Paula's Mom sprite Monthly Prompt Post - December '17

Deadline: December 31st

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

I can hardly believe it! It’s already December, so welcome to the last Monthly Prompt Post of 2017! My, this year just flew by, didn’t it?

Thank you all for joining me again this year! I really did enjoy reading your stories and I hope we can continue this again throughout the next! Let’s wrap this up strong with a new prompt!

The idea is simple. I give you a prompt, and you give me a story. The story can be about the Mother series or something completely original, as well as everything in between! Get your story done on time and you will receive this wonderful badge.

In addition, we now have upgrade badges! Your badge will change the more you participate!

For participating five times, you get this baby!

Ten time participation will upgrade to this!

I want to throw yet another upgrade badge into the mix!
For anyone who participates a whopping TWENTY times will get this wonderful badge:

I hope you guys are excited!

You can check the link below to see how many times you’ve participated thus far. If you notice a mistake, just let me know.
(If you happen to already be due for a badge upgrade, let me know because I am probably not going to give badges for inactive users unless requested)

There are a few rules:

  • Your story must be at least 500 words in length (this does not include the title’s of stories and must be full words. Any words being spaced out for the flavor of the story will not be included in the word count.)
  • Your story must be proofread for spelling and grammar errors. Small errors are fine, but avoid them if at all possible.
  • You may interpret the prompt any way you like, but it must be an identifiable influence in your story – you can’t just stick in the prompt randomly.
  • Please don’t reuse stories from the past just because they fit the prompt. This event is about practicing and giving yourself a reason to write, after all!
  • You can submit as many stories as you want, but keep in mind, only one counts toward participation that month.
  • All other forum rules apply

Breaking these rules will result in you not receiving a badge.

New prompts will be released on the 1st of each month. The deadline is is on the last day of the month, so get these entries in by December 31st, 11:59PM

This month’s prompt is: Goodbyes!

Also, I urge you to consider writing a something relating to the Mother-series. Doing so would qualify you to win the Fanfiction of the Month and get another nifty badge!

To see if you qualify for an upgrade, check the list below. If you did a prompt, but do not see your entry on the list, it may be because you did not meet the requirements. However, if you are sure that you did, just let me know!

Even if you have already received a badge, I urge you to participate anyway, not only for upgrades, but for the experience as well! Also, consider reviewing other’s entries; I am sure the author’s would appreciate some feedback, even if it is just a few nice words! (These reviews can count toward the Review Badge, by the way!)
Now, show me what you can do!

Because the character limit cannot possibly handle all the work you guys have done, I have moved the participation count to its own separate thread to avoid cluttering the thread. You can view your progress here.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

  • Fanfiction Reviewer Badge
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • Undertale Temmie Sees All
  • Badge Maker!
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner
  • Joy of EB Fest - 3rd
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Gold
  • Fishing for Submission Contest
  • !Franklin Badge Gold
  • Undercover Funfest - 1st
  • Video Game Riddles Gold
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 1 Win
  • Sean Connery Squirrel
  • 30th Anniversary Funfest - Staff
  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge

I guess I’m the first entry here. I started to write this story a couple of days ago in English class and I liked where it was going. It fit well with this month’s prompt. With a bit of tweaking yesterday and some help from Ostricho I hereby present to you:

The old man’s eyes stung as he rubbed them. It didn’t help that some sleep fell in. After he was done probing his eyes, they were red, stingy, and wet. The old bed yelled out as he shifted his weight into a more upright position. These screams awoke the dog sleeping underneath. It started to scratch at the bottom of the mattress. The state of the mattress showed that this wasn’t the first time the dog was startled. The man put his hand over the edge of the bed and the dog curiously licked it.

“Nothing to be afraid of, girl. It’s just me,” the man reassured.

Soon after, the dog made its way to the dilapidated door on the other side of the room. If she wanted to, she could just squeeze right through. But despite the gaping hole, she would always wait for her owner to open it. The man quickly got up when he noticed the dog’s request. This caused the unwound metal springs to screech in pain. The door flung open and the dog ran to the multiple flights of stairs and floors that awaited her. Not a single soul stirred in the building except for the man and his dog. The interior of the complex was caked with a thin layer of brown dust. The man would have cleaned the place, but it was far too much work for a man of his age. Seventy-six years really have a toll on someone. He looked out the bare window, if it could even be called one. Only the frame and the sill separated it from being another hole in the wall. The sun shone pink and lavender across Jersey City. Everything could be seen from the top floor. From the mechanic shops to the bodegas on every other street and corner. It was there in all its glory.

