Kumatora S sprite Rap poetry idk

sprite dwiese1998

  • EBFF 2011 Submitter

theyre a waste of time,
they make me feel like im in a constant decline,
What would make me wanna jump in a pit and get buried alive?
To get away would be quite sublime,
They wouldnt listen to the thoughts on my mind,
So why should i waste my time?
With their constant chimes,
Get with the times, they tell me.
I’ve had enough of the lies that they sell me,
My feet propel me,

Away from the bullshit,
I no longer comit,
fuck these hypocrites,
words are counterfeit,
So i walk alone on this moonlit night,
To see what was out of sight,
I should’ve brought a light,
but the weather’s alright

I wish that could sing,
or play songs on my guitar,
but i couldnt do those things,
even though i tried so hard.
I’ll never be a star,
and my dreams feel oh so far,
my lungs are covered in tar,
my feelings trapped in a jar.

I wish I that i could let them out,
stop acting like such a bitch,
I could never be happy even if i was rich,
I’d rather be gone dead in a ditch,
or burned at the steak like a witch,
my emotions constantly switch,
in which half the day I’ll feel estatic,
quite fantastic,
to something even more drastic,
My head is filled with static,
Skeletons hidden in the attic,
Feeling manic.

Sometimes i sit and wonder if everyone feels this way,
Sometimes I feel like im being zapped by a cosmic ray,
my thoughts in dissaray,
My teeth in decay,
a disgrace,
Feels like I’m stuck in a neverending relay race.

Adjacent hallways,
Lead me down to hell,
Lock me in that cell,
So far noone could hear me even if i yell.
I wish I had a happier story to tell.
But my dreams i had to sell.

17 Years later and we still can’t Grasp Giygas’ Attack..

sprite Fox4729

    Poetry flows with rhythm
    Rhythm goes into rhyme

    Refine it, Elaborate
    Shine till it’s divine

    No longer a slave to time
    I hold at bay, it’s mine

    Some men strive for wisdom
    The wisest know it’s inside

    A spark, a fire
    lethal like potent lightning

    Constricting anaconda
    The viper bite, its so freighting

    Oh so dark and inviting
    Savage and now it’s striking

    Can’t stop until its mastered
    Pillaging words like vikings

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.