Paula's Mom sprite Monthly Prompt Post - February '18

Deadline: February 28th

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

I sure hope you guys have staying safe and healthy! Let’s start off the month with another round of Monthly Prompt Post!

The idea is simple. I give you a prompt, and you give me a story. The story can be about the Mother series or something completely original, as well as everything in between! Get your story done on time and you will receive this wonderful badge.

In addition, we now have upgrade badges! Your badge will change the more you participate!

For participating five times, you get this baby!

Ten time participation will upgrade to this!

I want to throw yet another upgrade badge into the mix!
For anyone who participates a whopping TWENTY times will get this wonderful badge:

I hope you guys are excited!

You can check the link below to see how many times you’ve participated thus far. If you notice a mistake, just let me know.
(If you happen to already be due for a badge upgrade, let me know because I am probably not going to give badges for inactive users unless requested)

There are a few rules:

  • Your story must be at least 500 words in length (this does not include the title’s of stories and must be full words. Any words being spaced out for the flavor of the story will not be included in the word count.)
  • Your story must be proofread for spelling and grammar errors. Small errors are fine, but avoid them if at all possible.
  • You may interpret the prompt any way you like, but it must be an identifiable influence in your story – you can’t just stick in the prompt randomly.
  • Please don’t reuse stories from the past just because they fit the prompt. This event is about practicing and giving yourself a reason to write, after all!
  • You can submit as many stories as you want, but keep in mind, only one counts toward participation that month.
  • All other forum rules apply

Breaking these rules will result in you not receiving a badge.

New prompts will be released on the 1st of each month. The deadline is is on the last day of the month, so get these entries in by February 28th, 11:59PM

This month’s prompt is: Candy!

Also, I urge you to consider writing a something relating to the Mother-series. Doing so would qualify you to win the Fanfiction of the Month and get another nifty badge!

To see if you qualify for an upgrade, check the list below. If you did a prompt, but do not see your entry on the list, it may be because you did not meet the requirements. However, if you are sure that you did, just let me know!

Even if you have already received a badge, I urge you to participate anyway, not only for upgrades, but for the experience as well! Also, consider reviewing other’s entries; I am sure the author’s would appreciate some feedback, even if it is just a few nice words! (These reviews can count toward the Review Badge, by the way!)
Now, show me what you can do!

Because the character limit cannot possibly handle all the work you guys have done, I have moved the participation count to its own separate thread to avoid cluttering the thread. You can view your progress here.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

Master of Raking Lawns

  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X2
  • donor4
  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge
  • Writing Bootcamp 2014
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Silver
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge

Wow I haven’t done these in a while. This is a good reason to write, so I’m going to participate.

This is a story about Mason and Lucilla Thistle, a mother and son who move to Vancouver in search of their missing father, and follows their days living in near poverty and attempting to enjoy what is left of their lives while still hanging on to the past. It’s written in visual novel format. (If that’s not good, tell me, I guess.)

Thistle Apartment, Vancouver.
6:30 PM on Saturday.

I wonder if it’s possible to waste one’s entire life away in uselessness. Come the weekend, all that seems left for me is the world outside. You know, searching aimlessly for my father, as if that man I haven’t seen in seven years will actually return. Snow is furiously descending from the skies, and the streets outside are mostly empty.

Lit by the incessant glow of skyscrapers, this is just an ordinary night for Vancouver. For me….for me, it’s boring.

Lucilla: Mason, what are you up to?

Mom calls to me from where she’s sitting at the kitchen table. That’s right, I guess you can’t see me, when I’m lying down on the couch and only my feet are sticking out.

Mason: As much as I’d love to say that I’m reading a book, or doing my homework, or sleeping, I’m just thinking.

Mom laughs.

Lucilla: About what?

Mason: About the uselessness of my life. That’s it, I guess.

I hear chairs shifting as Mom stands up, holding her laptop, and sits right down on me.

Mason: Mom stop. Mom, get off of me! It really hurts!

Mom doesn’t move, only forcing me further into the couch.

Mason: Mom, what are you doing?

Lucilla: Well, you said your life is useless, right? So I’m making it not. Because you’re acting as a couch for me.

Mason: But Mom, you’re heavy…maybe if it was someone younger than me I’d be able to stand it, but you’re just too heavy…

Lucilla: Then let’s find a different purpose for us to serve!

