Fuel sprite Theories [April 2018: Dress for Success]

An Outstanding Outfit Set for any Occasion!

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Hello everyone and welcome to another month of theories!

Last month’s prompt had to do with the origin of the Fobby and Foppy. The theories ranged from them being a tribe like the Mr. Saturn to them being created by chemicals. They were all interesting but there can only be one winner.

The victory goes to ThatLandonGuy with his theory about the Fobby/Foppy and the Mr. Saturns being their own civilizations that worked together to sustain one another. Both tribes were then abducted by Belch to make fly honey. They were later freed but they couldn’t catch a break. I highly suggest you read the whole thing. I left a lot out in my summary for the sake of brevity.
Welcome to the forums TLG. I hope you enjoy your time at starmen.net!


The Foppies were originally stationed West of Saturn Valley, near the waterfall. They live in peace and harmony, making trades with the Mr. Saturns often to enhance each other’s quality of living. The Mr. Saturns’ technological abilities helped the Foppies function as a whole, making houses, hospitals, and other things the Fobbies weren’t capable of making. The Foppies would then in turn donate their prized possession, Fly Honey. The two groups learned from each other, and they both eventually were able to do what they couldn’t do at first, with their own style and culture influence on what they make.
It was many years later when the peace was broken, when the Foppies and the Saturns noticed something different, a stench, in fact. It was nothing they had even smelt before, and it was terrible. As you, as a reader may be able to assume, it was no other than Master Belch, and his terrible smelling faction of puke and slime. They craved one thing that was now only regarded as legend in Eagleland, fly honey.
Upon arrival, Master Belch took both societies and captured them, as they both made fly honey. They set up base there, calling it belch base. The Saturns were chosen to make the fly honey for them. Since the Mr. Saturns had less time with making the substance, theirs smelt worse than the Foppies’ honey, making Master Belch feel more proud of who he was and his aroma. The Foppies on the other hand were horrified of the smell coming from the slimy little pies, and would parade Belch Base, pretending to be on guard as well, but secretly taking some fly honey and using it to improve the stench of Belch Base.
A bit later was when Ness and his friends showed up, about a year or so after Master Belch setting up base. The Foppies noticed the power of Ness and his friends, and therefore would follow Ness and his friends to see what caused such power. These unknown creatures made Ness feel uncomfortable, especially the large number of them. Yes, they were mostly harmless, but the Foppies were only trying to see who they were. Unfortunately, this caused poking and prodding that would lead Ness and his friends to lashing out on them.
That same day, Master Belch was defeated by Ness and his friends, so the Foppies and Mr. Saturns were good to leave. The Mr. Saturns stayed, but the Foppies decided to leave, since their cover was blown over the fly honey. They then changed their name to the Fobbies, hoping that no one could ever recognize them again as the fly honey makers written down as legend.
The Foppies traveled far and wide, stumbling upon Deep Darkness. The muck in Deep Darkness caused hardly anyone to come by, since it was dangerous. On top of that, the Foppies discovered psychic abilities from the bacteria in the water, making them more powerful, changing their pigment from a deep red to a nice orange. They could even make fly honey here as well, the conditions worked, and the muck somehow made their fly honey help the Fobbies concentrate. The Fobbies once again found another tribe to work with, the Tendas. The Tendas provided shelter, while The Fobbies provided Fly Honey. The Fobbies were once again hopeful of happiness, one they may be able to achieve at last.
However, it didn’t last long. Master Belch, now known as the Big Pile of Puke, had once again discovered the whereabouts of the Fobbies, and went to search in Deep Darkness for them and their fabled fly honey. However, thanks to the Tendas, the Fobbies were able to hide in Lumine Hall. The Big Pile of Puke was soon to be defeated by Ness, and the Fobbies were safe, or so they thought. Inside Lumine Hall was the Electro Specter, and his cronies of Uncontrollable Spheres. The Fobbies were also trapped, their entrance to Deep Darkness was closed off by a giant rock that had somehow gotten there. The Fobbies, without their fly honey, were unable to concentrate, causing them to lose their minds, and unable to escaped, trapped in their own insanity.
However, Ness and his friends were here again, stronger. The Fobbies remembered Ness, and knew he was powerful, so they tried to force Ness to bring them back to Deep Darkness. They were unable to do so. Without their concentration, they were once again mostly harmless. All they could do was wait.
But then, a flash of light in the darkness! Electro Specter was defeated by Ness and his friends. The Fobbies were free, once again. Without the threat of Master Belch and his fleet, the Fobbies could live in peace, in their home land by Saturn Valley. They went back to Saturn Valley, and started to rebuild their society of who they were. They were Fobbies, a society of sweet treat makers, that rely on the relationships of others to achieve something great.

