Paula's Mom sprite Monthly Prompt Post - November '17

Deadline: November 30th

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Summer is long past us and autumn is nearly over. Let’s begin this long cold season with another round of Monthly Prompt Post!

The idea is simple. I give you a prompt, and you give me a story. The story can be about the Mother series or something completely original, as well as everything in between! Get your story done on time and you will receive this wonderful badge.

In addition, we now have upgrade badges! Your badge will change the more you participate!

For participating five times, you get this baby!

Ten time participation will upgrade to this!

I want to throw yet another upgrade badge into the mix!
For anyone who participates a whopping TWENTY times will get this wonderful badge:

I hope you guys are excited!

You can check the link below to see how many times you’ve participated thus far. If you notice a mistake, just let me know.
(If you happen to already be due for a badge upgrade, let me know because I am probably not going to give badges for inactive users unless requested)

There are a few rules:

  • Your story must be at least 500 words in length (this does not include the title’s of stories and must be full words. Any words being spaced out for the flavor of the story will not be included in the word count.)
  • Your story must be proofread for spelling and grammar errors. Small errors are fine, but avoid them if at all possible.
  • You may interpret the prompt any way you like, but it must be an identifiable influence in your story – you can’t just stick in the prompt randomly.
  • Please don’t reuse stories from the past just because they fit the prompt. This event is about practicing and giving yourself a reason to write, after all!
  • You can submit as many stories as you want, but keep in mind, only one counts toward participation that month.
  • All other forum rules apply

Breaking these rules will result in you not receiving a badge.

New prompts will be released on the 1st of each month. The deadline is is on the last day of the month, so get these entries in by November 30th, 11:59PM

Let’s do a requested prompt!
This month’s prompt is: Forgiveness!

Also, I urge you to consider writing a something relating to the Mother-series. Doing so would qualify you to win the Fanfiction of the Month and get another nifty badge!

To see if you qualify for an upgrade, check the list below. If you did a prompt, but do not see your entry on the list, it may be because you did not meet the requirements. However, if you are sure that you did, just let me know!

Even if you have already received a badge, I urge you to participate anyway, not only for upgrades, but for the experience as well! Also, consider reviewing other’s entries; I am sure the author’s would appreciate some feedback, even if it is just a few nice words! (These reviews can count toward the Review Badge, by the way!)
Now, show me what you can do!

Because the character limit cannot possibly handle all the work you guys have done, I have moved the participation count to its own separate thread to avoid cluttering the thread. You can view your progress here.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

Hey, I’d still like to submit something for this month, but unfortunately I don’t have enough time to it before the end of today. Might it be possible for me to request a bit of extra time?

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Of course.

A/N: Some Mature Content Present

The streetlight flickered as I passed, its glow rather faint. A figure emerged from the dark with a quick pace and I sidestepped to narrowly avoid a passerby.

Walking around at night… You’re asking for it, aren’t you?

“Shut it,” I sighed, continuing my walk. I was in need of fresh air to clear my mind after a stressful day and it was less populated during the late evening. The hustle and bustle of the city was something I tried to avoid. The thunder clapped with vigor in the distance.

Now isn’t this interesting? You’re taking a new route home.

Without responding, I continued forward. The lights were becoming less and less frequent, with patches of darkness stretching out with no indication of the next lit location.

Ah, so that’s it. You’re hoping something will happen, aren’t you? My god, that’s hilarious!

“That’s not it,” I protested, my eyes shifting about to scan my surroundings.

It is though, isn’t it? That really is rich. Are you hoping you’ll be mugged? Murdered? Oh, don’t tell me you’re looking to-”

“Shut up,” I hissed, interrupting the sentence. “I just want to be left alone.”

A figure skipped forward from behind my shadow, blocking my path. She looked at me with a cheerful smile, her face illuminating in the night.

Honey, that’s not going to happen. I’m not going to leave your side.

She wrapped her arms around my right sleeve. Immediately, goosebumps crawled up my skin.

“Please don’t touch me,” I spoke firmly, attempting to pull away, but she refused to let go.

Don’t be like that. At some point, you’re going to have to accept me. It really is silly to try to ignore me, y’know.

“It’s been working for me so far, so why change course now?” Again, I tried to wiggle free, but she grip did not loosen.

