Paula's Mom sprite Monthly Prompt Post - April '18

Deadline: April 30th

idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

  • Chompy
  • Reid is a Jinjo
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
  • ZAWA RRPS Loser
  • BFFF Participation
  • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
  • Silver Mafia
  • Theoryfest Helper
  • Temmie
  • Mafia MVP
  • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
  • !Franklin Badge White
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • White Wing
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
  • fanvatar3
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

Hey, many apologies for the late update, but hello and welcome to another Monthly Prompt Post!

The idea is simple. I give you a prompt, and you give me a story. The story can be about the Mother series or something completely original, as well as everything in between! Get your story done on time and you will receive this wonderful badge.

In addition, we now have upgrade badges! Your badge will change the more you participate!

For participating five times, you get this baby!

Ten time participation will upgrade to this!

I want to throw yet another upgrade badge into the mix!
For anyone who participates a whopping TWENTY times will get this wonderful badge:

I hope you guys are excited!

You can check the link below to see how many times you’ve participated thus far. If you notice a mistake, just let me know.
(If you happen to already be due for a badge upgrade, let me know because I am probably not going to give badges for inactive users unless requested)

There are a few rules:

  • Your story must be at least 500 words in length (this does not include the title’s of stories and must be full words. Any words being spaced out for the flavor of the story will not be included in the word count.)
  • Your story must be proofread for spelling and grammar errors. Small errors are fine, but avoid them if at all possible.
  • You may interpret the prompt any way you like, but it must be an identifiable influence in your story – you can’t just stick in the prompt randomly.
  • Please don’t reuse stories from the past just because they fit the prompt. This event is about practicing and giving yourself a reason to write, after all!
  • You can submit as many stories as you want, but keep in mind, only one counts toward participation that month.
  • All other forum rules apply

Breaking these rules will result in you not receiving a badge.

New prompts will be released on the 1st of each month. The deadline is is on the last day of the month, so get these entries in by April 30th, 11:59PM

This month’s prompt is: Paradise

Also, I urge you to consider writing a something relating to the Mother-series. Doing so would qualify you to win the Fanfiction of the Month and get another nifty badge! Your work will also be added to Starmen’s archive!

To see if you qualify for an upgrade, check the list below. If you did a prompt, but do not see your entry on the list, it may be because you did not meet the requirements. However, if you are sure that you did, just let me know!

Even if you have already received a badge, I urge you to participate anyway, not only for upgrades, but for the experience as well! Also, consider reviewing other’s entries; I am sure the author’s would appreciate some feedback, even if it is just a few nice words! (These reviews can count toward the Review Badge, by the way!)
Now, show me what you can do!

Because the character limit cannot possibly handle all the work you guys have done, I have moved the participation count to its own separate thread to avoid cluttering the thread. You can view your progress here.

Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
~ living each day for her ~

sprite Fan Of Video Games

    where are my lucky charms dangit

    sprite Panadopolis

    • Undercover Funfest - 1st
    • Fanart of the Week
    • artspot
    • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
    • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
    • Monthly Art Prompt Participant
    • Riddles Lord
    • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
    • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

    This is my first Mother fanfic, I had a lot of fun writing it.

    “This is the Paradise Line 10:30 train from Union Station, destination Reindeer, now departing,” the conductor’s voice boomed over the intercom and echoed down the carriage.

    I squirmed in my seat. Finally! This was my first train ride and I could barely contain my excitement.
    Lloyd, if anything, was even more excited than I was – he loved gadgets and machines and science stuff like that. Right now he was pressing his face against the window, eager to take everything in.

    I glanced out the window. With the imminent departure, the station was a busy hive of activity.
    Passengers were scurrying between the platform and the ticket booth, workers were examining the tracks and inspecting the train. One man in a gray uniform was patrolling all the way down the train, shutting doors as he went. Good thing we didn’t try sneaking on board at the last minute!

    “Passengers, take your seats,” the conductor intoned.

    Lloyd peeled his face from the window and plopped down in his seat. We were seated in two rows of vinyl chairs facing each other – not luxurious, but certainly not uncomfortable either. We even got a window all to ourselves!

    There was a sudden hiss and we felt the train move. At first it slowly inched forward, but it quickly built up speed. By the time we pulled out of Union Station the landscape was whizzing by faster than a Super Mario stage.

    Lloyd turned to face me, a huge grin lighting up his face.

