Fuel sprite Theories [March 2018: The Fobby and Foppy Mystery]

Fop Fop Fop to the top!

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Hello everyone and welcome to another month of theories!

Last month’s prompt concerned why Ness had such a strange reaction to the cake. What’s in that stuff? Well I got some interesting responses that ranged from drugs to actual psi in the cake. They were all interesting but there can only be one winner.

The victory goes to NintendoPixel with her theory about the sailor being an addict and using the navy, voyages, etc to get away from his addiction. This didn’t work out and leads to some accidents. I recommend you all read the rest of the story. I really enjoyed it.


He was an addict, and he was scum. He knew that. And he had tried to stop—really, he had—but its hold was strong. Stronger than he.

He joined the navy in hopes that military correction might kick the habit, but the withdrawals nearly tore him apart. He abhorred life high and he abhorred life clean. He knew full and well he could get in trouble every time he locked that cabin door and pulled out that little pouch of magic. He knew it, and yet he did it. Even when they made him captain. He just didn’t know if he cared anymore.

When he married, he was happy—so happy—to find that, in the wake of the excitement, his addiction had lessened. It hadn’t diminished entirely (he doubted it ever would), but it certainly was a thrilling sense of liberation he had felt. But as life returned to its perfunctory ways, he loved less, and he craved more. It was the drugs that gave him solace—solace for the unforgiving world he lived in.

He kept it from her, the drugs. He kept it all, a large reserve, and contained it in a clear, plastic sack weighing nearly five pounds that he hid in the deepest corner of the laundry room pantry. He was giddy; its location was obvious—almost painfully obvious—but the likelihood that it would ever be found was laughably small.

His wife was sorry to see him struggle. Of course, the secret of his addiction was kept with him alone. She often wondered about the bags that cradled his eyes, why he walked as if his life had left him, why he loved her no longer. It was with tears that she always concluded that she wasn’t good enough to him.

To remedy this issue, she baked him cakes—and what splendid cakes they were—every Saturday, unless, of course, he was voyaging, in which case she took those cakes to the beach (they, of course, lived by the ocean) to sell. She baked them with all the love and tenderness her tired hands and heavy heart could pour into those little cakes. Frequently, she would worry that he’d think her baking an act of obligation, and she hoped he didn’t. But it concerned her how little pleasure he expressed in eating her cakes. It was always as if he prefered something different—something stronger.

On a particular Saturday, when her husband was at sea, and when her sights were set on a day at the beach, as she gathered the eggs, the sugar, and the vanilla extract, she marveled at herself how she possibly could have forgotten to pick up more flour at the store just the day before. She had nearly enough, but prefered just a lick more, or she would have to amend the recipe. It wouldn’t do to leave the house right then, for the baby would be all alone, so she searched the laundry room pantry, hoping she may have stashed an extra sack in there.

It took some rummaging, but her fingertips eventually brushed against a surface that made a dull crinkle. She poked her head in the closet to examine the source. And there it was, a plastic sack of white flour! She reached for it triumphantly.

Back into the kitchen she marched with that little sack flour, happy as could be. She poured into her small mixing bowl all of the proper ingredients, measuring out her old sack of flour, and subsequently, measuring out her new. She would need only a little bit…

Her cakes were done. She felt that, in this batch, something had gone particularly right. She almost felt they might even be magical. But she laughed at the notion as she dressed herself and her baby. She laughed even still as she gently wrapped the cakes and stored them in her little woven basket. And she laughed all the walk toward the shore, a baby and a basket in her arms, never even guessing that the notion had been true.

I also suggest that you all look at everyone else’s theories as well. They are good reads

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This month we are gonna take a look at one of Earthbound’s cutest and strangest creatures.

In Earthbound there are many enemies to battle on your way to defeating Giygas. Many of these enemies give Ness and his friends trouble. But not all put up much of a fight, in comes the Fobby and Foppy. Two small, weak, and cute lil guys. They don’t really show up all too much and are a quick kill. They are very abundant. Usually showing up in droves of 3 or more. Where are they all coming from? We never learn about the origins of these things. Are they just slaves of Giygas or is there more than meets the eye? Maybe they have their own village ala Saturn Valley? Are they some sort of genetic mutation? Devise a theory about how the Fobby and Foppy came to be. You can make this as silly or as serious as you want. Just make sure to stay on topic!

This prompt is due on March 30th at 11:59 PM EST! I can’t wait to see all your Fobulous entries!


Captain of Positivity

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Hmm, Fobbies have been my favorite enemy through all of Earthbound, so I practically had this ready for quite a while.

Belch’s factory likely contains all sorts of weird chemicals and substances used to 1. Bring zombies to life, and 2. Create fly honey. These chemicals alone would not have been anything special, but Giygas, who’s evil influence brought trees, statues, and mushrooms to life, also affected the gummy-like substances that became the Foppies. This explains how they’re so easily defeatable, because they simply pop into jelly when hit with a bat.