I also suggest that you all look at everyone else’s theories as well. They are good reads

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Of course, it’s not just about winning, either. Simply participate ten times, and you can get this swanky badge!

This month we have our first user ever submitted theory prompt from MagentaFlame.

Artwork done by Poo7878

“Why are Poo’s equipment, the King’s items, where they are?” It’s an odd anomaly in the game. Other questions as a part of the theory include “Why can only Poo use them?” And “Why are these the only equipment Poo can use?”
You can write this theory as serious or as silly as you want. Just make sure to stay on topic!

Note: You can submit your own theory prompt to me via PM. Make sure to provide questions and structure it like the other prompts. Example: Provide a few different questions that people can use as a springboard/inspiration. Look at the prompt above to see how it should be written.

This prompt is due on April 30th at 11:59 PM EST! Put on your best clothes and submit a theory.


Captain of Positivity

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The four items of the Kings were meant to be the true test for one to become the King of Dalaam. These items have been passed down throughout history as long as Dalaam has existed. In Dalaamish history, every king is a PSI master who has to undergo vigorous training in order to qualify as the king. Kings are mostly hereditary, with the king’s son becoming the next king, but in rare cases where the the son doesn’t have the Psychic potential to pass the tests, a new family will be chosen and trained.

Among the training and tests is the task to recover the four lost Items of the Kings. Each item is a protective bit of wear that grants the user power, and can only be used by those with great Psychic abilities. The four items are:
The Bracer of Kings, hidden within Dalaam’s Pink Cloud dungeons;
The Diadem of Kings, hidden away under the swamps of Deep Darkness;
The Sword of Kings, located far way in the cold, desolate land of Winters;
The Cloak of Kings, deep under the earth in the Lost Underworld.
Each of these locations are difficult for the best of PSI users to reach, so finding all of them is the mark of a true Master.

“But wait!” you say, “Why do the Starman Supers have the Sword of Kings?”
Well, if you were listening, you would know that only those with great Psychic abilities can use the Kings’ items. Now, the Starmen are not robots. No one knows exactly what they are, but we do that they are living, organic, possibly semi-robotic aliens—
and they are PSI wielders.

Now, during the invasion of Winters, the forces of Giygas built their base beneath Stonehenge, off of a preexisting cave. We don’t know for sure, but it is widely believed that the Sword of Kings was hidden in this cave, before the Starmen who excavated the place inadvertently discovered it. We don’t know exactly what the Starman Supers’s logic was, but they likely took the Sword because:

1: They Starmen Supers are great users of PSI, and as they found the Sword, they should get to keep it.

2: Someone was probably looking for this Sword, and by keeping it, they could use it to lure whoever the seeker was into a trap.

Now finally, Poo comes into the story. Poo was the next prince of Dalaam, and having completed all his training, the test was all that remained. Poo was exempt from most testing (Going with Ness to save the world and destroy the Universal Cosmic Destroyer would suffice) but Fate managed to bring the chosen four through a path that would allow Poo to find all four Kings items. Poo, as an experienced warrior, had no need of any weapon that would hinder his ability to fight with other than his fists. The Sword was the only weapon Poo could use, as it complements the power he has.

Read this carefully, it will be on your AP history final.

Whew! I can’t let my parents see this or they’ll really wonder why I have such a bad time writing essays for school. I’ve never written so much at once before!

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

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Haha. I feel ya. I’m not usually able to write a whole bunch either. Don’t worry though, the more you write the better you get at writing longer stories/ideas. But just remember: A theory being longer does not make it better. It just needs to provide the right content and excel in what it is trying to be.


Captain of Positivity

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Lol I didn’t even expect it to be so long when I started. I tend to talk a lot, maybe that habit is just working its way into my writing? Oh well. I just wanted to get my point across, because I’ve found that if I leave things out it gets hard for other people to follow what I’m saying.

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

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A good way to learn to write more is to record your own voice/write your train of thought. Sometimes our brains aren’t that good at turning our ideas into writing. Getting it down first in a dialogue way of sorts may help you bridge the gap. Next time you have an essay try to think about what you want to say for each paragraph and do what I mentioned above. I bet it will help you get a lot more down.


Captain of Positivity

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That actually makes a lot of sense, thanks for the help! Also, I’m going to shut up now or otherwise this conversation will end up as long as my theory

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite Nintenzero

    Enjoy the super long theory!

