Paula's Mom sprite Monthly Prompt Post - January '18

Deadline: January 31

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Happy 2018, everyone! Welcome to the first prompt topic of the year! I do hope you’ll join me and participate in another edition of Monthly Prompt Post!

The idea is simple. I give you a prompt, and you give me a story. The story can be about the Mother series or something completely original, as well as everything in between! Get your story done on time and you will receive this wonderful badge.

In addition, we now have upgrade badges! Your badge will change the more you participate!

For participating five times, you get this baby!

Ten time participation will upgrade to this!

I want to throw yet another upgrade badge into the mix!
For anyone who participates a whopping TWENTY times will get this wonderful badge:

I hope you guys are excited!

You can check the link below to see how many times you’ve participated thus far. If you notice a mistake, just let me know.
(If you happen to already be due for a badge upgrade, let me know because I am probably not going to give badges for inactive users unless requested)

There are a few rules:

  • Your story must be at least 500 words in length (this does not include the title’s of stories and must be full words. Any words being spaced out for the flavor of the story will not be included in the word count.)
  • Your story must be proofread for spelling and grammar errors. Small errors are fine, but avoid them if at all possible.
  • You may interpret the prompt any way you like, but it must be an identifiable influence in your story – you can’t just stick in the prompt randomly.
  • Please don’t reuse stories from the past just because they fit the prompt. This event is about practicing and giving yourself a reason to write, after all!
  • You can submit as many stories as you want, but keep in mind, only one counts toward participation that month.
  • All other forum rules apply

Breaking these rules will result in you not receiving a badge.

New prompts will be released on the 1st of each month. The deadline is is on the last day of the month, so get these entries in by January 31st, 11:59PM

This month’s prompt is: Last Resort!

Also, I urge you to consider writing a something relating to the Mother-series. Doing so would qualify you to win the Fanfiction of the Month and get another nifty badge!

To see if you qualify for an upgrade, check the list below. If you did a prompt, but do not see your entry on the list, it may be because you did not meet the requirements. However, if you are sure that you did, just let me know!

Even if you have already received a badge, I urge you to participate anyway, not only for upgrades, but for the experience as well! Also, consider reviewing other’s entries; I am sure the author’s would appreciate some feedback, even if it is just a few nice words! (These reviews can count toward the Review Badge, by the way!)
Now, show me what you can do!

Because the character limit cannot possibly handle all the work you guys have done, I have moved the participation count to its own separate thread to avoid cluttering the thread. You can view your progress here.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • Undertale Temmie Sees All
  • Badge Maker!
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner
  • Joy of EB Fest - 3rd
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Gold
  • Fishing for Submission Contest
  • !Franklin Badge Gold
  • Undercover Funfest - 1st
  • Video Game Riddles Gold
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 1 Win
  • Sean Connery Squirrel
  • 30th Anniversary Funfest - Staff
  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge

In the sprawling city of Ultrapolis there are many restaurants and hang out spots. However everyone in the city can agree that The Right Side Up Bar is one of the best. But it wasn’t always this way, if you asked someone about the bar 10 years ago they would look at you like you’re crazy. How did this place go from pond scum to talk of the town? One name, Jim Sancuzzi. Jim is one of if not the best drink maker in Ultrapolis. His father got him into the profession at an early age. Maybe a bit too early, he was mixing good drinks at age 13. Mixology became a big part of his life. He would get distracted in school thinking of all the drinks just waiting to get mixed in his father’s liquor cabinet. A new drink would be ready for his dad each night he came back from his bar job. Although his drink critiques were sometimes harsh, Jim knew he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart. Each time Jim made a drink his father found exceptional he would pencil down the ingredients and amounts in a leather bound book. Later on he would shoot names back and forth with his father. They would sometimes argue about the name choice but they always ended up agreeing in the end. Throughout high school he would continue to sharpen his techniques and expand his drink recipes. He even got chances to mix drinks in secret in preparation for his Uncle’s birthday party. After the party he assumed Jim’s father made them. His father chuckled,
“See Jim, you’re ready for the big time. I’ve been mixing for 20 years and you just proved yourself in one night. I’m a bit jealous.”
A warm energy flowed through the young boy. He never knew he was truly good until that day.
8 years later he got his start at, you guessed it, The Right Side Up Bar. He was a new and fresh face in the field, to the outside world he was as good as everyone else. On the first day his boss Mr. Wells showed him around the place, introducing him to staff and showing the selection of drinks available. Lastly he showed him a list of drink recipes on a yellowing piece of paper taped on lazily behind the bartender desk. It must’ve been there since ’75. Soon after a regular customer came in. He was short, plump, had a big nose, and an almost comical handlebar mustache. He took the seat on the far left “Just give me any
drink on the list.” The man said.