It’s sad, really. You are so insecure, you’re unable to confront your problems. The way you are now, you’re no different than an empty corpse.

She giggled, releasing her hold and hopping back a step.

Again I ignored her, attempting to walk around her, but in response, she shoved me against a nearby wall, pinning me in place. Her eyes burrowed into mine and I found it impossible to avert my gaze.

What exactly are you hoping to accomplish today? Perhaps you just want to feel something? Fear? Excitement? Were you hoping something would happen? Maybe you’re after pain or attempting to fulfill some sick sexual high? Fuck, that’s messed up, you know!

She started laughing, stepping back as she was absorbed in the moment. My eyes lowered to the ground and I could feel my stomach turning in disgust.

“Please, stop…” I said softly, hardly even a whisper. “I don’t want to hear anymore.”

My body slumped down and I squeezed my eyes shut until I saw white. What had I been thinking? What had come over me? My thoughts were soon interrupted by a cold trickle caressing my cheek followed by another on my lip. I opened my eyes and saw I was once again on my own.

This break was over and it was time to go home.

When I opened the door to my flat, I immediately locked the door, double checking I had for good measure.

Oh, so now you’re concerned about your safety?

I kicked off my shoes and left them carelessly scattered along the floor. It was as if my energy zapped away as soon as I walked into the small apartment, so I headed directly to the bed and flopped on the soft surface. My muscles began to relax a tad after doing so. I let my eyelids droop and attempted to rest, but the peace was soon broken by unwelcome whistling. The tune sounded familiar, but I was unable to place it; the notes felt almost merry.

“Why can’t you ever let up?” I whined, wrapping my arms over my head in frustration. “All I want is one night of uninterrupted sleep…”

It almost sounds like you don’t want me here or something.

I immediately spun around and glared at the girl, who had made a seat at the edge of the bed, wearing an innocent smile. Just the fight made me sick.

“Piss off,” I growled, sitting upward and tucking my knees as close to my chest as possible. “I’m not going to sit here and let you berate me anymore. I mean it, just leave me alone!” My eyes shot daggers into hers and I gave my best possible attempt to sound threatening. She said nothing for a moment, a surprised expression on her face, but my stomach dropped as she broke it with a long string of laughter.

It trailed off and she was left wiping a tear from her eye.

Well, well… Isn’t this a surprise? Did you grow a pair in the last 15 minutes or what?

I slid the pillow up to my face and hid my unraveling nerve, muttering, “I just want to be left alone.”

Oh, is that so?

My eyes widened as I witnessed her lips curve into a sly smile and as she slowly started crawling toward me.

But let me ask, is that really what you want?

She cooed, pursing her lips as she loomed over me. In quick success, she slid her knee between my legs and pulled herself right in front of me, hovering inches above my face. My back was pressed tightly against the bedframe, my eyes darted for an escape, but there was none.

Do you really just want to run away? Do you think living a life of solitude will be your salvation?

A brief yipe noise escaped my lips as her knee brushed too highly on my thigh, but she did not react.

We both know you’re weak. Your burdens are stacked high and your legs can’t handle the weight. You say you’re empty, but…

Her arm thrust forward, slamming loudly into the frame, narrowly avoiding my head.

Look, you’re brimming with emotions. See, you’re trembling! Do you really want to keep up with that excuse when you know for a fact it’s utter bullshit?

I bit my lip, trying my best to get a handle on my shaking limbs, but she scoffed at this sight.

Seriously… You’re trying so hard to what? Really, what exactly are you doing?

I remained silent, blinking my eyes, over and over.

What exactly are you hoping to gain from ignoring me? You can’t tune me out.

She pressed her forehead against mine and captured my attention.

I am right here, right in front of you. You can’t pretend I’m not here. It’s not like you’re making any attempts to really make me go away, so why not just embrace me?

She slides her hand to my chest and as she does, my body goes numb. Without effort, she eases me down onto the bed and pins me against the mattress.

Your heart is racing. Your breaths are shallow. This isn’t emptiness.

Why? Why couldn’t I move?

Let’s be real here. You refuse to acknowledge your feelings – you refuse to accept them. You simply go about your day all while wearing a ridiculous plastered smile. Even though I’m there with you the entire time, you just ignore me, acting casual. Keep telling yourself you feel empty, but that excuse don’t hold weight when you’re crying, does it?