    Poo’s king equipment are not where they are by accident or coincidence, they were placed by the star master as an extension of Poo’s training. Before going on, there’s some ground work to set. All Kings of Dalaam are Mu Masters and all Mu Masters are potential, current, or former Kings of Dalaam. Yes, this means Poo’s Master is his father and the Star Master is his grandfather. However, due to the formality of being masters and students, they do not needrefer to each other as “dad”, “son”, etc. In addition, Poo’s master resembles an older Poo and is standing beside the throne. The reason Poo is on the throne is to give him extra experience for went he actually becomes King; his father and master is still right beside him as Poo’s Master training him in the ways of Mu and Kings. Poo’s master hasn’t learned PK Starstorm yet, but he will after Poo becomes King. This is the usual case as unlike Poo and his unique situation, most Mu Masters learn Starstorm after their child becomes King. Also, in Dalaamese culture, the terms “prince” and “king” apply to both males and females.
    Before a Mu Master can become king, they have to complete their “Journey of Kings” where the star master places the king’s set in certain locations for the mu master to find. This done for a few reasons in addition to finding the king’s set: to further strength them physically, mentally, and emotionally and to detach themselves from the comforts of home without abandoning one’s homeland at the same time. The latter is demonstrated when the my master returns from their journey.
    In Poo’s case, his Journey of Kings coincides with his journey with Ness and pals. The star master put in obscure, hard to reach places he knew Poo would go to with Ness, or at least probably go to. He put one in Pink Cloud as he knew Poo would go there with Ness and he can whirlwind to the actual cloud and go in the back way to put the Bracer of Kings there. When Ness and pals enter Lumine Hall, Star Master enters after and passes by the group without them or the player noticing to put the Diadem of Kings ahead of them in Lumine Hall, and he does the same thing for the Cloak of Kings. Star Master decides to put the Sword of Kings at Stonehenge once Jeff travels through there. He is the one who puts the carrot key at magnet hill for Ness and pals to find.
    Poo is not the only who can use the King’s set; Poo’s Master and Star Master can too. Master gave the set for Star Master to distribute in anticipation for when Poo completes his training and joins Ness. The reason only Poo and his predecessors can use the King’s set is that only those set on becoming, currently is, or use to be King of Dalaam can properly wield them, like how only those who play baseball can equip bats.
    The Sword of Kings has unique circumstances: it was snatched by the aliens residing under Stonehenge. A Starman Super in a group sent to Stonehenge base found the Sword of Kings and took it with because the Starman thought it looked cool. Other Starmen Supers were jealous and wanted ones too, so they analyzed the Sword and asked forces in other areas to find the materials the Sword was made of and the forces under Giygas’ influence in Pink Cloud find and send them over. The statement then forge exact replicas of the actual Sword of Kings. However, the Starman who had the actual Sword of Kings accidently drops it off a cliff in the base because he tries to hold it when he can’t actually use the sword.
    Poo loses stats when he equips non-king equipment because the materialistic nature of ordinary equipment conflicts with Mu, which raises Poo’s offense and defense. The King’s set are no ordinary equipment though, they are made with craftsmanship passed down for generations of Mu Masters, and part of forging a true piece of King’s equipment is taking forging it spiritually by taking it to the Hill of Mu used to complete Mu training. At the Hill, a Mu Master communes with the spirit of their ancestors once again and together, they imbue the equipment with a connection to the ancestral spirits. The Sword of King’s replicas Poo can aquire at the Stonehenge base have only been forged physically. Only physically forged ones have the same properties as a completely forged one, except they only give the offense boost or defense boost and not the additional properties given by the spiritual ancestral connection.
    Once Poo uses PSI Farewell in Saturn Valley, he goes back to get any King equipment he missed and returns to Dalaam. Then, he physical forges a Sword of Kings if he didn’t get at least one in Stonehenge base and spiritually forges it.
    Poo’s journey with Ness is too help him the save the Earth, but it’s also his Journey of Kings.

    Edit: Wow! I was so busy writing and not refreshing this page that this bunch of posts surprised me!

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    I updated the OP to remind you guys that you can send me suggestions on how to improve theories. I’d love to hear from you guys. I also made a poll that may dictate the frequency of prompts. Anyone who is a participant/potential participant can enter the poll. If you don’t feel that you would then please do not vote on the poll!


    One more thing. What characters, themes, and/or topics in the mother series interest you the most?


    sprite Nintenzero

      How did the Mr.Saturns end up in the Nowhere Island and why did they settle where Saturn Valley is, did they have any involvement in the white ship?

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      Is there a guideline for the form of the theory? Mine is turning out to be sort of like a narrative thing, is that ok?