But what about the Fobbies in Lumine Hall, far from any factory? Perhaps they are distant relatives of the equally gummy Tendas, or maybe a result of the strange power emanating from the nearby sanctuary. Or maybe a combination of both!

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Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite Parzival

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Giygas manufactures Starmen in his factory deep beneath Stonehenge. Evidence would seem to suggest that the Starmen are in fact organic creatures. They are actually made out of a synthetic yet organic substance. However, there are often lumps of material left over after the Starmen are finished. Not having any other use for them, they are formed into Foppys and Fobbys.

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Well, I ought to try my hand at one of these.

I’ve seen the truth firsthand. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but heck, I’ll give it a shot.

See, I’ve been hunting rare enemies for the last thirteen and a half years. Chomposaurs, Criminal Caterpillars, and even Shattered Men. Never paid much mind to the Fobbies and Foppies and all that. But, you know, one day I got to thinking. Where’d they all come from? Why were there so many of them?

So instead of stomping them like I usually did, I followed one around for a while. A Foppy, bright pink and innocent-looking. You almost feel bad for offing those things. When you really pay attention, isn’t it funny how those things all look the same?

Well, the little guy wandered around for a while. Offered me a few punches, but it didn’t hurt any. Once it got bored, I made like I was gonna be on my way. But, see, I didn’t go home. I hid behind the corner and followed it back, wherever it was going. You gotta wonder where those things go at night.

It led me through a whole bunch of caves. Now I was getting interested. I wasn’t expecting much, but this place was pretty dark and cramped and I’d never explored it much. By the looks of it, neither had anyone else. There were lots of stalagmites and stalactites that’d been rubbed smooth just by drips of water, not curious hands. And it dripped, all right! I swear you could hear a drop fall from a mile away.

The place got so dark that I could hardly see. If the Foppy wasn’t bright pink, I would’ve lost it. No clue how long I walked, but finally I saw a sort of light.

You can imagine how shocked I was when I peered around a corner and saw a massive pink glob. No joke, this thing was fifty times my size. And there were Foppies crawling around everywhere.

I stayed dead silent, I swear, but the whole cave shook and suddenly the thing was looking at me. I wanted to run, more than anything I’ve ever wanted before, but I could see it in its eyes that there was no way I’d make it. And speaking of its eyes, it had about six of them. Crazy stuff.

It came real close to me and blinked at me with all those creepy eyes. You bet I tried to look as friendly as I could. It felt like ten whole minutes before it made this sighing sort of sound, and then turned back away from me. I thought I’d caught a lucky break, but it turned out that I really hadn’t, cause then the whole place started coming down.

I ran like hell. Only thing I could think was that I was gonna die, but I looked back once. There was something enormous and orange barreling after me. You can imagine what it was, but I’ll let you know it had at least twelve eyes.

There was a whole sea of Fobbies and Foppies crashing around behind me. I was terrified out of my mind. I don’t remember how I got out of there—all I knew was that I was breathing in sweet air and going half-blind with sunlight. Thank god.

If that makes you curious, lemme warn you—it’s not worth it. You beat around those things and laugh ’cause you got free XP. Well, trust me when I say that you ought to pass ’em by. Seriously.

sprite Magenta Flame

I believe that these weird creatures are Mr. Saturns, but manipulated by Giygas’ influence like how animals and some people are. Notice how almost every animal in the game is an enemy in Giygas’ “army”? Notice how only a few humans are controlled by him? Finally, notice how the only creatures that don’t seem to be effected by Giygas are the Mr. Saturns and Tendas? I believe that the more intelligent the being, the harder it is to control them. I realized that the only animals that you don’t fight in the game are the ones smart enough to think like a human, which is why Ness can read their minds. Less humans are being controlled by him, and the ones that are, aren’t very smart. Like… hippies and cranky ladies. Mr. Saturns are seen to be very smart, but not that useful. I believe that to try to use the Mr. Saturns intelligence easily and make better slaves, Master Belch found a way to transform Mr. Saturns under his control, but ended in a failure, which is why these things look so similar to Mr. Saturn, are weak, and are found in Belch’s base. But, Giygas was able to control and make the Foppies stronger to create Fobbies, and placed them in Lumine Hall as new soldiers as a last attempt to stop Ness from learning the Eight Melodies. As we know, it didn’t work. Giygas then got rid of them, and had nothing but the Carbon Dog to defend the Fire Spring.


sprite ThatLandonGuy

I’m relatively new to Starmen.net, and I’m loving it! I’m exploring what I can do, and I found this, so I wanted to submit a theory. I think I’m doing this right, but not for sure… Anyway, here’s my March 2018 theory submission!