Upon hearing her last few words, the feeling in my face returns and I immediately notice the warm trickling tears sliding down my cheeks. She lowers herself onto me and despite how small she appeared to be, her weight was significant.

“B-but you’re not real,” I said meekly, feeling more droplets welling in the corner of my eyes.

Of course I am.

She cups my face delicately, her gaze both inviting and haunting.

I am your anger. I am your envy.

My throat went dry and it became a struggle to breathe.

I am your greed. I am your pride.

With each word she spoke, the pressure grew.

I am your joy. I am your lust.

I uttered a sharp cry as she leaned down and bit my ears, purring softly in my ear.

I am your power, but I am your pain.

Her nails dug into my shoulders, slowly moving their way down, biting into my skin. She stopped abruptly, softly caressing my concealed arm with great care.

You are marked with scars, inside and out, but you chose to portray a boring extra in a play no one asked for. Like the opening in that Tolstoy piece-

“Anna Karenina…”

Ah, see there, it must have stood out to you in someway to retain that memory. What’s the point of leading this charade? What kind of quality of life is that?

She strokes the blemishes on my arm, smiling almost as if she’s proud.

Go ahead, continue to wear that damn mask you think you perfected. Go about and delight in an artificial feeling of happiness. But until you accept your situation, you’re going to live in fear that somebody sees that ‘ugly’ truth.

I did not respond. Her words did not fall on deaf ears, however, I knew she was right.

What’s worse, you don’t even happy an honest attempt at it! It’s laughable really. That mask is worn and you’re so afraid of it cracking, you just end up pushing everyone away before they can really get a good look at your face. You’re afraid what they’ll find is me, aren’t you?

I was.

I think it’d be worse for them to find the person you try to convince yourself you are: a person who is unwilling to accept reality and tries to empty herself while drowning in an ocean of despair.

I have to say, I don’t think you hate me nearly as much as you think you do~

She bats her eyelashes and softens her expression.

“I do though,” I insisted. “I don’t want anything to do with you.”

Then why is it I’m still here?

“Because you won’t leave!” I protested, but she shook her head.

You’ve never made the effort to get rid of me. Really, always blasting music to clear the voice out of your head… What I think you’re really afraid of is that vast void of sheer silence.

Truly, I wanted to argue. I so desperately wanted to scream again and again she was wrong. I wanted to.

That must be a constant worry, isn’t it? If you manage to get rid of me, what will occupy that lonely space left behind? You’re terrified of it. You won’t admit the fact that you need me.

“But I hate everything about you,” I whispered, my voice cracking.


She turned my cheek to the side, directly in front of a full-bodied mirror, pressing her cheek against my own.

Tell me, who do you see there?

Sure enough, I saw her, looking back in the reflection, tears in her eyes, meeting my gaze. I couldn’t help but release a small sob, the person I hated mimicking my actions in the mirror. The girl shifted off the bed, her movements slow and ragged.

The only person there is you. Maybe you’ve forgotten, but that is really you.

“Please, stop…” I begged, frantically trying to push the weight off of my chest, but it was just too great.

You’ve become weak, casting away everything that made you a person. Your memories, your thoughts, your emotions, your bonds… Grasping to a single fragile thread and wishing to be empty – until me… No… Until you accept you, you’ll never be able to overcome me.

The weight increased and the air in my lungs burst like an old tire.

Yes, I am your sin and I am your burdens, but in the end, I am still you.

My body burned and something slid around my throat. I raised my hands up and desperately clawed at my neck, hoping to relieve the feeling.

Until you are ready to fully realize this and open yourself up to me, you won’t be strong enough to bear it and you will succumb. I’m at my limit with your antics, so you have a decision to make. You can accept me as a part of yourself and embrace me; realize those things you call ‘mistakes’ and be with one with the person you tried to escape from.

Even though I knew it was impossible to respond, I tried to breathe out a few words, but it only made my throat itch more. The feeling was indescribably painful.

You also have the option to accept this strength, but still try to cast me out. If you can forgive the sins from your past and take hold of that part of you, go for it. However, the way you are now, it’ll only be a matter of time before we come back to this scenario again. You yourself are weak and so long as you keep pushing people away, you’ll never truly overcome this.

