Fuel sprite Theories [May 1-14 2018: The Rank of a Starman (EXTENDED TO THE END OF MAY)]

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Hello everyone and welcome to another month of theories!

Last month’s prompt had to do with Poo’s Special Equipment that were scattered around the world. Some theories talked about how the equipment were put there as a test. Some said it was dumb luck that Poo found them and another even gives some backstory to the items involving previous masters. But like always, there can only be one winner.

The victory goes to BossCrafty with his theory about Dalaamish History. This theory describes the equipment as a final test for the prince to complete. Ness’ quest to save the world and the locations of the equipment converged due to fate. He also explains that Starman Super’s can use weild the blade because they are not robots and they wield PSI. I really like the attention to small details in this one. I highly suggest you read the whole thing.


The four items of the Kings were meant to be the true test for one to become the King of Dalaam. These items have been passed down throughout history as long as Dalaam has existed. In Dalaamish history, every king is a PSI master who has to undergo vigorous training in order to qualify as the king. Kings are mostly hereditary, with the king’s son becoming the next king, but in rare cases where the the son doesn’t have the Psychic potential to pass the tests, a new family will be chosen and trained.

Among the training and tests is the task to recover the four lost Items of the Kings. Each item is a protective bit of wear that grants the user power, and can only be used by those with great Psychic abilities. The four items are:
The Bracer of Kings, hidden within Dalaam’s Pink Cloud dungeons;
The Diadem of Kings, hidden away under the swamps of Deep Darkness;
The Sword of Kings, located far way in the cold, desolate land of Winters;
The Cloak of Kings, deep under the earth in the Lost Underworld.
Each of these locations are difficult for the best of PSI users to reach, so finding all of them is the mark of a true Master.

“But wait!” you say, “Why do the Starman Supers have the Sword of Kings?”
Well, if you were listening, you would know that only those with great Psychic abilities can use the Kings’ items. Now, the Starmen are not robots. No one knows exactly what they are, but we do that they are living, organic, possibly semi-robotic aliens—
and they are PSI wielders.

Now, during the invasion of Winters, the forces of Giygas built their base beneath Stonehenge, off of a preexisting cave. We don’t know for sure, but it is widely believed that the Sword of Kings was hidden in this cave, before the Starmen who excavated the place inadvertently discovered it. We don’t know exactly what the Starman Supers’s logic was, but they likely took the Sword because:

1: They Starmen Supers are great users of PSI, and as they found the Sword, they should get to keep it.

2: Someone was probably looking for this Sword, and by keeping it, they could use it to lure whoever the seeker was into a trap.

Now finally, Poo comes into the story. Poo was the next prince of Dalaam, and having completed all his training, the test was all that remained. Poo was exempt from most testing (Going with Ness to save the world and destroy the Universal Cosmic Destroyer would suffice) but Fate managed to bring the chosen four through a path that would allow Poo to find all four Kings items. Poo, as an experienced warrior, had no need of any weapon that would hinder his ability to fight with other than his fists. The Sword was the only weapon Poo could use, as it complements the power he has.

Read this carefully, it will be on your AP history final.

I also suggest that you all look at everyone else’s theories as well. They are good reads.

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Of course, it’s not just about winning, either. Simply participate ten times, and you can get this swanky badge!

This month we have a user submitted theory prompt from ThatLandonGuy.

Artwork by CullBot0

How do Starmen change? We see multiple versions of Starmen in Earthbound, from normal Starmen, to Final Starmen. Are they made/created as this way? Do they rank up? How? What is the process behind the change, or are they not able to change forms?

Note: You can submit your own theory prompt to me via PM. Make sure to provide questions and structure it like the other prompts. Example: Provide a few different questions that people can use as a springboard/inspiration. Look at the prompt above to see how it should be written.

Just curious, would you guys be up for some Mother 1 theory topics? I know it’s the least popular of the three but it’s nice to spice things up from time to time.

This prompt is due on May 14th at 11:59 PM EST! Join the ranks, submit a theory!


sprite That Marsh

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All Starmen leave the production line as regular Starmen. They undergo an ability test that determines their rank. Well, more like a role or class than a rank-Juniors are scouts, Normals are your normal troops, Finals are elite commandos. Every Starman has a chance to rise to the next rank, if they are competent enough.