The Foppies were originally stationed West of Saturn Valley, near the waterfall. They live in peace and harmony, making trades with the Mr. Saturns often to enhance each other’s quality of living. The Mr. Saturns’ technological abilities helped the Foppies function as a whole, making houses, hospitals, and other things the Fobbies weren’t capable of making. The Foppies would then in turn donate their prized possession, Fly Honey. The two groups learned from each other, and they both eventually were able to do what they couldn’t do at first, with their own style and culture influence on what they make.
It was many years later when the peace was broken, when the Foppies and the Saturns noticed something different, a stench, in fact. It was nothing they had even smelt before, and it was terrible. As you, as a reader may be able to assume, it was no other than Master Belch, and his terrible smelling faction of puke and slime. They craved one thing that was now only regarded as legend in Eagleland, fly honey.
Upon arrival, Master Belch took both societies and captured them, as they both made fly honey. They set up base there, calling it belch base. The Saturns were chosen to make the fly honey for them. Since the Mr. Saturns had less time with making the substance, theirs smelt worse than the Foppies’ honey, making Master Belch feel more proud of who he was and his aroma. The Foppies on the other hand were horrified of the smell coming from the slimy little pies, and would parade Belch Base, pretending to be on guard as well, but secretly taking some fly honey and using it to improve the stench of Belch Base.
A bit later was when Ness and his friends showed up, about a year or so after Master Belch setting up base. The Foppies noticed the power of Ness and his friends, and therefore would follow Ness and his friends to see what caused such power. These unknown creatures made Ness feel uncomfortable, especially the large number of them. Yes, they were mostly harmless, but the Foppies were only trying to see who they were. Unfortunately, this caused poking and prodding that would lead Ness and his friends to lashing out on them.
That same day, Master Belch was defeated by Ness and his friends, so the Foppies and Mr. Saturns were good to leave. The Mr. Saturns stayed, but the Foppies decided to leave, since their cover was blown over the fly honey. They then changed their name to the Fobbies, hoping that no one could ever recognize them again as the fly honey makers written down as legend.
The Foppies traveled far and wide, stumbling upon Deep Darkness. The muck in Deep Darkness caused hardly anyone to come by, since it was dangerous. On top of that, the Foppies discovered psychic abilities from the bacteria in the water, making them more powerful, changing their pigment from a deep red to a nice orange. They could even make fly honey here as well, the conditions worked, and the muck somehow made their fly honey help the Fobbies concentrate. The Fobbies once again found another tribe to work with, the Tendas. The Tendas provided shelter, while The Fobbies provided Fly Honey. The Fobbies were once again hopeful of happiness, one they may be able to achieve at last.
However, it didn’t last long. Master Belch, now known as the Big Pile of Puke, had once again discovered the whereabouts of the Fobbies, and went to search in Deep Darkness for them and their fabled fly honey. However, thanks to the Tendas, the Fobbies were able to hide in Lumine Hall. The Big Pile of Puke was soon to be defeated by Ness, and the Fobbies were safe, or so they thought. Inside Lumine Hall was the Electro Specter, and his cronies of Uncontrollable Spheres. The Fobbies were also trapped, their entrance to Deep Darkness was closed off by a giant rock that had somehow gotten there. The Fobbies, without their fly honey, were unable to concentrate, causing them to lose their minds, and unable to escaped, trapped in their own insanity.
However, Ness and his friends were here again, stronger. The Fobbies remembered Ness, and knew he was powerful, so they tried to force Ness to bring them back to Deep Darkness. They were unable to do so. Without their concentration, they were once again mostly harmless. All they could do was wait.
But then, a flash of light in the darkness! Electro Specter was defeated by Ness and his friends. The Fobbies were free, once again. Without the threat of Master Belch and his fleet, the Fobbies could live in peace, in their home land by Saturn Valley. They went back to Saturn Valley, and started to rebuild their society of who they were. They were Fobbies, a society of sweet treat makers, that rely on the relationships of others to achieve something great.

I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

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Time for a Special Announcement!

I’m loving the amount of theories so far this early in the month. I think a bit of this may be due to the theory topic I decided to use this month. This thought gave me an idea…

I want to hear YOUR IDEAS for theories. That’s right, you!

Although I just started doing theories, every month there is less new ground to tread each month. I make it a priority to provide new theory topics you guys haven’t seen before. But alas, I am only one person. You guys are probably full of theory ideas that I would never think of. So if you have an idea SEND ME A PM describing the theory as well as some follow up questions that the theory writers could use in their theory (structure it in a similar way to how I structure my theory prompts)

If I end up liking the theory I’ll use it and I’ll state that it you submitted the theory. Also don’t worry, YOU CAN PARTICIPATE/WIN IF YOUR THEORY IS USED.

Well, that’s all I have to say. I hope to see some theory ideas in my PMs soon!


I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

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Attention everyone!
I’m just making this message to say that you have 2 days left to complete and submit a theory. It’s not that much time to work with but remember, “Participation gets you one step closer to an awesome Giygas badge”
So if you want to do a theory I highly suggest doing it even if you don’t think you’ll win.


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And everything nice


Chemical F

“sometimes you just get blown up by a spaceship.
it just happens. it happens to the best of us.”
-George Washington, 2015