Camera Man sprite [WRITING] MOTHER - The Screenplay

POLL: introductory sequence

sprite NintenOfPodunk

It’s been a lifelong dream (well, not really, it’s been an idea for three years now) to make the Mother franchise into films. It’s (practically) the only reason I want to become a film director! I feel these games are works of art, and deserve WAY MORE attention and credit than they’re given. Not only are they unique and quirky-perky, but they’ve also touched the hearts of fans alike. They’ve definitely had an impact on my life, and have helped mold me into the person I am today.

WITH THAT BEING SAID, adapting these games into films will be a LOT of work. Wouldn’t you agree?

I’ve been browsing the forums for the last couple of days to gather information, primarily information about MOTHER‘s prologue. MOTHER’s introduction prologue left a lot of questions unanswered, like:


What was that huge shadow that caused George and Maria to disappear so suddenly?


Was Maria killed or is she still alive?

WELL, I’m hoping the layout I’m working on answers those questions AND MORE.
With help from MULTIPLE users, I’ve accumulated an evergrowing list of information and context that’ll BLOW YOU AWAY (I will, of course, credit the users I obtained the information from. :]).

With this layout I hope to:

A.) Fully analyze MOTHER and MOTHER 2’s plotlines.

B.) Record information discovered from sources, including forum topics, information from guide books and walkthroughs.

C.) Flesh out and further develop the characters and plots of each game.

D.) Prepare the plots for screenplay adaptations.

I’m currently in twelfth grade and haven’t really pursued my interest in the film industry. I know it’s what I want to go to college for, but at the same time I know going to an arts college doesn’t necessarily ensure success. I figured, “why not start here”?
Once I finish a screenplay for a film adaptation of MOTHER, I want to film a trailer and spread the word. In order to accomplish these goals, however, I’m going to need help. You may be asking yourselves "well, who tha heck’s gonna help ya’?, and the answer to that question is YOU. Yes, YOU, fellow fans of the Mother franchise.

I need all the help I can get in writing this. ALL OF IT. I’m going to be posting the information I’ve acquired from various sources, and I’m going to need you guys’ help in picking it all apart and searching for flaws. Give me suggestions, critique me (I can take it!), do everything you can to steer me into the right direction.

So, with that being said, let’s get to it!

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

I’d like to start out by crediting my sources. I couldn’t have done/wouldn’t have been inspired to pursue this dream of mine without the help of fellow users.
I’ll post links to the threads I’ve used to acquire most of my information.

I SERIOUSLY wouldn’t have acquired any of the information I’ve gathered without these threads, and I can’t thank those who wrote and contributed to them ENOUGH. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

I’m going to start out with character information. This first sub-topic will deal with George, Maria, Giegue and his faction. Here we GO:

  • Live in small town (named Podunk) in early 20th century (some time between 1900 and 1908)
  • Are on relatively good terms with most of the townspeople
  • Had children.
  • George was a journalist with a very small amount of fame (famous within the boundaries of small town Podunk)
  • Attained fame via exposure of the scandalous past of a presiding president, earning him the title of editor-in-chief for his home town’s newspaper, The Podunk Times.
  • George was considered Podunk’s conscience by fellow townspeople.
  • George began researching mysterious goings-on within the Podunk area caused by aliens prior to him and Maria’s abduction (they were abducted between * 1900 and 1908, assuming research started three years prior to abduction, research began between 1897 to 1905(?)). Was not incredibly successful in his research, but actively researched.
  • Maria is an artist and pianist.
  • Maria is a Protestant.
  • Maria drew (a very limited amount of) illustrations for The Podunk Times, the newspaper George was editor-in-chief for.
  • Maria was a good friend of many of the other mothers living in Podunk. Maria and her friends would create tablecloths, blankets, and would give them to needy. Any proceeds earned were donated to Podunk’s church.