Mom reaches into her jacket’s pocket and pulls out a few loonies.

Lucilla: Let’s go eat something!

Mason: No no no, you can’t get into a restaurant with just those coins….

Lucilla: I don’t mean out to eat! Besides, Mason, we already hate! I mean…hmm….

Mason: Not only that, any vendors set up outside are all gone by now. By the time winter hits, everyone evacuates inside. The only place where you’d be able to get food for just those coins would be a….

Mason and Lucilla: A candy shop.

Mason: Exactly.

Mom gets off of me, sets her laptop back down on the kitchen table, and shakes the coins in front of me.

Lucilla: Don’t you want to go? You haven’t had candy in a while, have you?

Mason: …Exactly how is this going to make my life not incredibly useless?

Sometimes I find it impossible to trace the logic of Mom’s mind.

Lucilla: Because we’re paying the salaries of the poor souls forced to work at a candy shop on a night like this, of course! Let’s go.

Mason: Okay, okay.

Slightly reluctantly, I leave the apartment with Mom. She locks the door behind us, and dressed in coats, gloves, scarves, and boots, we leave.

Mason: Let’s take the elevator.

Lucilla: Well, we do live on the top floor of our apartment building…

We get into the elevator and ride down until we’re out, finding ourselves on a lonely back street of Vancouver. The main downtown streets aren’t far away, though, and finding the nearest candy shop shouldn’t be any problem at all.

Demonic wind blasts snow towards it, but we keep trudging on, Mom staying close to me. The street is dark and lonely, and only the flickering light of streetlamps keeps us going in the right direction.

Mason: Mom, do you know where you’re going?

Suddenly, the worry of freezing to death out here gets to me. This is why I rarely go outside in the winter, especially when it’s been incessantly snowing like it was today.

Lucilla: You see, there’s this shop that your father always took me to, back when I was growing up here. It’s on Robson Street. Called The Candy Aisle.

Mason: Ooh..nice name, huh?

Lucilla: Indeed, indeed.

Mason: You sure it isn’t closed? I’d hate to arrive there and have it be closed.

Despite today’s slothfulness, at the absurd idea of going to a candy store in the evening with Mom, I can’t help but smile. She always has the most brilliant ideas to cheer me up.

Mom gets out her phone and searches it up.

Lucilla: It closes at 8 PM today. So we’re fine.

Mom scrolls down and shows me the types of candy they have.

Mason: That’s a lot of variety…54 different kinds of gummy candies, you say?

Lucilla: Well, it’s not lying.

Crossing the street, with the snow still blaring down on us, we finally reach Robson Street, where a few people walk here and there. Despite it snowing, the constant flow of cars has reduced the road’s snow to sludge, and the glowing stores and lights of cars keep it bright.

Mason: Which direction is the shop?

Lucilla: Umm….

She starts fiddling with her phone again.

Lucilla: It’s to the left.

Mason: Let’s hurry. I’m freezing…

Mom puts her arm around me, and we share our warmth. Soon enough, a snow-covered sign says The Candy Aisle, except that the C has been completely covered in snow by now, as has the y, changing the name to The And Aisle. I laugh.

Lucilla: What’s so funny, Mason?

Mason: Look at the sign. The name’s changed.

Mom giggles too, and finally, with the cold freezing our skin, we enter the store to warm up and buy candy.

Instantly, the sound changes, and the wind sounds less harsh and threatening and much more relaxing. A bell rings. No music plays, and the store is completely empty, giving it a haunted feel.

Mason: The lights are on…but nobody’s at the counter. Are you sure it’s open?

Lucilla: If it wasn’t, then the door wouldn’t have opened for us.

Quickly, though, a woman comes through an entryway in the back to greet us.

???: Here to buy candy on this snowy evening?

Lucilla: Even on snowy evenings, candy will always be the best treat on the planet. Now, Mason, let’s pick out candy worth 10 dollars altogether, okay?

Mason: Wow…you’re willing to spare that much?

Lucilla: It’s no problem. Don’t worry. Come on, the point is that you’re serving a purpose, aren’t you?

Mason: I’m not the one spending the money, Mom. You are.

Mom dumps the coins into my pocket. It makes me smile, and she smiles back.

We start browsing the store.

Lucilla: Wow, this actually reminds me…I haven’t had candy in a long while either…

Mason: Don’t get too attached, Mom. Next thing you know you’ll be eating meat again and we won’t be vegetarians any more.