Jim looked at the list of drinks, all of them decent at best. He resorted to using his own drink.

“Actually we have a new drink today.”

The plump man furrowed his brow, “Oh really? Well I’ll have that then.”

Without a word, Jim turned around and scanned the shelf for a few bottles. He pulled out a short yellow bottle, a tall green bottle, and a black bottle. He obscured the man’s view. With a few pours and stirs the concoction was finished. Jim slid the drink towards the man, who quickly drank it. He tossed it around in his mouth before swallowing. The man’s eye widened when the liquid hit his stomach.

“My god, that is, hands down one of the best drinks I’ve ever had. Give me another one. What’s this drink called anyway?” The man asked.

“I call it the Sancuzzi Slammer.” Jim said as he grinned widely.

Throughout the rest of his shift he offered and served his drink to other customers, many responded similarly to the fat man. The next few days had more customers than usual. The place was close to busy.
On the next day Jim was approached by his co worker Jessica. “Hi Jim.” She said. “Look at this article in the paper today! That fat guy you served at the beginning of your shift was a food and drink critic. He left a great review of our place.”

“This is great! This’ll definitely boost business.”

And it did just that. Later on that day there was a line out the door. Everyone wanted to try a Sancuzzi Slammer. The Right Side Up Bar actually ran out of the needed ingredients and got one of the employees to fetch some more.

As time went on, Jim got very popular in the world of mixology. He trained others in the restaurant to make his special drinks. Each one got rave reviews from regulars and critics alike. He even got requested to mix drinks at large scale parties and even bumped elbows with a few famous people along the way. Even with all this Jim’s main priority remained The Right Side Up Bar.
There you have it, the story of the legendary Jim Sancuzzi.


just smile and say okay

  • Holiday Funfest 2012 3rd Place
  • M25FF Lovely Award
  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge

This writing follows a potential storyline of Fire Emblem: Awakening in which the avatar marries Panne. I took some liberties with the support logs and game’s events because it has been a long time since I have played the game, and I nearly infected my phone trying to look up summaries online.

I had a lot of fun writing this piece, but it ended up a lot longer than I had anticipated. Also, the “last resort” ended up being more obscure than I had intended. Hopefully, it is clear enough to count for the month’s participation. If you don’t want to read the whole thing, the last spoiler, or Entry 30 and on should be all that is needed. (?) I hope you enjoy!

*I had to upload the document because this is just not working with the Forum character count. XD Yes, it’s that long. Included are the sections that matter. (and 26 for grins and giggles.)

Some of our troops wanted to visit the beach in the Outrealms again. Admittedly, I wanted to go, too. I asked Chrom what he thought of a little Shepherd R and R, and he said it was fine. He requested that I take Lissa along, as she has grown pale and rather sickly since Emmeryn died.

Of The Shepherds, Sumia, Cordelia, Lissa, Donnel, Ricken, Panne, Gaius, Nowi, Libra, Tharja, and I went to the beach.

We didn’t take weapons with us when we went, so we were caught off-guard when we arrived to a beach full of hostile Plegians.

I fortunately had a few tomes I wanted to read while I sunbathed, so I gave one to Ricken and one to Tharja. Nowi and Panne had their respective stones on hand, so the five of us cleared the beach while the rest watched from afar. (Gaius was pick-pocketing the Plegians as we shooed them away.) It was rather terrifying with what zeal Tharja zapped the beachgoers. Panne and Nowi, by their sheer size, scared the majority of the trunks-donning Plegians away.