  • Alien faction consists of multiple species, races, and machines.
  • Faction includes mechanical forces (robotic drones in the shapes of miniature saucers and two giant robots scaling over 150 feet tall (R7038 and R7038XX), aliens (Mooks, Starmen(?), and the race of their leader, Giegue, whose race is unknown/not classified).
  • Giegue is the only member of his race that plays a part in this operation.
  • Aliens’ originally landed on earth for research purposes.
  • There are only two accounts of (this faction’s) alien abductions on record. The elementary school children abduction and George and Maria’s abduction.
  • Aliens don’t seem interested in killing people, as they have brainwashed and released most of the people they’ve captured (elementary school children) and there are no records of them having actually killed anyone on file.
  • Aliens only seem to have abducted people to prevent vital information about their presence on Earth from being spread. The abduction of the elementary school children may be linked to them discovering their base location within the caves of Holy Loly, and George and Maria were abducted a day after George published an article detailing what he discovered at Holy Loly, linking the children’s disappearance to alien activity.
  • George and Maria’s abduction was conducted towards the end of a series of abductions including the abduction of the elementary school children.
  • Their presence is heralded by “poltergeist activity” occurring within certain areas. Giegue’s alien influence caused poltergeist-like activity to occur within Podunk.
  • Aliens wield technology that causes the animals of Earth to become aggressive.
  • They also possess time travel technology.
  • They have watched over earth for over a millennium before deciding they wanted to set base.
  • They tend to operate fairly covertly, launching operations and attacks from fortified bases rather than carrying out all-out attack/invasion.
  • The statement above implies Giegue’s alien and robot army is relatively small.
  • They’ve created a “hive” behind time and space which to attack earth from.
  • This “hive” is referred to by humans as the “cave of the past”, and is only accessibly via the power of time travel.

  • Was raised by George and Maria post abduction.
  • George played a small role in Giegue’s life, as when Giegue speaks of his childhood and how Maria raised him, George is never mentioned. Giegue did however know of George’s existence and his relationship with Maria.
  • Maria loved Giegue as her own child.
  • Giegue was personally close to Maria; he looked to her as his mother.
  • Maria would sing Giegue lullabies when he couldn’t/wouldn’t sleep (the eight melodies).
  • Singing these eight melodies to Giegue has enough of an effect on him to cause him to withdraw his invasion force from Earth and retreat.
  • Grows to hate humans despite his upbringing, referring to them as “lowly insects”.
  • Giegue’s purpose from the beginning of his birth is to lead a small army into attacking the earth.
  • Primary goal of this attack is the destruction of the planet.
  • Is the only member of his race on this mission.
  • Possesses psychokinetic abilities (PSI) alongside the other members of his race, including Mooks.
  • Possesses mental and physical strengths beyond human comprehension.
  • Appears in a capsule-like machine in both games (Devil’s Machine in Mother 2)
  • Giegue’s influence causes nearby animals and humans of planet earth to become distressed.
  • George begins studying Giegue’s PSI abilities and keeps a journal about them.
  • George escapes and manages to return to earth with the information on PSI he accumulated in his studies.
  • Giegue’s allies discover George had committed “theft” of crucial information of theirs via his study of PSI, prompting their attack on earth.
  • Although he felt as though he was betraying Maria, the one who raised him during his childhood, he had to force himself to detach from her and conduct preparations for the invasion of Earth.
  • Maria begins to have nightmares. During these nightmares she would sleep-talk, speaking first as though she was scolding a disobedient child, calling out in fright, and then singing the first bit of the eight melodies she’d sing to Giegue before waking up in cold sweats.
  • (Giegue) Is said to have killed Maria. Maria’s death was foretold in her dreams.
  • The Apple of Enlightenment, an item that predicts the future, tells of Giegue being defeated by a young boy names Ness.
  • To prevent this from happening, Giegue decides to attack the earth from twenty years before his defeat was predicted (attacks from the year 1978, twenty years away from the year 1998, which is the year the Apple of Enlightenment predicted his defeat).
  • Is “defeated” (he withdraws his invasion forces and retreats) by a boy named Ninten and three of his friends due to their knowledge of the eight melodies in 1988.
  • The eight melodies cause Giegue’s mental state to deteriorate. They remind him of Maria, the only person that actually loved him, and his act of having betrayed her in the past. Nearly having faced defeat ten years before it was prophesized also plays a key role in doing this.
  • Giegue’s mental state causes him to become unstable.
  • No longer being in control of his own actions, Giegue is incarcerated within the Devil’s Machine, a massive device that was built to keep his power under control and to stabilize his mind. The Devil’s Machine is hidden behind time and space itself.
  • In the year of 1998, due to his mental deterioration, lust for vengeance, and further hatred of the human race (due to his failure to stop the spread of PSI on earth), Giegue launches a second attack on the earth. This time Giegue’s intent is to destroy it.