Lucilla: Oh, you’re right…let’s not go too gung-ho over the candy.

Mason: Why’s the licorice all dark? I’m used to colourful stuff…

Mom looks at it more closely.

Lucilla: It’s all Dutch licorice. Huh, interesting, I had no idea the Dutch made licorice.

Mason: …If only they offered ‘The History of Candy’ as a class online, eh?

Mom laughs.

Mason: Oh, here’s all the sour candy.

Lucilla: Aren’t they all so cute and colourful? Especially the cola bottles. Oh, and the watermelon slices. I might just buy some of these.

Mom gets a candy bag and throws some of the sour gummies in. She’s always been a sucker for them. I like them, but the sweeter kind of gummy always tastes better. Luckily, that’s what’s next in the rows.

Lucilla: Aww, they’ve got those fried egg candies!

Mason: Mom, they don’t really have any taste, you know that, right?

Lucilla: Oh…yeah, I suppose you’re right.

We peer over the candies until Mom notices something interesting.

Lucilla: Wait…are those gummy octopuses?

Mason: Octopi? Octopuses? I have no idea….maybe they’re both right….

Lucilla: I’m gonna get some of them, kay?

Mason: Sounds good to me.

Mom puts some of the gummy octopuses/octopi into our bag, alongside some cute swirly bears, and we continue around the store. Mom and I laugh at the jawbreakers, joke about rockets and their weird name in the United States, and gloat over the candy coated marshmallow eggs.

By the time we’ve rounded through the whole store, I can barely hear the snow outside, fully absorbed into a world of candy galore.

Mason: By the way, Mom, this is the only time we’re doing this, okay? Then we’re going back to regular eating.

Suddenly, Mom bursts out laughing.

Mason: Huh? What’s so funny, Mom?

Lucilla: If this were a normal family, it’d be me telling that to you….but here you are, telling your own mother that we shouldn’t be buying candy…

I get what she’s saying, but I can’t seem to find it funny. I just stand there, blank-faced, until the two of us go up to the counter and buy our candy. It comes to a price much larger than 10 dollars, since Mom bought too much, but nonetheless she just gets out her wallet, buys it all, and we go home with candy in our mouths.

Slowly, together, we walk home in the darkness.

Mason: You know, Mom…I don’t really know if my opinion of myself has changed at all….I’m still pretty useless.

Mom turns to face me.

Lucilla: What if I said that today, you made me happy? Would that be a good enough purpose, at least for now?

And I can’t help but smile.

Without love, it cannot be seen.

Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

Sorry for the bump. I’m going to need a bit more time again, but I do plan on following through this time. Please bear with me.

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!

Struthio Camelus

  • 7x Theory Hall of Fame
  • Snowdin1st
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 3+ Wins
  • Badge Maker!
  • !!Valentine's Funfest '17 Winners Badge
  • PUC Fenomeno Badge
  • FOTM (Fanfic) July 17
  • Riddles Lord
  • Joy of EB Fest - 1st
  • !Franklin Badge Gold
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar1
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 3 Wins
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
  • Mother 3 17th Anniversary Funfest - 2nd place
  • Very Hot Winterfest Gold

Everdred of Burglin Park liked nothing quite as much as stealing. If he had to choose a second place, he’d probably say candy. Delicious chocolates, melting in his mouth. Caramels, ooey and gooey, soothing his throat as it went down. And lollipops. Oh, by Pirkle’s shining bald spot, Everdred could never get enough of those lollipops. He was a sucker for suckers.

And if someone asked Everdred what his least favorite thing was, he’d say babies in a heartbeat. Disgusting, whining babies, with strings of spit going up and down their mouths. They shrieked when they were happy and screamed when they were mad. The only time they were ever tolerable were when they were sleeping, and what was sleep? Temporarily not existing, that’s what it was. Every time Everdred saw a baby in Burglin Park, he wanted to throw up behind the banana stand.

With all that in mind, one might realize that stealing candy from a baby was right up Everdred’s alley. And on that hot summer day, when a couple with a little toddler walked into Burglin Park, Everdred scowled. He looked like a miserable child for sure, with his knobby nose and bulging stomach. How old was he? Three? Close enough for Everdred to consider him a baby. And wouldn’t you know it, when he wasn’t blabbering, it was because he had a sucker planted in his mouth. It was a shiny, scarlet lollipop, one that made Everdred salivate just by looking at it.