“Hey, Ginger!” he called the dog. His voice echoed throughout the hallowed halls.
The dog came soon after. The man motioned to the light pushing through the window. The pink light set the stage for a dust particle dance party.
“See, girl. If you look hard enough, anything can be beautiful,” the man said in an almost teacher-like manner.

The dog stepped into the light and stared out the window to the great beyond. Her dark brown eyes met with the sun’s colorful rays. A sudden draft made her quickly flinch and turn her head back to the man. After the jerk subsided, she turned back and continued to look out at what could be.

“Better prance while you still have the time.” the old man said. “Tonight we’re heading out, out to the big city.” he swallowed hard. “Life’s crazy ya know. One moment you’re here and the next you’re somewhere else. But work’s work.”

The day passed quickly. The man packed his few things and made sure to bring a few canned foods just in case. He put all of it away in a tattered brown leather suitcase adorned with multiple faded stickers of different locals all over the U.S.. The stickers were color washed and some were even peeling off. The sun yawned and started to set. The sky was engulfed by swirls of orange and red, as if god struck a match on the clouds. The windows of the man’s room swallowed the light and splashed it onto his torn jeans and stained gray hoodie. His shiny white hair battled against the intensity of the outside light. He grabbed his suitcase and called for his dog who was a few flights done. They both walked slowly down the stairs, emphasizing that these were the last steps this building would feel. Finally the two reached the large wooden door.

“Well this is it. Do you want to run around one last time?” the man asked. Ginger nodded in agreement.

The two ran up every flight, entered every room, and took it all in. After they were done they walked down the stairs again, this time even slower. The wooden door finally parted, which caused the warm air to flood in. This tickled the old man’s face as he stepped outside.

“Goodbye you beautiful building. I’ll never forget you.” The old man said choking back tears.

The door creaked slowly closed and the sound echoed throughout the halls, this time with no one to hear it.


Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

Hmm…once again, I’m going to need a bit more time to complete my entry for this month, if that’s all right with you, of course. I’m sorry this keeps happening.

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

It’s totally fine, Icy! This has been a busy month and a late prompt is infinitely better than no prompt!

Once again, congratulations to all students for completing another year of school and best of luck to all graduates! We wish you the best as you continue your life and pursue your future careers!

The short intercom message ended. It was near identical to the others we had heard annually in the past, but it carried a different meaning as a senior, or former. I looked at my partner to my side to share my excitement, but her expression was not that of a happy individual, but someone who looked deeply bothered.

“Ojou-sama, what’s wrong?” I asked as I placed my hand on her sleeve a bit and turned toward her. “Aren’t you excited?”

“I mean, I am, but…” her voice trailed off and she tightly gripped her hands. “I just don’t know if I’m ready to say goodbye.”

Memories of our years at Mahora flashed in my head. There were the early years of junior high where I remained a recluse and performed my duties in solitude. Then there was the time I made up with Konoka Ojou-sama and became dear friends with Asuna-san and Negi-sensei. I had also come to terms with my feelings sometime after. There were many thoughts I treasured and being able to attend Mahora Academy with Ojou-sama had filled my life with such happiness, it would be hard to say goodbye.

“I understand what you mean,” I agreed. “A lot has happened over these last few years and I’m going to miss this place.”

“No, Secchan, you don’t understand,” Konoka muttered under her breath, lowering her head, leaving me unable to see her eyes. “I-I’m just not..” She paused and I immediately noticed her fists clenching together even tighter. She breathed in heavily before continuing. “I’m not ready to move on. Despite how much I have been groomed for the future by Grandfather and the future plans I have laid out ahead of me, I’m, I’m scared. What if I end up failing when people need help?”

“It happens,” I assured, doing my best to calm her. “Sometimes there are those beyond our help.”

“I know that!” she shouted and this strange outburst from her left me a bit startled. “Of course I know that! When it came down to it, I could do nothing to save Negi-kun or Asuna. And now while Negi-kun is helping save people, I’m left on the sidelines. I mean, if I can’t even save the people I care for the most, how can I possibly hope to become a Magister Magi and help people?”

Though her eyes were hidden from my view, I could clearly see several droplets fall from her chin and onto the floor. Immediately, I wrapped the girl in my arms and gripped her tightly. I gently placed my head onto her shoulder pressed her close.

