.

However, it was not easy to stay in love. One day, Black Seed found White Seed talking to Gray Pebble. Thinking she was cheating on him, Black Seed reacted violently. They had a huge fight which ended with Black Seed swearing he didn’t want to see White Seed again. He moved himself far away, to the eastern part of the Dunes Desert.

However, the isolation had impacted both of them. Black Seed eventually realized his mistake of not hearing the other side of the story and grows to regret it. White Seed realized she still loved Black Seed and couldn’t stay mad at him for long. When Ness and co. find White Seed, she tells the kids to tell Black Seed that she forgives him for their fight. Black Seed, upon receiving the news, breaks down crying.

sprite reincarnated?

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The so-called “Sesame seeds” are in fact not sesame seeds at all, they are tiny personality chips from two cute li’l ufo lovers.

The two ufos, one dark, one light, were sent to patrol the dusty dunes desert for intruders when they fell in love. Love was forbidden amongst robots, so they had to keep their feelings hidden from the rest of the patrol group. One fateful night, another one of the robot army caught the two lovers together, and no matter how hard they begged it not to tell their squad leader, the (not-so) cute li’l ufo told.

The evil leader thought long and hard about the best way to punish the lovers. Would it be by dismantling them? Telling the almighty ruler Giygas and letting him punish them? Burying them alive? No, he thought, the best way to punish them would be for him to send one of them away and disabling the other’s info transmitter. He banished the dark ufo to the other side of the desert and ripped out the light’s transmitter so they could never speak to each other again.

From across the desert, the dark ufo tried every day to transmit a message to the other, but unbeknownst to him, the light one had no way of responding. He thought that they had forgotten about him, and eventually, after months of messaging, he gave up.

Disaster struck, and a great sandstorm ripped across the desert. The fierce winds and whirling sand ripped apart the steel exterior of the ufos and buried most of the wires that were inside underneath piles of sand. But as the storm cleared, miraculously, two things remained. The small sesame seed shaped personality chips of the two ufos.

Something inside told the two of them that the other was alive. This feeling rekindled their love for each other, and with the rest of the army gone, they were finally free to love again.

Well, as long as they could figure out how to get back together.

I lived ten years and then I lived some more.