“I’ve gotta have that sucker.” Everdred kneeled atop of his house, rubbing his hands together. “Oh, that’ll be the heist of the decade right there. That sucker is mine, mine, mine…”

The plans were set. No turning back — Everdred never walked out of a heist. He’d sooner become a hot dog salesman. With a mighty leap, he cannonballed off his roof. His feet cracked as he made impact with the grass below. Did he sprain an ankle again? There was no time to worry about it. Not when that lollipop was on the line. Though his joints ached, Everdred slithered into the park, his mouth watering like a dog.

Act natural! Everdred whistled an awkward tune, pried a cigar from his pocket, and lit it up as he approached. He drew in a puff of smoke and bellowed it back out as he grew closer and closer. He bore through the crowd, elbowing anyone who looked at him funny. The little kid, that baby was right there now. And his parents? Busy chatting up some schmuck who had nothing to sell but his own sign. It was too good. Fortune smiled upon anyone with such mastery of the Thief Arts.

Everdred crept up, and the child turned around, sucker crammed between his lips. That sucker was gigantic. The kid’s mouth would have to be thrice as large for the whole thing to actually fit.

“Hey, kid.” Everdred gave a goofy grin.

“Hi,” the toddler said. “My name’s…”

Without a moment of delay, Everdred swooped like a hawk. With one slick swipe, he snatched the lollipop from the kid’s hands. Score! Everdred inhaled a puff of smoke, yanked the cigar from his mouth, and then ate the entire lollipop in one bite.

Crunch. The child’s face dropped like hail. Everdred winked, and with a long puff, he blasted the toddler with a cloud of cigar smoke.

“Life’s not fair, kid.”

With one final cackle, Everdred swiveled around and tore off into the woods.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

I stared at the variety of sweets in the display case, carefully eyeing the details to each as I struggled to make my selection. Greasy hand-prints matted the glass, but I looked past it. The display was filled with a variety of sweets, ranging from small cakes to customizable arrays of various chocolate flavors. I felt a nudge on my shoulder, my friend, Asuna, egging me to hurry and pick something.

“There’s a line forming,” she whispered softly in my ear and while I nodded in acknowledgement of what she was saying, I was more concerned with picking the perfect piece. Different memories and bits on information cycled through my brain as I tried to determine which she would like the best, but with the large selection, it was difficult to choose.

“I’d like to fill this, please,” I said, pointing to a large heart-shaped box, decorated in various shapes, colors, and cloth-material.

After I picked the flavors, the clerk behind the counter smiled wide and wished us a good day, but her irritation with me was evident. However, I could not care less and instead, I was filled with excitement.

“Way to splurge,” my friend laughed, pointing to bag I carefully carried in my arms.

“You think?”

“Duh! You literally bought the biggest box they offered!”

“Is-Is that bad?” I asked, looking down at my purchase, now worrying if it was a bit much.

“Nah, it’s just like something you’d do,” she stated.

“I don’t know if I should take that as an insult,” I muttered quietly, still staring at the wrapped box, unsure how it would come across. Asuna must have noticed this because she stopped and spun me toward her.

“Setsuna-san, she’s gonna love it. I promise,” Asuna assured, flashing a smile. “It’s going to mean the world coming from you.”

I could feel a warm blush overcoming my cheeks and I could not help but grin a bit.

“Thanks, Asuna-san,” I spoke softly and she nodded in response. “By the way, what did you buy?” I asked, pointing to the small bag in her hand.

“Ah, they’re cookies. Class Rep is going to see her brother this weekend and I’m going for emotional support. These-,” she said, holding up the bag. “-are an offering. I tried to make some last year, but Class Rep said it was an insult, so…”

I nodded. Both Asuna’s cooking/baking skills left much to be desired and were borderline dangerous.

“Is she okay with you going?”

“She likes to yap about how she doesn’t need me there and how she’s distracted by the ‘monkey girl’, but I know she doesn’t like being alone,” Asuna spoke softly.

Class Rep and Asuna had known each other for years and while they constantly bickered, it was clear they were both the most dear to each other. I imagined it was difficult to visit the grave of a sibling, but from what I gathered, Asuna went with Class Rep every time.