The tangled threads pressed harder and harder against my thyroid. I grasped at it furiously, but the immense weight held me down.

Is it hard to make a decision? Are you going to fall here and now?

Is death lonely?

It is called the ultimate slumber.

I don’t want to be alone.

Are you seriously afraid of losing the voice in your head? I see, you prefer the life you’ve been living, don’t you? It’s painful, but familiar. You get a high from it, pushing yourself to the limits. You’re not strong enough to break this cycle and you’re afraid of opening yourself up. But… When you push those boundaries, it will no doubt lead to this conclusion, again and again and again…

I’m afraid.

It’s true, happiness might be dull, but you don’t have to fit into a cookie cutter mold. Faults are what make people unique. If you continue, you’ll end up losing your balance and the chair will fall.

I know.

Really, you’re at the end of your rope. Even if you choose to just let go, I’ll still be here until the end. It all just comes down to whether you want to be saved or not, doesn’t it? I mean, it’s clear to me what you really want.

My body writhed and shook, desperately gasping for oxygen. Red formed in the sides of my field of vision and I could not break loose.

You’re conflicted about whether you want to give up this side of you. You’re afraid of slipping and showing weakness, but it’s clear. Eventually you’ll come to reject me once again. You can’t help but push people away, so what really is it that you want?

My vision was fading fast, but I saw a blurry figure in the distance. I reached out my hand and pushed myself to meet theirs. Our fingertips barely touched, but as soon as they did, I found my footing on the chair.
Due to the lack of airflow, my legs quivered like gelatin, but through some force of luck, I managed to stay balanced long enough to undo the knot. Immediately after it slipped off my chin, I collapsed onto the floor, coughing in a violent fit and gasping. It felt as if my neck had been boiling and for the hours I spent sobbing on the floor, the pain hardly subsided. Even when I was able to swallow without feeling like I was consuming a power sander, the waterworks were without end.

My hands grasped at the scratches and bruises on my throat, my body shriveling into the fetal position like a dying insect. Prolonged depressing wails escaped my throat, progressively amplifying. No matter how close together I contorted my limbs, it was not enough. My cheeks burned from the irritation of the salt water, but I was unable to stop, as the sounds of my cries and cursing was the only thing inhabiting the silence.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

  • artspot
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Nov. 16
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Silver
  • !Franklin Badge White

CQ, that story was most intriguing! It really left me with a lot of questions at the end, which is great. It opens up a lot of room for speculation. I do have one critique, however. The story seems to swap between past and present tense. Most of the story is in past, so I think that’s the tense that you want to have the whole thing in. It’s a fairly common error, so I won’t hold you accountable for anything.

As for me, looks like I won’t be able to submit to this month’s prompt! Oh well, better luck next month!

Struthio Camelus

  • 7x Theory Hall of Fame
  • Snowdin1st
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 3+ Wins
  • Badge Maker!
  • !!Valentine's Funfest '17 Winners Badge
  • PUC Fenomeno Badge
  • FOTM (Fanfic) July 17
  • Riddles Lord
  • Joy of EB Fest - 1st
  • !Franklin Badge Gold
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar1
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 3 Wins
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
  • Mother 3 17th Anniversary Funfest - 2nd place
  • Very Hot Winterfest Gold

He wouldn’t forgive me.

I still remember everything that led up to that moment. Each vivid moment of those memories feels like a stab in the back. I realize I am not without fault. I understand my own wrongdoings. I hid behind him when our enemies opposed us. I betrayed him and everyone we loved for the undying power offered to me by the statue. I followed its foul radiance, hypnotized by its power, dragged around by the evil that rested in my heart.

But I was never meant to be some sort of role model. Look at my father’s wild eyes and my mother’s stinging words. Study their cruelty and how they begged for my own sufferings. They were always eager to bring punishment upon me from the palms of their hands. I was never perfect. No, far from it. That’s why I did what I did. Was I really expected to do any more?

Him, though…

His mother always called him a “strong, thoughtful boy.” His father was miles away, yet mine was still farther. They fattened him up on grilled steak and the disgusting platitudes of love and kindness. They gave him all those things. I could never compete with those blinding virtues. All I had to offer was my companionship.

He was supposed to be better than me.