“I do understand what it’s like to feel weak,” I said, whispering softly in her ear. “But I know that you’re strong, Konochan. I know you’re capable of saving countless lives in the years to come. I know you miss Asuna-san, but I assure you, leaving Mahora and continuing your life is not the same as abandoning her. She wants more for you and you know that.”

Konoka said nothing, but held onto my uniform tightly.

“I know it won’t be easy and we’ll have many hardships ahead, but I vow to be at your side for the rest of our lives. We need to say goodbye to the weights of the pass and move forward. Let’s make the future brighter together.”

“Secchan,” she cried, nodding weakly in response. I moved my hand and embraced the back of her head, holding her gingerly as she cried.

I felt like a fool for not realizing how much she had been burdened by the sames things as I. Though it was hard to leave all of it behind, I was focused on the future just ahead.

Writing a short Negima fic for now. Hope to expand on the idea later.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

Glitch Winner

  • artspot
  • EarthBound Central
  • donor5
  • Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
  • Badge Maker!
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • fanvatar1
  • M25FF Motherly Award
  • Holiday FF 13 Category 3rd
  • MOTHER 25th Teddy Collab
  • Summers Art Collab!
  • I believed in Smash
  • smash collab
  • Lucas Memorial Collab
  • Illustration Badge
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 3
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 4
  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Veteran's Day Casual Pokemon Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • Sonic OC Don't STeal
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • ghost frog
  • Pink DK
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win
  • Mafia Players Choice
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • FOTM (Fanfic) Perm.
  • Fanart of the Week
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

Well okay, better late than never, I suppose. And you’re right, this has been a busy month.

Fortunately, I was able to get something done. I hope you all enjoy.

And then, the soft sounds of raindrops hitting the pavement were interrupted by soft whimpers of the canine variety. His attention piqued, Garfield the Cat turned away from the iron-barred window of the city pound to face the source of the noise: his good friend and dim-witted punching bag, Odie the Dog, was lying down on the cold stone floor, asleep and shivering. Admittedly, it was a cold, windy night outside. Even Garfield had to admit it was rather chilly outside, especially more so since the windows weren’t covered by glass, so he couldn’t blame Odie for that one.

Sighing, Garfield slowly walked away from the window and closed the distance between himself and his friend. Planting himself in a sitting position right next to his furry friend, he lay down on the ground, attempting to warm up the skinny, yellow pup by way of body heat. It was the only thing he could think of doing. Staring at Odie out of the corner of his eyes and with a forlorn, depressed look on his face, Garfield extended an orange paw and stroked the dog’s back a few times. He did this until his friend stopped shivering. It did not take that long for that to happen, so that was a relief. Satisfied with his results, Garfield smiled briefly before closing his eyes, and trying to get some sleep. Unfortunately, any sleep he would get would most likely be very fitful.

He couldn’t help but think back to how the two of them had landed in their current predicament in the first place. It had all begun much earlier that morning. The two of them had just started their usual bout of playfighting shortly after breakfast, and it did not take long for Jon Arbuckle, their owner, to suggest they go outside to fight. And so, they did just that. They proceeded to play inside the flower garden for a good while, and all was going well enough until the puppy next door decided to take a bite out of Garfield’s tail. After doing his best to look threatening, the dog retreated to his owner. Garfield then came up with the idea to catch him and wring his tiny neck. Odie, who he had beckoned, nodded in agreement, and the two set off creeping slowly towards their destination.

Meanwhile, Old Hubert, the dog’s owner, who was seated in a rocking chair on his front porch, was none too pleased about the cat and dog from next door scaring his pet and trespassing on his property. After his multiple warnings to the pair had failed, he decided he needed to take action. He picked up his cane and, as Garfield and Odie made their way onto his porch, proceeded to attack the duo. Both cat and dog were too nimble for him, so he had a tough time landing any blows. And just as it looked like he had Odie cornered, and as he brought his cane over his head, he accidently knocked over a flower pot hanging directly above him. It fell and landed upside-down on his head. Furious over this result, he yelled for his wife, Reba, to get him the phone. Once she got it for him, the old man proceeded to call the city pound to take Garfield and Odie away. A truck arrived astonishingly fast, and Garfield realized he and Odie needed to make tracks. He bolted off quickly and dove into a set of nearby bushes. Odie, however, had gotten caught in a net and was loaded onto the back of the vehicle. He was, according to Garfield, too stupid to realize that he was in deep trouble. Which was when the truck drove off.