“That’s a very kind thing to do, Asuna-san,” I remarked, but my friend, who was clearly embarrassed by this, immediately deflected it.

“Say, Setsuna-san, why is it you’re giving Konoka these chocolates on Valentine’s Day instead of White Day?” she procured, knowingly catching me off guard.

“I-Is that bad?” I asked, again looking over the box, but she simply laughed and teased as we headed back to the dormitory.

Asuna headed to Class Rep’s room immediately upon arriving at the dorms, so I hurried to Konoka’s room, not wanting to engage in a conversation about what I had with my peers, especially Haruna. My classmates were a kind bunch, but they could be a bit rambunctious and most did not quite understand subtly.
I recently came to terms with my feelings, though not completely. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the girl I had been sword to protect, but I struggled with my other beliefs. Konoka was heir to a powerful family and while not only was I a mere peasant in comparison, but a filthy monster…

I shook my head and shook the thought out. Both Asuna and Konoka would scold that way of thinking, Negi would go on about how that was not true, and Eva would tell me to embrace it. These thoughts were still something I struggled with on a daily basis and knew they were holding me back from truly confessing how I felt.

When I arrived at the room, I saw a note neatly laid out upon the table, a tiny wing drawn on the corner of the paper. I bent over to examine it and saw it was from Konoka.


I knew you said you needed to run an errand today, so I didn’t text you. Grandfather set up am omai today (--) so I might be gone for awhile. He keeps setting these up with guys who are way older than me, maybe Asuna should be going to these instead, haha!_

I’ll see you later! And come over for dinner tonight?

Konoka’s note was bittersweet. I found it ridiculously cute, but the talk of the marriage meeting bothered me. It should not have surprised me her grandfather would choose today for one, but I felt….jealous? Konoka was quite vocal with her disdain for the meetings and often tried to ditch them. I had been appointed to keep her put by her grandfather, but without me there…

I tucked the note in my shirt pocket, held the candies close, and bolted from the dorm.

The sun had set and the sky was growing dark at this point and I knew the omai had begun quite some time ago, but I was confident she fled at some point. I ran through the streets, my eyes scanning the crowds in search of the girl. I ran in direction of the center of the academy, certain I’d find her there.
When I neared the area, I saw a girl with a long and elegant kimono, running down the streets in a hurry, a mischievous look on her face as she fled from two bulky men in suits.
“Ojou-sama, please!” one cried out. “Stop running and come back!”

I quickly moved down the streets silently to get closer. She was a noticeable bit ahead of them and tried to abruptly turn down an alleyway to throw them off, though she was not as sneaky as she had hoped. She bumped into me as she entered and I immediately put my finger over my lips to signal being silent. I scooped her up in my arms and quickly jumped to the rooftops. We spied on her guards from our aerial view and grinned as we saw their befuddled looks as they quickly continued down the street to find her.
I almost felt bad for them. Almost.

“What a surprise,” the girl giggled, turning her attention to me. “Since when are you on the escape team?”

“It’s my day off,” I shrugged, secretly thrilled to see her successful evasion.

“Thank you for the save, Secchan!” she beamed, straightening out her kimono. “It’s tough running in these things. Maybe I should go the next one in one of Asuna’s track suits.”

“I’m sure the Headmaster would be thrilled,” I smiled, imagining his bewildered reaction.

“It’s almost worth it to try,” she said, wearing a troublesome grin.

We shared in a laugh and noticed as the streetlamps began to fill the street with light. The day had nearly come to an end and I remembered the bag I carried in my hand.

“Ojou-sama,” I started, gathering her full attention.

“What is it, Secchan?”

“W-would you like to go somewhere with me?” I asked, surprising myself with my own boldness.

“Sure,” she smiled widely. “You can take me anywhere.”

I paused for a moment, staring into Konoka’s deep brown eyes and studying her smile. My heart skipped a little as she smiled so tenderly at me.

Do I really have the confidence to do confess? Can I accept these feelings?

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, casting aside those worries and when I exhaled, I allowed my wings to expand and revealed them to the world. When I opened my eyelids, I could see her surprised expression, but unlike many others, it was not filled with disgust.

“Your wings? This is definitely a surprising day,” she exclaimed.

I began to scoop her back in my arms and embraced for take off, but first I turned to her.

“Do you mind if I-”

“Of course not,” she shook her head. “You know I love this!”