      I can plug my stuff down here, right?
      I’m gonna plug my stuff

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      Nope. It can be written like a narrative. As long as it stays on topic and sheds light on the prompt being asked.


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      Hey guys. I decided that I’m going to participate in every theory prompt from now on. So here is my entry (don’t worry, I can’t win haha)
      It’s pretty short. I decided to go in the direction of a story rather than a hard analysis.

      “Mommy. My tummy hurts.” The young boy said wearily.

      “Don’t worry darling. I will make some piping hot rice gruel, and tuck you in for a night time story.” The mother said.

      “Yay story time!” He squeaked.

      The boy was properly fed and tucked into bed.

      She cleared her throat, “Now it is time for mama to tell you a story. This story is super special. That’s because it is a true story. This is a story that has been passed down for generations. It is called The Elephant Thief. The story told of a big fat man that stole the King of Dalaam’s battle garb while he was bathing. Legend says that he scattered the equipment all over the world. One of the four items would belong to evil forces, the other three were safe but needed to be found. Some men had spent their lives searching for the equipment. Others believed it to just be an old wives tale. In the 90’s the Chosen Four found the equipment and King Poo became the rightful owner of these garments. When King Poo traveled back to Dalaam he gave the equipment to his father because he was still a prince at the time-” She was interrupted by her son.

      “Wait, so those cool clothes King Poo wears are the special equipment?” He asked.

      “Yes my son.” The mother assured him.

      “Also, King Poo use to be a Prince? But he’s like a majillion years old now. The kids at school say that King Poo trips over his beard because it’s so long.”

      She giggled, “Well of course he use to be a prince. He use to be a young boy just like you. Come to think of it, you have his eyes.”

      The boy blushed, “You really mean it, mama?”

      She nodded her head.

      “Now get to bed dear. Sleep does an upset stomach good.” The mother said after she smooched his forehead.

      The boy blew out the candle next to his bedside and shut his eyes.


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      Alright here’s my take on the deal.

      The history of the Artifacts of Kings is long as the history of Dalaam itself. The floating island’s first and only inhabitants, thanks to their psychic teleportation abilities and their devotion to the Mu, had no use for conflict. So the last four commissions of the Dalaamese people were made for a bracer, a sword, a diadem, and a cloak. The mysterious Star Master even came to imbue his powers of Mu into the items and tie the artifacts to the Royal Bloodline of Dalaam. What resulted was a set of four Artifacts fit for a King… and only a King.

      For a long time, the Artifacts of Kings were used for ceremonial purposes only. They spent most of their time in a display case just outside the Throne Room, carefully checked upon every ten minutes by the appointed Master of the Prince. Only for special occasions would the King don the gear. It was prophesied that when the Mother Earth cried for saviors, the Prince with the Eyes of Mu would join the Heroes of Mind and defeat the evil. But this was just some jargon by the Star Master. To most, the equipment just looked cool on the King.

      Untold generations later, a sour king took the throne. Master Ku had feared the day Prince Pie would take the throne since her first counseling session with him. He delighted in the pain of others. He imposed oppressive taxes and harsher punishments on the people. For the first time in any elder’s memories there was talk of punishment by “last suffering,” as the literal translation goes, as the Dalaamese word for execution had long been forgotten. But there was more to the King’s malicious intentions. King Pie knew that there was only one blade in the whole kingdom, and the was the only one who could to use it.

      This was the last straw for the Master. The Royal Bloodline is entitled to the most outstanding home, food, teachings, and mentoring in the whole kingdom of Dalaam… but the way of the Mu taught benevolence, humility, and restraint. Master Ku wished in her history books the monks had recorded the vices past Kings had fought to overcome, so that Prince Pie would know that he was never alone in his struggles. But now was too late for that.

      The morning King Pie had arranged the first Last Suffering, Master Ku tried one last time to talk him out of it. The King was angered. “Would you like to be the second?” he said. King Pie was determined that someone would die today.

      So Master Ku waited until King Pie was in the square for the Last Suffering, and she blasted him with the strongest Freeze power she could gather. Any other target would have been preserved perfectly, but his diadem emitted a bright blue flash as the blast dissipated into air like nothing. She had the King’s attention, and seconds to act. She focused and shot at him the waves of Paralysis in a panic, but to no effect. King Pie struck down his Master with the butt of his sword and went to the criminal sentenced to die. He lifted his blade… and several things happened all at once.