Eventually, we had the beach to ourselves with minimal violence.

Sumia and Cordelia sat at the shoreline and gossiped with one another. Donnel, Ricken, Libra, and Nowi built a grand sand castle. Gaius asked me if he could return to stow his goods; I told him no, that we had to all return together. He frowned when he was forced to give up the goods to the convoy and then joined Lissa.

Tharja stalked me from a distance. I did my best to ignore her as I read my tomes. Panne didn’t do very much. She sat beside me with her feet dipped in the water.

I grew concerned when Panne started panting rather audibly and held out her long ears. I asked her what was wrong. She said that it was too hot for her with her dense fur. I put down my tomes (which Tharja guarded vigilantly) and took Panne’s hand, and I led her into the water. She was reluctant to enter the water at first, but she eventually joined me. She said the water felt good on her skin, and I was glad.

I asked her if she had ever swum, and she answered no. She then reciprocated the question, to which I answered no. I told her I had read about swimming, and that I wanted to try it. She told me she would watch and that I could go ahead, so I did; I sank.

Gaius and Tharja dove after me and brought me to shore. Tharja volunteered (without hesitation) to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on me to which I fervently shook my head as I sputtered out water and “no!”s. She mashed her mouth against mine anyway. Panne and Gaius had to pry her off of me. I heard giggles from the pegasus riders. I was very embarrassed in general. I was also far more disgusted by what Tharja had done to me than by the slimy weeds that covered me.

Panne helped me up and picked the seaweed off of me until everyone was ready to go back to camp. (Tharja had volunteered to pull the seaweed off of my body, but I think Gaius pitied me because he offered her something that apparently changed her mind.)

We were able to bring back a glass lance, a brave axe, a Master Seal, a concoction, and a Dragonstone. I would say the visit was quite a success, but I am still sour about what happened with Tharja.

Panne, I thought, was sleeping when I came to deliver the soup. I set it on the table and turned to leave when she addressed me. She apologized for what had happened the night before and asked how my injuries were. They healed well, thanks to Libra’s immediate care, and I told her not to sweat what had happened, and that it was not her fault. She thanked me for the soup, which I brought to her, and took a sip.

She said, “You did not make this.”

I was astonished that she knew, and I asked her how she could tell the difference.

Her smile is very beautiful. I think that was the first time I have seen her smile.

She said that the soup did not warm her the way mine did. I laughed and said it must have gotten cold on the way, but she shook her head.

Then she leaned her head on my shoulder. Her hair was so soft, and her ear draped over my arm. I could not help but to feel it. It was very velvety.
She told me that my heart was beating fast—and it was.

I gently slid my shoulder out from under her head and told her to enjoy her soup, and I left rather hastily.

My forehead feels hot. I wonder if I have contracted some sort of illness. Libra, Maribelle, and Lissa said there is nothing wrong with me, but I know there is. I am looking for my symptoms in some of my medical texts. Perhaps I should consider using that Second Seal soon and learn how to heal myself.

Frederick got frustrated with me today during a tactical meeting. Chrom laughed. I could not focus. Frederick abandoned the meeting and probably went to collect pebbles.

Chrom asked me “who she is”. I pretended to have no idea what he was talking about.

He did not pry further, but suggested that I just propose, saying that he is a happier man for having done so himself.

I am not sure proposing is exactly the solution to my illness, but I am sure it is because of her.

Why can’t a man think clearly once a woman comes into his life?

I am not in love with Panne. I simply wish to get to know about her and her race more. Isn’t it natural for a human to be attracted to that which he does not understand? Ricken is always experimenting with new magic and Donnel with new combative techniques.

Why, then, did I nearly get myself killed on the battlefield today? Chrom had to rescue me and leave Lissa exposed. Thank goodness Frederick can cover great strides. He was able to defend her from an enemy from her flank.

I’ll have to ask Panne about her life among the Taguel. I still do not know anything about the lifestyle of Taguel—aside from that they eat inedible fruit, are allergic to potatoes, and can heal themselves with their saliva.