I smiled and kicked off the rooftop with a bit of force and flew through the night sky. It was not often I was able to actually let my wings out to breathe, so this was a nice stretch. I felt Konoka’s fingers tighten around my shirt’s collar, but I saw her looking in awe below at the academy, lit by lights of stores and homes.

“It’s beautiful, Secchan…” Konoka said, her voice trailing off a bit.

I smiled, cradling her closer to me as I soared higher in the air and to our destination. The World Tree overlooked the academy grounds and it was the pride and joy of Mahora. Carefully, I landed on a thick branch high up from the ground, an area with a great view. Konoka carefully shifted to my side and together, we gazed at the school grounds.

“Thank you for taking me here,” Konoka spoke softly as she stared upward at the stars shining brightly in the sky. “This was a lovely way to spend the evening.”

“Um, I-uh…” I tried to speak, but I was slipping over my tongue. My face was hot and I could not get the words out. Instead, I handed her the bag and looked away, blushing profusely.

“What’s this?” she said, gently taking the bag out of my grasp. I was extremely nervous and could not face her directly, but tried view her reaction through my peripheral. “A box of chocolate…” she whispered, examining the pieces. “Are these for me?”

“Of course!” I turned to her and exclaimed, a bit too loudly and quickly. I took a breath. “I tried to put an assortment of chocolate you like and I tried not to overwhelm you with too much of one kind, and-”

My voice cut off as I saw her pluck a bigger piece from the box and examine it.

“Is this a chocolate-covered cherry?” Konoka inquired as she stared at the candy.

“Y-Yes. I know your mother used to get those for you on Valentine’s Day every year,” I explained, but saying it out-loud, I began to wonder if that was insensitive. “I’m sorry! Is that inappropriate of me?”

Konoka smiled and shook her head, placing the cherry back in the box and sealing the lid. She set the box on the other side of her and slid a bit closer to me.

“Secchan, thank you so much,” she murmured, her voice nearly inaudible. “This means more than you could ever know.”
Her words cracked a bit at the end and upon closer examination, I saw tears had welled in her eyes. Upon instinct, I raised my hand and lightly brushed my thumb over the bottom of her eyelids. She had placed her hand upon my other one.

“Kono-chan, I…” I started, but I could not get the words out. My heart pulsated and my feelings ran rapid. At this moment, there was no doubt how I felt about the girl I was sworn to protect, but I was unable to get the words out.

“Kono-chan? I usually have to fight teeth and nail to get you to call me that,” she pondered aloud. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright today?” She lifted her bangs and gently pressed her forehead against mine. “You feel a bit hot…”

“Can’t imagine why,” I said meekly, completely overtaken by how close we currently were.

She said nothing and studied my eyes intensely. I was caught in the moment and did the same. I could feel my heart beat throughout my fingertips and at that moment, I allowed myself not to think. My hand gently cupped her pink cheek while my other intertwined my fingers with hers. I stroked her face with my thumb slowly and took in this moment: one of pure happiness.
I gazed at her eyes, but she stared back with that same longing look. At that moment, I closed my eyelids and shifted closer, slowly feeling her lips brush against mine. They were soft. Again, I touched mine to her, this time our lips parted and we held this kiss for some time. I was lost in the moment and without words, I confessed the feelings I had locked away in my heart.

Turning mine in a bit late. I ended up scrapping what I had been working on and wrote this instead.

Icy, you’re absolutely fine! Take your time and submit something you’re happy with.

And with that, this wraps up February. New prompt should go up soon.
If anyone else needs more time, just let me know!

Thanks for participating, guys!

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

A little late, but here’s a little something. It’s a little rough, but it’ll do.

“Slurpity-Slurp. I’m so sweet, you can’t lick me! Burrrp!”

These were the words of the strange creature floating on the clouds that currently stood in the Yellow Baby Yoshi’s path. Upon closer inspection, the creature looked much like a big cloud itself, albeit yellow-coloured, with beady eyes, blushing cheeks, a wide smile and cute little orange shoes. It also had a kind of smell to it that the Yoshi couldn’t quite place, but it was a good smell. It smelled…tasty, for lack of a better word.