Garfield had feigned indifference to this and put the incident behind him. He probably would not miss Odie anyway. His indifference continued until late that evening where, after enjoying a late-night snack, he realized he was bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. He would not admit this out loud, but he found he was starting to miss Odie after all. Which was when he decided he would head down to the city pound himself and bust his friend out of there.

Unfortunately for him, his escape plan did not go as well as he had hoped it would. He had tracked down the city pound easily enough and was able to get inside without too much trouble. The big problem arose when he found he needed a key to unlock the cell that Odie was occupying. Ultimately, he was unsuccessful in getting the key from the man on duty. Though originally asleep, he woke up as soon as Garfield tried pulling on his key ring, and from there, the orange cat was thrown into the cell as well. And to top it off, although he had finally reunited with Odie, he was informed by another cat named Fast Eddie about the fate everyone suffered in the city pound: If no one came to claim them, a terrible fate would befall them, which Fast Eddie demonstrated by running a finger around his neck. Garfield was very uncomfortable with this revelation, even more so when he discovered that, unless he was claimed before dawn, Odie was the next in line to go.

These thoughts were weighing on Garfield’s mind when he finally opened his eyes. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep, however as he glanced towards the window, he noticed the sky was a little brighter outside. It also wasn’t raining as hard, but that hardly seemed to matter to the orange cat. Odie was still sound asleep next to him. Being mindful not to wake him up, Garfield got to his feet and walked back to the windowsill and stared outside. Morning was indeed on its way. He was certain time was just about up for his little yellow friend.

Garfield wished he was home. He wished Odie was home with him. He imagined the two of them playfighting and playing with each other and having fun. He imagined them running around the house causing mischief and romping around in the flower garden. This got him thinking about earlier that morning, or perhaps the correct term was, earlier yesterday morning, at this point. He had originally blamed Odie for them getting into their predicament, although at this point he was beginning to wonder if he was also to blame for it. And then he started to wonder whether things could have been avoided had their day yesterday gone differently. Should he and Odie not have chased after the next-door neighbor’s dog? Should they have ignored Jon’s suggestion to go outside and just taken things to a different part of the house instead? Heck, maybe Garfield should have kept his temper and not retaliated after getting scared to death by Odie’s barks, or spared the usual kick-the-dog-off-the-table routine, before that? So many what ifs, and he had nothing to show for them. Thinking about them, he started to believe that perhaps he really was the one at fault.

Before he could think about that any further, however, his mind came back to reality as the sound of the cell door creaked open behind him. Turning his head around fast enough to get whiplash, he watched in horror as the man on duty grabbed Odie by the neck (which woke him up) and lead him outside the cell door. Panicking, Garfield rushed after them. Fast Eddie tried to hold him back, saying that Garfield would be taken as well if he tried to stop them, but he broke free and continued running. Unfortunately, he was too late, as the cell door closed once again before he got there.

The man stopped in front of the cell door. Odie did all he could to break free from the man’s grasp, but to no avail; his grip was too strong. Garfield stuck his head through the bars trying to get as close to the two of them as he could. Upon noticing him, Odie stopped resisting and stared at his friend. A look of despair settled on Garfield’s face; he could tell that Odie was beyond saving at this point, and that this would probably the last chance he had to say goodbye. He began to extend his paw towards Odie, but was interrupted as the skinny canine licked him in the face. Ignoring the fact that there was dog slobber in his fur, he continued extending his paw forward. Odie quickly caught onto this and placed his paw onto Garfield’s. The two of them looked each other in the eyes with forlorn, sad looks on their faces.

They stayed like this for a couple of seconds before their paws were separated by distance. Garfield looked on as the man walked down the hallway, the small dog being dragged along behind him. Odie all the while kept his gaze fixed on Garfield, and it remained until the two of them disappeared behind the large wooden door at the end of the hallway. Garfield’s head tilted down toward the floor, as the reality of the moment hit him with full force. This was it. Odie was never coming back. A small tear fell from his eye, trickled down his face and hit the floor, as one final thought surfaced in his mind regarding their situation:

“I never knew I had to say, so long.”

3DS FC: 5155-4082-8160 Help Save Rabid’s Wife!
Remember to smile!