I realized that I have been filling this journal with nonsense as of late, so I will not write for a week. Hopefully, I can regain a clear mind, and I will be more useful as a tactician than I have been.

Trial 2 of Experiment: Friendship once again supports my hypothesis.

I currently lie bleeding and wrapped in bandages like a mummy. It’s cold.

Lissa and Maribelle are fretting over me. They are afraid I may die. Libra and Chrom are here now and so is Panne. She is lying against my arm as I write. She is very soft, but she’s cold, too. That could be from how much blood I’ve lost, though.

I’m pretty sure Beast Killers work equally effectively on humans as they do on beasts.

Chrom had to leave because our camp is being attacked. Libra cannot leave because of me. Panne said The Shepherds could handle themselves.
There is a lot of shouting and clanging of metal outside the tent. I tried to sit up to listen, but I forgot that I was severely hurt and aggravated my wounds. Libra is healing them now. It’s a strange feeling to be healed by a staff; it itches and tingles.

Lying down all down is excruciatingly boring and ironically exhausting. Anna is watching over me now, as my injuries are not so serious that they require the attention of a Monk. Anna has been counting gold the whole time she has been watching me. I offered to help her since I have nothing else to do, but she gave my wrist a thwack with her staff when I reached out for a coin.

Anna wouldn’t let me read since that would require me to hold up heavy books. She said that that would reopen my wounds. I asked her if she would hold the book for me. She told me no. I asked her if she would read to me. She laughed and returned to counting her gold.

I think I prefer Libra over Anna.

Donnel’s fish and rice dish was delicious. Libra helped me to sit up so I could eat. I was very hungry. Recovering takes a lot of energy, evidently. I will keep this in mind for the future.

Chrom visited to relay the days’ events to me and to discuss strategies after dinner.

I mentioned Tharja to him and requested that she be relieved of duty, but Chrom grew angry at me and said that she has earned her place among the Shepherds and that I had no right to pluck her out from our army. He also said that she could not return to Plegia now that she has sided with Ylissean soldiers and insisted that she stay with us. I usually am all for supporting those in need of help—Chrom knows this—but Tharja does not need our help. She is perfectly capable of holding her own, and except for me, she loathes all of The Shepherds. I am not sure why Chrom is being stubborn about this. I tried to remind him that she had just hexed one of our own and of her disturbing infatuation with me, but he wouldn’t hear it. I am disappointed in Chrom.
I had to give away my swords and tomes to other troops as they used up or broke theirs.

Anna is supposed to be watching over me tonight, but she is sleeping atop her stash of gold with her sword firmly in hand. Her staff is on the floor by me.
I think I will request someone else to monitor me tomorrow instead.

I am still baffled by my own boldness last night, but I am glad things worked out the way they did.
Panne watched over me last night.

She came late in the evening. I first noticed that she had completely changed her attire. She no longer wore her Taguel armor but cloth apparel similar to what Anna wears. I then saw the sheathed sword on her hip and the rod in her hand.

I asked her where the healer was, and she said that she would be the healer. She explained that Libra had showed her how to use a staff, and she said she had practiced enough that Libra gave her permission to have primary watch over me.

I asked her where her Beaststone was. She said that it was stowed away in the convoy. I asked her why the sudden change. She sighed but would not answer the question.

Unsure of what further to say, we sat in silence for a while.

She asked me if I did not enjoy her company. I told her no, but that I was disappointed for her that she lost a part of herself. She told me that it was nothing, and that she would not forget where she had come from.

Then we talked for a while. I asked her about her clan, and she told me stories of her warren and of her mother and brother. She told me that humans had destroyed her clan and their neighboring clans when she was a kit, and that aside from those that were close to her, she had no memory of her kind. She knew what she did from stories her mother would tell her and her brother.

I asked her what kind of stories her mother told her. She said that her mother would talk of other Taguel—Taguels that took the form of lions and of birds with great bravery and strength. Her mother also told her of a time when their clan coexisted alongside humans peacefully, and how the Taguel were revered for their power. She said that her mother would also tell stories of her own childhood—of a time that she had befriended a human girl who gave her yarn dolls and lent her pretty dresses.