The cloud then started jumping forward to where the Yoshi stood. It looked like the creature was trying to pounce on him. Realizing that he was in danger, the Yoshi’s quick feet got him out of harm’s way. The cloud creature realized that it had missed its target and adjusted its viewpoint. The Yoshi had never seen this kind of creature before, so he wasn’t sure what he had done to earn the cloud’s ire, but it didn’t take him long to figure out that this was probably someone that the meanie Baby Bowser had sent to deal with him and his differently-coloured Baby Yoshi friends.

Yoshi’s Island, where Yoshies of all colours and hues made their home, had one day fallen under hard times. Baby Bowser, who had once suffered defeat against the dragon clan, had shown up on the island without warning. Intent on revenge, he used a magic spell to turn the entire island into a pop-up storybook. He also took it upon himself to steal the Super Happy Tree, the Yoshies’ fruit supply and the source of their happiness. And since the Yoshies themselves had been transformed into living pop-up materials, a specific side effect of the kiddie Koopa King’s curse, there was nothing they could do to stand up to it. Satisfied with the damage he had caused, the little bully laughed cruelly to himself as he and the fruit-bearing tree disappeared in a puff of smoke to his castle across the sea.

In his haste to leave, however, he neglected to notice that while this was happening, six Yoshi eggs hatched at the same time, revealing six adorable, brightly-coloured Yoshi babies. These little babies were as happy as happy could be, but it didn’t take them long to notice that something was wrong with their island home. The adult Yoshies had suffered the brunt of Baby Bowser’s curse and were filled with so much despair over the loss of the Super Happy Tree that they couldn’t do much of anything. So the Baby Yoshies talked among themselves: If they could somehow make the journey to Baby Bowser’s Castle and take back the Super Happy Tree, perhaps they could break the curse and return the adult Yoshies to normal. It would be a daunting task venturing out into a brave, new world (especially considering they still needed someone to hold their hands while walking) but the babies were more than happy to help their adult brethren.

Unfortunately for them, it didn’t take long for Baby Bowser to notice that he had missed the newly-hatched dragon babies, and that they were (slowly, but surely) coming for him. Realizing this, the ornery tyke wasted no time in sending minion after minion towards the island, intent on capturing the Baby Yoshies and imprisoning them in his dungeons. One of those minions was the large, yummy-smelling cloud monster that the Yellow Yoshi Baby was currently facing.

The little dragon tyke spent a couple minutes trying to avoid getting jumped on by the cloud monster while at the same time trying to figure out how to damage it. Since it had said that it couldn’t be licked up like a normal enemy because it was…what did it call itself? Suh-wheat?…the Baby Yoshi tried using other methods to attack it. Unfortunately, none of his other attacks seemed to work either; thrown eggs just bounced off their target and jumping on it didn’t seem to be working either. The yellow infant was at a loss for what to do.

…which was when a thought suddenly occurred to him: Why not try eating it anyway? What did he have to lose? The bouncing yellow cloud was much bigger than the Yoshi baby, so he wasn’t sure he would be able to swallow it in one bite, but he decided to give it a try, nonetheless. It DID smell delicious, as well.

The Yoshi let out his tongue and grabbed at the monster. Instead of swallowing it whole, a piece of yellow fluff dislodged itself from the cloud and went into the dragon’s mouth. All at once, the Yellow Yoshi was hit with a taste sensation he had never experienced before. He wasn’t sure how to describe it. But it reminded him of happy things: sunshine, rainbows, warmth and other such things. He also started to get excited; he like what he had tasted, and he wanted more.

He also noticed that after loosening a piece of the cloud’s form, it was now slightly smaller than it was before. The Yoshi grinned in anticipation; this was indeed how he would prevail over his foe. He eagerly set about licking piece after piece off the cloud enemy. While its decreased size made it become more agile, it wasn’t enough to stop the yellow lizard’s ravenous appetite. And before long, he had completely devoured his tasty adversary.

The Yellow Yoshi baby’s taste buds were overstimulated, to the point where he started to become dizzy. Deciding he needed a bit of a rest, he sat himself down and licked his lips, pondering to himself what this new and unfamiliar taste could mean. Thinking over the cloud’s words, was this what the word “sweet” meant? He wasn’t sure, but he could believe it if this were true.

One thing was for certain, however: if the dizziness he was feeling was going to be a regular occurrence every time he ate something like that, it might be best if he ate a little bit at a time. The Yoshi nodded to himself as he stared up at the sunny blue-patterned sky.

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!