He waited for my most vulnerable moment. When I felt the most desperate and lost. I was far down the path of corruption, mumbling curses outside of that old man’s church. The life of following darkness’s call was one that plummeted me into exhaustion. And, for one moment, I wanted to go back. Back to the way things used to be. Back before that stupid rock fell from the sky and put my perfect friend in destiny’s way. The only news that holy messenger brought me was that I would be staying at my miserable household.

“What a horrible nightmare,” I said to him. “I somehow woke up.” He raised a single eyebrow and held his bat at the ready. He did not trust me anymore. What faith he once had in me was dead. I gritted my teeth. I somehow anticipated my own impending failure, yet I kept pressing on.

“Ness, let’s be friends again,” I said.

He stood, strong and silent as always.

“I promise to be good.”

He only stared at me. His eyes were devoid of that adventurous glint they used to contain. The half-cocked smirk he used to wear when we would play baseball was absent. His comfortable posture he assumed when we hung out with the treehouse kids was gone.

There was only doubt and unforgiveness.

“Uh… okay?” My shoulders dropped, along with my hopes. I felt a darkness rage within my chest. Ness, with his perfect little family and his perfect little friends and his perfect little destiny. He was born into all these blessings. He never once had a reason to take me in.

That was when I realized I had never been on the right path. Not when I was with him. As long as he had been nearby, my parents brought their wrath upon me. Every second he stood close, I cowered in his shadow when adversary approached. It was only when he left me that I was truly powerful.

Who was the strong and thoughtful one now?

I forced a grin.

“Hah! I lied.” I backed away. Ness would not believe that I had planned the entire conversation, but I would not be the fool in this situation. “See you, sucker!”

So I fled from him. I went far, far away. I would not let myself go dragging back to his side once again. If a bee, or whatever that thing was, was going to come from the heavens and promise him greatness, that was fine. If he grew stronger from calling himself a hero, then so be it. That wasn’t me. I would never be like him. Our paths were set the moments we were born.

I would have to grow my strength by embracing the evil instead. I know he’s somewhere, channeling his power through the statue. The “Giygas” that the stupid bee spoke about will be my own light. I’ll flock to him. And maybe, just maybe he’ll recognize me as fate’s answer to perfect little Ness.

I won’t play dead or profusely apologize any longer.

I’ll lay waste to this stupid town that set our parallel roads. And then, when he’s at his own moment of reckoning? When he’s the one on his knees, begging for mercy, pleading to join me once more?

Then it will be my turn to never forgive him.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Low turn-out this month, but if you happened to miss the deadline, that’s fine! Just let me know if you still plan on submitting a prompt. This activity is around so you have a reason to write, so it’s better late than never!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge
  • fanvatar4
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Gold

Today I read a story about a stupid and pathetic person.

It was a terrible story. Just reading it made me frustrated. I don’t know why I bothered picking it up in the first place. Thinking about it now, I get this unbearable feeling in my chest.

I go outside for a walk to cool off a bit. Window shopping is no fun. What’s the use of looking at something you’re never going to buy? I don’t have any money, so it’s all just wishful thinking. I pass by a vending machine. I walk halfway down the block, and change my mind. My phone screen lights up unnecessarily in my hand, and with a sudden perk in my shoulders, I swing around and turn back. “Might as well grab a candy bar, right, since I’m going this way anyway?” It’s not what I’m thinking, it’s what I hope shows on my face.

Coins clink audibly in the machine. I punch in the numbers and wait. There’s something laughably cliché about the way my candy bar teeters and stills behind the cold metal coil. I give the machine a solid kick and watch as it flops into the return. But it’s too late. It pisses me off that I have to look like an idiot in public just to get my damn chocolate. I leave it there and walk away. If it had been that worthless person here, he would’ve insisted that he was being nice. Making some unknown stranger happy with his anonymous kindness. I mean, sure. Yeah, that’s kindness all right.

I keep walking. I hear a bag of candy fall with a thud, somewhere far behind me, and a plastic sound like the return opening, and then a crinkle as someone grabs both their bag and my candy from the machine. Nothing else. I guess they just took it and walked away. I hope they drop ’em both down a sewer.