    “We did it, Ninten!” he cheered. “We’re riding the train!”

    I couldn’t help but grin too. We’d become fast friends over the last couple of days and it was great to see Lloyd having a good time.
    Besides, I was feeling pleased with myself. Riding the train was my idea, after all.

    You see, I had glanced at my map and realized there wasn’t much north of Union Station save some desert. I figured it was high time to hit some of the southern towns to search for the next melody. Trouble was, it would take several days of walking just to reach Reindeer, and we’d have to fight monsters every step of the way.

    Or we could take the train from Union Station, rest our feet for a few hours, and even get some good views along the way.
    Only downside was the expensive tickets. I barely had enough cash on hand to pay for two tickets to Reindeer, third class. Oh well, maybe Dad’ll give me a cash advance the next time I talk to him.

    “Look Ninten, there’s Merrysville!”

    I was jolted from my train of thought by Lloyd tugging my sleeve and pointing out the window.

    I quickly glanced outside. The train had just reached the outskirts of Merrysville. Mostly you could just see the city streets, but in the distance there were a few houses and skyscrapers flashing by.

    Lloyd seemed pretty excited to see his hometown and was happily pointing out landmarks. “Oh, I think that one’s the hospital. And there’s the Merrysville department store!”

    Soon the buildings of Merrysville gave way to trees and rolling hills, and Lloyd and I settled into our seats to enjoy the rest of the ride.

    We were on a journey to find long-lost melodies, fight monsters, and maybe even save the world.

    But for now, we were just two plain ol’ kids having the time of our lives.

    idk, make my rank something about the Shenmue's sock drawer

    • Chompy
    • Reid is a Jinjo
    • Holiday Funfest 2012 Overall Place
    • ZAWA RRPS Loser
    • BFFF Participation
    • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
    • Silver Mafia
    • Theoryfest Helper
    • Temmie
    • Mafia MVP
    • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
    • !Franklin Badge White
    • !!MOTHER3 Siege
    • White Wing
    • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
    • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW
    • fanvatar3
    • Chaotic Fluke Distortion

    In a world where darkness consumes even the darkest of lights, one is not foolish enough to believe in the concept of happiness. Instead, they learn to embrace their fate and make due with what they are given. Wishing for more will only result in more misery, after all. If you ask for too much, you’re going to be punished, so I was content with what I had. Yes, I lived in misery, but it was my home and I was content with what I knew. The idea of happiness, love, joy… it was all nonsense. The world was not kind and it had been something I was all too familiar with.

    When I first glimmered the flash of a light, I was baffled. In all my years, I never imagined such a thing existed. Was I imagining it? Perhaps I was falling victim to the tricks of the universe, so I shook my head. Getting my hopes up would only cause greater distress when the inevitable truth reared its ugly head.

    However, more and more often I would see a beacon of light and when I shown upon me, I could feel an indescribable warmth radiating from it. Despite knowing its trickery, it piqued my curiosity and I found myself drawn to it. I would often stop myself from becoming too infatuated with the idea, fearing the aftermath, but it almost felt I was being guided by the gentle touch of a soft hand. Eventually, I found myself seduced and walked into its ungodly glow where I was wrapped in a warm embrace.

    For the first time in my years, I was not alone. Another person saw value in me and they wanted to spend their days with me at their side. Such a concept baffled me. How could I, someone so trivial and insignificant make an impact on their life? I was determined the world was playing a sick joke on me and I debated whether I should step away early on, but I was unable. I had opened my heart to the concept of love and never did I want to return to the world of darkness ever again.

    It was then I truly realized what happiness was and like a drug, I was addicted. Part of me wanted to scold myself for stepping a single foot into this new world of light, but I also wondered if it was really so selfish to want this. Even to this day, I still do not have the answer, but it is too late for me. I received the sweet taste of love and now I never want to this bliss to end.

    No, I do not need wealth or a life of luxury. I have zero interest in being famous or making a huge impact on the world. After living in such a dim world for all my life, I found exactly what I never knew I wanted, nay, needed. My paradise is much more simple: I want to love and be loved. Nothing else matters to me.

    I got a short one today, but I’m still glad I got something out.

    Thank you guys so much for participating! If you don’t end up finishing your piece on time, don’t worry! Just let me know if you need a bit of an extension and I do hope you’ll join me again for next month’s prompt!

    Personal Projects: Video Game Merch Database
    ~ living each day for her ~