I asked her if her clan had incorporated any human traditions. She said that, according to her mother, they once embraced human culture, but any human customs were reviled after her warren had heard of the slaughter of the Taguel race by human hands in other parts of the land.

I asked her if those memories made her sad. She said no. She said it made her who she was, and that she does not dwell on the past.

I told that I didn’t have any memories of my own from before I met Chrom and The Shepherds, and that I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. Panne did not answer—I did not expect her to. As I had nothing else to tell, I asked her if she would tell me more stories about her childhood—the ones that she could remember. She smiled again and promised me that she would.

Then, she said my heart was beating fast again.

To be truthful, I was just very grateful that she was there with me. I always enjoy her company, even though I hadn’t been sure that the feeling was mutual. (In retrospect, I suppose she being there with me said it all.)

But I could not express the sentiment to her. I said that I wanted to ask her something.

What came out next was a lie.

I do not remember what I asked, but I remember that she told me that she had never known any person well—not another Taguel and especially not a human. She said that I was different from the other man-spawn she had met, and that she wanted to learn more about me. I remember how she hastily brushed back her hair as she added that she also wanted to learn more of human customs, seeing that she was living among them.

I told her that I would be more than happy to tell her about all of those things. Then I closed my eyes, and I sighed.

Panne worried about me and asked if I was in pain. I could not help but to smile at her. I remember how soft her braids felt on my arms. I told her that I was not in pain, but content. She then let out a sigh of her own and muttered that human behavior confused her greatly.

I chuckled, and—before I could stop myself—I lifted my hand and brushed it along her cheek. I still cannot believe that I had had the nerve to! Her face turned as scarlet as a carrot.

I cannot remember exactly what I said after that. My heart was pounding pretty hard. (It is pretty fast even as I write.) I remember sputtering a lot of nonsense.

Panne lifted an eyebrow. She asked me if that was a proposal. I said that it was a proposal of sorts, yes. She asked me why I did not say so in the first place and said that she accepted. I do not think she understood what I meant by proposal, because she sat back up, her face straight and back to its natural color.

I grew anxious, and I tried to backtrack. Finally, I knew I had to stop beating around the bush, and I asked her in plain words.

I am thankful that Panne understood the human tradition of marriage because I do not think my heart could have handled the suspense if I had to explain the details. Her cheeks blushed again, and she smiled softly.

I will never forget the words she spoke as she took my hand and pressed it to her cheek. “To think, that I might love a human. What a strange world this is…”

토끼 둘을 잡으려다가 하나도 못 잡는다.
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. -Proverbs 15:1
Peace be with you all. Matthew 11:28-11:30 and John 10. :3

just smile and say okay

  • Holiday Funfest 2012 3rd Place
  • M25FF Lovely Award
  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge

Sorry for the double-post! I wasn’t sure the character count could handle editing this into my last post.

Hi, Lochy! I just want to say that I found your story interesting! May I ask what inspired you to write about a bar setting and mixology?

As for critiques, I have none, but I do have some suggestions!


One name, Jim Sancuzzi.


8 years later he got his start at, you guessed it, The Right Side Up Bar.

Here, I think maybe dashes would fit better into the text than commas, as the two fragments in each quote are sort of interrupted thoughts.

Ex.) One name—Jim Sancuzzi. (I imagine a little smart snap after the one name part, hehe)

Ex.) 8 [as a general rule of thumb, in literature, numbers under ten should be written out, like “eight”] years later, he got his start at—you guessed it—The Right Side-Up Bar.


“See Jim, you’re ready for the big time. […]

Here, whenever one addresses someone by name, there should always be a comma before that name. So here, it should be, “See, Jim, you’re ready for the big time.”


He was a new and fresh face in the field, to the outside world he was as good as everyone else.

Here is a little different than the dash situation. Here, you have two independent clauses strung together by a comma. In literature, this is a no-no. Instead, consider a semi-colon~

Ex.) He was a new and fresh face in the field; to the outside world, he was as good as everyone else.