I pass by my house again. My walk took about five minutes. That pisses me off, so I keep walking, the other way this time, even though that’s not where I wanted to go. Now I’m heading for the city and not the nice park. That other idiot would offer smiles to everyone he passed by. He’d tell himself that he wanted to make someone’s day, and hell, he might even believe it, but the skip in his heart when he’d manage to scrape a smile back would betray him every time. Why would anyone write about a person like that? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

I don’t smile at anyone. I don’t feel like making people happy with that sort of empty façade. And, would you look at that, no one smiles at me, either. People like that guy don’t exist. In real life, we’ve all come to accept how pathetic and worthless we really are. I think I’m the only one who realizes that there’s no one to blame but me, though.

There’s a big crack in the sidewalk that I stumble over. Okay, I’ve had enough. Time to go home.

Thoughts of that story assail me. It really, really pisses me off to think about that stupid protagonist. I think he’s trying to atone for something, but life is rough when you try to convince yourself that you’re feeling guilty over nothing at all, when you think that just getting a sum zero is going above and beyond. Maybe it’s just terrifying to stare down the overwhelming remorse that a perfectly ordinary person keeps clutched tight inside of them.

You can’t let people like that slide. But even if you do, the world will crush them on its own. Someone like that, who spins his own selfishness as generosity and grasps for every scrap of attention he can, is going to end up alone. And once he’s alone, his indignance will fade, and without that rosy red tinge, he’ll see just what kind of person he really is.

I unlock the door to my empty house.

I’m tired.

Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

All right, I’ve got something here. I hope it’s all right.

I drew a breath and held it, as yet another not-so-subtle jab at, of all things, my weight flew past my ears. The again, thinking about it, it wasn’t that bad. This actually wasn’t one of his better insults. Don’t get me wrong, it was still annoying, but then again, when you’ve been adversaries for so long, you eventually learn to stop listening.

“Aw, what’s the matter, Mario? You don’t have anything to say to that? Gyah hah hah! What a chump!”

And, another one. I’ll say one thing for the mighty King Bowser: whether it be world domination, capturing the Princess or petty insults, he was a stickler for following through on his plans. I let go of the breath I was holding and looked out one of the castle windows, doing my best to ignore the boisterous monster seated at the table a small distance away from me.

“Ahem. Excuse me, King Bowser?” Princess Toadstool’s regal voice echoes throughout the room, “If you do not mind, could we get back to filling out the appropriate paperwork?” I let a soft, contented sigh escape my lips, quiet enough so no one would hear. Toadstool’s voice was always very pleasant-sounding and soothing to my ears. I could honestly listen to her talk all day. I haven’t told her this, however, and I’m still a little too nervous to say it. Who knows how she’d react if I did.

The Koopa King let out a hearty chuckle and turned his attention away from me and back towards the Princess. “Oh, Toadstool. There’s no need to be so formal around me, baby. Do you even know how many times I’ve kidnapped you over the years? Heck, we’ve spent so much time together, we’re practically roommates!” There was a short pause in his reply as he appeared to be considering the words he had just uttered. Then, as if struck by a realisation, he added, “Roommates who would make a great couple, don’t you think? In fact, once we’re done with everything here, what do you say the two of us go out on a date? I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

As my gaze slowly moved back to the table, though Bowser’s head was facing the Princess, I could see that he was looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. I took another deep breath in and out as I mustered as much patience as I could allow. I will admit, though, what patience I had already was beginning to waver. Toadstool smiled and glanced at me with a look that I could only describe as sympathetic and encouraging; it was sympathetic in that she well knew Bowser’s comments were getting under my skin, but she was also silently praising my patience. It was as if she was saying, It is all right, Mario. Stand your ground as much as you can. You can do this. You are doing great.

“It is a tempting offer, however I am afraid I will have to decline,” she said, turning her attention back to Bowser, “These registrations usually last throughout the day, and they are always so tiring, as I am usually in charge of the paperwork.” She looked him in the eyes and smiled. “No hard feelings, as always.”

Wow. There it was again. I stared at the Princess and shook my head. Just how was…? My thought was interrupted as the Koopa King cleared his throat loudly. Her rejection seemed to get to him a bit.

“Then again, I suppose I could just kidnap you right here, right now. It definitely hasn’t stopped me before, you know.” Sure enough, there was a slight irritation in his voice.