      The sky went dark. A tornado came and blew away the criminal, breaking his chains and landing him on a nearby peak. Riding on the tornado was the Star Master of legend, who landed on top of the palace and shouted in a fierce tongue, bringing a storm of light down on King Pie. The King was mortally wounded, but alive. Star Master summoned the tornado, which tore away the Artifacts of Kings from the broken body of the King. “Only one King of Dalaam may ever use that blade to strike another down,” they said. “I have seen him, and he has nice eyes. You… do not have nice eyes.”

      The Artifacts were flung with a great gust of wind into the sky and down to the world below, where nobody would be able to wield them for good or evil. Star Master said, “Whenever the real hero comes along to save the world, I’m sure he will find the things. And if not… Eh, he’ll manage.”

      Rumors popped up from time to time over the ages. The Sword may have been seen in the frigid Winters, or just a schoolboy’s tall tale. The merchant communities of Scaraba claimed and sold a cloak and diadem of similar descriptions to travelers heading south, into the swamp. One Dalaamese adventurer named Kit followed a lead about the Bracer of Kings and swore to bring it back, but never returned. It can only be presumed that when the certain chosen King comes along, he will be able to find them.

      I can plug my stuff down here, right?
      I’m gonna plug my stuff

      Supah Star Warrior

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      One day king poo was all like “whoosh whew” in the pink cloud with his sword of kings when talah rama teleported in and said “poo a little monkey told me you were being irresponsible with your swords i have come too take it away” and talah rama teleported the sword away and poo was sad and asked “where can i find my sword” and talah rama said “up in space” and poo said “but i can’t breathe in space” and talah rama shrugged and teleported away and poo cried into the toilet.
      All of a sudden zarbol showed up and used an enemy bufferizer on himself and became a huge ufo and poo looked out of the toilet and was all like “whoa who are you” and zarbol said “a priest i am not” and poo frowned because he thought he had heard this before but he hadn’t but it was a weird sense of reverse deja vu but then zarbol spoke directly into his mind and said “shut up king poo i can give you a solid air bubble so you can breathe in space” and poo was all like “whoa please” and zarbol blessed poo and he faded into a beam of solid yellow light and closed his eyes.
      When poo opened his eyes he was in a really weird new place that was all purple and filled with angry people on fire on motorcycles chasing demons that were running everywhere and zarbol said “this is the dimension of painful purple, follow me carefully if you want your sword” and he flew off making the jetsons noise in his tiny li’l ufo and poo tried to follow zarbol but he got hit by an angry person on fire on a motorcycle and zarbol was all like “oh shoot” and tried to go back and get poo but it was too late and he had started turning into a red demon and poo demon looked down at his hand and said “oh bother”.
      Zarbol said “you must trust me now poo you will find you have super abilities now but you can’t use your mirror technique any more” and poo demon was like “it was never useful anyway” and ran off screaming “help me find my sword” and zarbol screamed “but wait you can’t touch the light again” and poo touched the light again and his red skin started boiling but he saw his sword of kings in the hands of one of the angry people on fire on a motorcycle and reached for it and then his demon flesh magically encased itself in metal and his hands fused into one long appendage each and poo put his hands in the air and waved them like he just didn’t care and was all like “oh nooooo” and then poo was a starman.
      Unfortunately for king poo when prince poo and his friends wound up at the stonehenge base they totally bashed the former monarch’s shiny metal red demon head in with a baseball bat but hey at least both poos had their sword.

      Edit: I just focused on the Sword of Kings. Hope that suffices.

      Your favorite theater kid / riddle lord / proud member of the Flowey Fan Club.
      In these dark times, let’s remember… Eggman had a master plan until the very end!

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      That’s right! You guys requested Bi-Weekly the most in the poll and here it is. This also means that getting any of the swanky badges will be a whole lot easier.

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      sprite Lucas Lazuli

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      My take:

      The Sword and Clothes of Kings are actually standard issue accessories, crafted out of magical materials and such and handed to the Kings over generations for millennia.
      Each King goes through a trial in the Pink Cloud dungeon. Almost every king has passed except for one, who died a shockingly painful death from Thunder Mites.
      Giygas heard of these items of Kings, and sent out Starmen to excavate them. The Starmen searched all over Earth, even in the Pink Cloud Dungeon.
      They found tons of Diadems, Cloaks, Bracers, and Swords and handed them to Giygas. A few of the Super Starmen felt high and mighty and secretly kept the Swords they found. None of the other king items actually fit anything in Giygas’s army, so Giygas trashed the clothes and the swords that the Super Starmen didn’t keep.

      The items that you find in various places were items of Kings that the Starmen missed. Lucky, Poo!

      i find it important to stress that this text is green