This also helps the reader to seperate the clauses and it provides a smoother read. (At least for nerds like me that read really literally and get confused by things like a lack of a comma. xP)

However, I do want to clarify that this:


On the first day his boss Mr. Wells showed him around the place, introducing him to staff and showing the selection of drinks available.

is okay. I’m not sure what the exact rule on this is, but I used to see it a lot in older literature, and my sister and I use it (excessively).


He took the seat on the far left “Just give me any
drink on the list.” The man said.

Ex.) He took the seat on the far left. “Just give me any drink on the list,” the man said.


“My god, that is, hands down one of the best drinks I’ve ever had. Give me another one. What’s this drink called anyway?” The man asked.

Here is where commas are really important for seperating thoughts. The usage of commas here give (literal) readers the impression that the man is correcting something and emphasizing that he is talking about his god. Obviously, we understand what is intended. XD But I feel it is good to understand what is implied, too. Connotation is often more powerful than denotation. So here, you can say, “My god! That is, [or use a dash] hands-down, one of the best drinks I’ve ever had,” or you could just remove the
second comma in that quotation.

Also, Ex.) “What’s this drink called, anyway?” the man asked. No need to capitalize “the”, even when the quotation ends with ! Or ?.


“I call it the Sancuzzi Slammer.,” Jim said as he grinned widely.


Throughout the rest of his shift he offered and served his drink to other customers, ;many responded similarly to [as…? I am not entirely sure of the proper preposition here, but to sounds a little awkward.] the fat man.


“Hi Jim.” She said.

Ex.) “Hi, Jim,” she said.


He even got requested to mix drinks at large scale parties and even bumped elbows with a few famous people along the way. Even with all this Jim’s main priority remained The Right Side Up Bar.

The second even can be omitted, and the third can be changed to “Despite his newfound fame” or something along those lines.


There you have it, the story of the legendary Jim Sancuzzi.

Ex.) There you have it—the story of the legendary Jim Sancuzzi.

I would have liked to see a little more detailed description in this story, but because of the tone and style, I can understand why it was told succinctly.

A good example of how you put detail into the story was Jim’s backstory of how he got into mixing drinks by making his dad a drink each night. It was a nice touch to include the story of when he made a drink for his uncle, and how the uncle mistook it for Jim’s father’s doing.

Another example of good description in thos piece is of the yellowing paper. I think it could’ve really sold being from ’75 if you added a few more details. Maybe there are stains on the paper, or the edges of it are frayed and soft.

An example of what I would’ve liked to hear more about was why the Right Side Up Bar was so dead, and how it was still in business if it was doing so poorly.

Another topic I want to discuss: plot holes. How is it that of the fat man was a regular that nobody knew was a food critic, and why did the man choose then of all times to post a review? Why os he a regular there if he did not find the place spectacular to begin with when he would know all the good places to dine? Does he has a particular attachment to the locale?

Also, understandably so, but Jim’s co-worker is a little stale. I do not have much experience with working, but I did work a short time in a fast-food environment. My co-workers could not have cared less how the business was doing, and would not have told me if my hard work paid off and won the store an award or achievement. (This…actually happened.) Are this co-worker and Jim friends? Acquaintances that regularly interact with one another? Why is this co-worker talking with Jim? This does not need to be explained in a short such as this, but for future writing, this is something to keep in mind.

When the bar ran out of ingredients and appointed someone to go get more, that was a nice touch because my restaurant had to do that with cucumbers a lot. (The poor employee had to clock out, though) Is the bar near a liquor sore? How are they getting the ingredients? It would also be nice to mention that, before this, the bar had to order, say, double the inventory that they usually did for the ingredients that go into a Slammer. Also, is Jim only allowed to mix this special drink, or does he have a recipe available that any employee can mix it? Are the results the same if someone other than Jim mixes this drink? What makes the drink special? the mixer or the drink itself?

Also! What happened when the bar ran out of ingredients for the Slammer? Were there ever any brawls over the last of the drink? Did the place get packed full until the before-mentioned employee returned, arms weighed down by all the bottles, and all drank merrily with one another, though they be but strangers? These are very important details in convincing the reader of the Sancuzzi Slammer’s pegendary qualities!