Toadstool let a soft laugh escape her lips. Curiously, there was not a hint of smugness in it. She raised her hand and gestured towards me. “I know this well. But then again, why do you think Mario is here? The possibility of my being kidnapped even today is not absent from my mind, I assure you. It is always better to be prepared.”

I could almost hear Bowser’s eyebrows furrowing. If he didn’t want us to know he was losing his patience, he was doing a poor job of hiding it. He got up out of his chair and did his best to look intimidating. “Listen, babe…”

The turtle’s words were cut short as, from seemingly out of nowhere, Toadstool’s hand connected hard with the table. The sound was so loud it caused both Bowser and I to jump. Neither one of us were expecting that, least of all from Princess Toadstool, of all people. The Princess glared furiously at the Turtle King. In that moment, I was sure that if looks could kill, Bowser would be dead for good, this time.

Then, all at once, her expression softened completely as she closed her eyes. “…Please forgive me. I lost myself for a moment.” She spoke with a tone of voice that said she was deeply sorry for what she had just done. She then opened her eyes and stared at Bowser once more. “King Bowser, I will ask you one more time: would you and your minions like to be a part of the Mushroom Kingdom’s Annual Kart Racing this year or not? If so, I would suggest you please be professional about this and start acting like the main representative of the Dark World that you are. If not,” she gestured to me again, without altering her gaze, “I must ask that you leave.”

The Koopa King stared at the Princess with a fearful look on his face. “S…sure. No p-problem. Sorry a-about that.” With that, he sat back down in his chair, picked up his pen (it made me chuckle softly to see Bowser’s oversized hands attempt to pick up a small writing implement) and began scribbling through the necessary paperwork. Toadstool sighed and smiled, first to me, then to Bowser, as she picked up her own pen and began writing through the documents that Bowser had yet to get through. And so, the day passed with no further incident.

Through all of this, I couldn’t help but shake my head in amazement at the Mushroom Kingdom’s ruler. With how much trouble Bowser had been causing over the years, it was hard to fathom how she would want the Koopa Klan as participants in anything, much less Kart Racing. Every year, she would extend her invitations to Bowser, and every time, things would turn out the same way: Bowser being unpleasant and the Princess taking things in stride. This was yet another example of the Princess’ forgiving nature. Despite everything, she would always forgive the Turtle King’s transgressions, no matter how deplorable they were. Clearly, her powers of forgiveness were without equal. It reminded me that I still had a long way to go, in that regard. It wouldn’t be happening anytime soon; Bowser and I never did see eye to eye, but perhaps someday, I would find it in my heart to do the same. Only time would tell.

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
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  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
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  • Temmie
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  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

I do apologize I haven’t been able to provide comments over the past few months, but I do still have plans to go back and do so. For now, I leave my thoughts for November’s prompts below.

It’s always interesting to see a story that is written through the prospective from the “villain” of a game, especially when they’re not written as one. In this case, I’m left pondering whether Ness is actually the hero he claims or if only Pokey views him in that light. I suppose each side has its own reasons. Despite the short length of the story, you managed to express Pokey’s humanity and jealousy in a relatable way rather than just making him spiteful for the sake of being an antagonist. It’s refreshing to see and makes your prompt an enjoyable read.

This is an interesting story to see from you, rather different than your other works. The interest is not in the tale of the story, but the character and their frustration/comparison over a protagonist in a book they previously read. I have read through the story twice now and it remains unclear whether the person from the book with their optimistic nature is better off than the other, with their crude and pessimistic outlook. It’s left up to the reader of your story and it’s interesting to think people could walk away with differing opinions. I also want to acknowledge that your vocabulary has been expanding and I can see improvement. All in all, very well done!

Despite what you might think, your writing style is constantly improving and your vocabulary has expanded quite nicely. I find myself rather enjoying these Mario-related stories, especially because of the way the characters are written. Mario remains rather silent and Bowser, despite his size, continues to be a love-struck fool, but ends up throwing a fit when he doesn’t get what he wants. In this piece, I quite enjoyed Toadstool, who as royalty, shows that elegance, but she’s rather tolerant of Bowser’s childish behavior; it’s also good to see she’ll hold her ground when need be and isn’t as helpless as everyone seems to see her. Once again, a delightful heartwarming read!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~