Every rank has it’s own unique visuals-color, details. They allow easy recognition even amidst the chaos of battle. And some of them look really badass.

When a Starman advances in rank, they get a new shell. The process of getting it can only be described as a “mechanical surgery” and is very difficult, because the inside of a Starman is a delicate blend of biological (individual) and mechanical (rank-based) components. The bio parts are extracted into a jar, combined with new machine parts and finally put inside the new shell. Ugh. Atleast they have the decency to use anesthetics. The old shell and mechanical parts go through a factory reset and are used by other Starmen. The Starmen’s opinion differ. Some see it as a grand ritual, others are scared of it. And they have the right to, because the surgery requires lots of time and deft limbs, preferrably tentacles. Damaging, misplacing or tampering with even the smallest part can lead to defects and malfunctions.

Fun fact: There was a Surgeon Simulator level based on the procedure, but was cut out for being too hard.

Captain of Positivity

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I’ve got something coming along, I’m just busy cause my club’s robotics competition is tomorrow. But I’ll get my theory in after that!

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

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Due to a low number of entries plus someone else wanting to submit I will extend this prompt until the end of the month.


Captain of Positivity

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Whew! Got third place in our competition, I feel pretty accomplished. Anyway, the theory I promised:

Starmen are aliens, not robots. Who knows how they reproduce, that’s a discussion for another day. Anyway though,

Starmen live in a hierarchical system, with the highest starman on top, and the weaker ones on the bottom. Think of ants. At the top is the queen ant, and lower down are worker ants, ants that take care of the queen, ants that gather food, and ants that take care of larvae. To compare this to the Starmen, Giygas is the queen ant, with varying levels of devoted Starmen underneath her/him. The Starman Juniors are at the lowest, they are dispatched for fulfilling simple missions (Destroying Buzz Buzz should be an easy task, right?) The higher up Starmen have power over the lower.

So how are they in these ranks in the first place? Starmen are born/created/made in their place in the hierarchy. They live and serve in their place, until they die. However, they do not change ranks. Similar to medieval times where peasants stay peasants through generations, a Starman stays it’s rank throughout its life, and the rank is passed on to offspring. As for the mysterious rank of “Ghost of Starman,” when a Starman dies, their spirit part can be put in another robot body, and they are barely alive, more robots than anything. Only high ranking Starmen can be reincarnated in this way, as an honor to their mortal service.

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite Dershka

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I try (Sorry for the mistakes) :

First of all, I think and I’m sure, the Starmen are empty armor, hollow. They have a soul, the only thing that animate them (Logic).
But they have no change of form, except the ghost of Starman, who is nothing but the soul of this empty armor !
One can also think that the ghosts of Starmen are the souls of starmen previously killed in the extraterrestrial base of Winter.
But let’s go back to the changes of forms of the Starmen.
As I said above, they do not undergo any change. They are as created at the factory with more or less of powers and keep their appearance from the beginning until their death, where after they become ghosts !

Instagram : @pepin_malin

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Hey guys. The theories update isn’t coming tomorrow. I’ve got something to attend to. It should come a day or 2 after.


sprite That Marsh

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It has been a week. You ok?

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I’m very sorry everyone. I’ve been dealing with the end of the school year, finding a roommate for college, and so on. To not leave you hanging I’ve decided a winner.
This month’s theory winner is BossCrafty.
Nice job on another victory.

Also I have another announcement.

I’m starting my first year of college in the fall and plan to take it seriously. I don’t think I can continue to run theories anymore. It has been a ton of fun to run it and thank you all for participating. I’ll be honest, I thought theories was pretty much dead when I took it over but you guys have proven that to be wrong. We may not get as many entries as we did years ago but the fact that you guys participate really warms me deep in my heart. I’m going to step down. I hope someone else will continue to run with the torch, keeping the theory flame alive.
Thank you all so much!


Captain of Positivity

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“Thank you so so so much, Mr. Pitch Black Flint Lochy!”

It’s been nice having you!

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite That Marsh

  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner

I lost. Dammit.

sprite Dershka

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@Lochy : Thanks Lochy for your very good job ! And good luck !