Overall, a good short story! Keep up the good work!

토끼 둘을 잡으려다가 하나도 못 잡는다.
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. -Proverbs 15:1
Peace be with you all. Matthew 11:28-11:30 and John 10. :3

Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

I’m going to need a bit more time again. Sorry about this.

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

  • artspot
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Nov. 16
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Silver
  • !Franklin Badge White

For this prompt, Ostricho and I will submit the latest part of A Desolate Plummet. Part 3 didn’t meet the criteria of its month’s prompt, so that’s why we didn’t submit that. If you haven’t read Part 3, it’s available in the primary ADP thread. But, for those who have read it, here’s Part 4! Enjoy!

Part 4: Sandblasting

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
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  • !Franklin Badge White
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  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
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  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Despite the fact I could feel no pain, I knew we were at the end. In retrospect, it really did not matter how much we could have prepared for this as it was impossible to go against an enemy without a host. Giygas, the Universal Cosmic Destroyer, was an force of nature that had recently disrupted Earth and shook its core. Though we had seen what it was capable of in our journey, we had greatly underestimated this alien being. Once Pokey unleashed Giygas from its seal, even the air around us morphed at its will and my friends and I found ourselves facing the our most terrifying nightmares.

Darkness engulfed the room and thousands of generic faces submerged from the ground, each with a unique expression of pain. Each made little noises, such as muffled sobs or long drawn out screams. We were all taken back by this and get away, but more and more continued to sprout from the ground, leaving us trapped. It was disturbing, but it was clear this was part of Giygas’ form and we had no choice but to attack these wailing figures. I set at least 20 on fire and as their faces melted, the cries amplified. I was left with a feeling of dread.

Regardless of how much we fought against these strange beings, more and more of them grew, even within one another. It was impossible to even hear my friends over Giygas’ screams and in a hope to get a hold of the situation, we acted recklessly, desperately using all our power to beat the faces in. There was no clear way to win this fight and we were scared. Yet, no matter how much we tried to damage our enemy, it was futile. I saw an abrupt flash of light and was unsure whether I had imagined it or not. However, when I stared down at my mechanical body and saw its torso had been ripped asunder, I realized the devastating force behind its attack. Had I been in my own skin, there would have been no hope of recovering from that. I desperately wanted to cry and go back home to my family. We had been such naive children, excited to play the role as hero, but we were no match for this… thing.

One by one, my friends fell. Poo had used up his PSI and his legs had been severed during one of the attacks. After becoming disoriented, Jeff launched an attack with his bottle rocket and aimed a bit too close to himself; the recoil put him out of commission. Even Ness had succumbed to the attack and was unresponsive in front of me. I myself was also out of juice and no longer had the power to stand. I crawled over to Ness and desperately tried to wake him.

“Please,” I cried, knowing my words were drowned out by the entity around us. “I can’t do this on my own, so please, wake up. Please, Ness!”

Of course, there was no response on his end and again, I was greeted with another flash of light. My arm had nearly been torn clean off and even if I still had the strength, it would be impossible for me to fight in this condition.

“Someone…” I whispered inaudibly, fear settling in my stomach. “Someone please, help us…”

We needed help, we needed a savior, but of course, we were alone. We had no one. All my prayers were lost absorbed in the dark void.

Another light hit me and tore the hole in my body into two. In a last stitch effort, I prayed silently, and hoped our wish would be heard.

“Someone… can you hear me?! Please, give us strength!”

I did my best to concentrate on my prayers, though the screams of Giygas tried to break my train of thought. As I saw another flash of light, I wondered:
Would this be my end or did someone hear my prayers?

I’ve been sicker than a dog this week, so I wasn’t able to do the story I would have liked. I might fix this up a bit more in the future, expand upon the ending and such.

It seems I was unable to turn my story in last night, so I’m going to do so now. If anyone else had issues submitting last night, you are still free to turn yours in and if you need a bit more time, that’s totally fine. New topic will be coming up a just a bit, so please look forward to that.

Thank you all for participating!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~