I decided to go ahead and write a logline.
A logline is a brief (typically one sentence) summary of a film, book, or television show that states your story’s central idea. Loglines are often used to reel in audiences, briefly touching on what an audience is to expect when going into your film blindly.

After what seems to be a poltergeist hits small-town Podunk, a young boy named Ninten sets out on a journey to discover something far more unimaginable than ghosts is behind this strange phenomena.

I’ve also tried developing a plot for the prologue. The farthest I’ve gotten is past George and Maria’s abduction.


A Timeline of Events


Strange Occurrences:

  • “Poltergeist activity” begins to occur in Podunk.
  • Nearby animals (dogs, cats, zoo animals) begin to grow increasingly aggressive in nature due to an unexplained reason.
  • George begins researching into strange phenomena (primarily concerning poltergeist activity, as it happened in his own home) and began keeping a journal.
  • A group of Podunk’s elementary school students go hiking near Holy Loly Mountain and mysteriously vanish without a trace.
  • Town begins to worry overnight about what’s happened to the missing children.
  • Children return to Podunk the next day unharmed and unable to recollect what had happened to them the day of their disappearance.
  • George, due to his curious nature, decides to investigate Holy Loly Mountain, located close to the city of Ellay, miles east from small town Podunk.
    * George claims in his journal there were “strange noises” coming from an entrance close to the summit of Holy Loly. He decided it would be too risky to investigate alone, causing him to disregard the cave mouth for the time being.
  • George begins to write a news article for The Podunk Times, detailing the strange occurrence involving the elementary school children and his discovery during his visit to Holy Loly Mountain.
  • A day after the publication of his article, George decides to take a drive with Maria.
  • A black cloud-like shadow fell upon Podunk, shrouding it in complete darkness.
  • George and Maria soon disappeared after the shadow covered their town in darkness. The shadow disappeared soon after their disappearance.
    *The “cloud-like shadow” was caused by a large, overhead alien saucer.
    George and Maria were abducted by aliens.
    ***George and Maria’s abduction occurs four days after the abduction of the elementary school children.
    - Day 1 – Abduction.
    - Day 2 – George investigates Holy Loly.
    - Day 3 – George publishes article.
    - Day 4 – George and Maria abducted during drive.

I know a few details are made up (dates of Giegue’s attacks on earth), and include a few fan theories here and there (Giegue killing Maria), but I figured they fit quite nicely.

So, is there anything you need to know? Anything I should change?
Any type of criticism, suggestions, or additional information will help IMMENSELY.

it me

Struthio Camelus

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It seems to me that you have a great perception of the events of the game.
The idea of starting the script off with George and Maria’s abduction instead of the prologue that appears within the game is a novel one. However, I would suggest making the source of their disappearance vague, just like in the original prologue to the game. Explicitly showing that aliens were responsible for their vanishing should probably be saved for later so the presence of aliens is more of a “twist” later on.

You can make the collection of the melodies important to the progression of the plot by having pieces of George, Maria, and Giygas’s backstory appearing as a shattered memory each time Ninten collects one. That way, Giygas’s presence as a whole, and the conclusion of George and Maria’s story, happens less suddenly. You may recall in the original game, there was no word of Giygas until the last few minutes of the game. This script is an opportunity to help alleviate that.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

sprite NintenOfPodunk

You can make the collection of the melodies important to the progression of the plot by having pieces of George, Maria, and Giygas’s backstory appearing as a shattered memory each time Ninten collects one. That way, Giygas’s presence as a whole, and the conclusion of George and Maria’s story, happens less suddenly. You may recall in the original game, there was no word of Giygas until the last few minutes of the game. This script is an opportunity to help alleviate that.

I actually really like that idea and hadn’t thought about it until now. I was thinking the other day, and was kind of confused about how I’m going to develop Giygas’ character to make him a memorable villain. I like the idea of trying to keep his presence a mystery, and most (memorable) films (James Bond franchise, Star Wars, etc.) all develop their characters through buildup. MOTHER and MOTHER 2 do this as well. They keep the antagonist an enigma throughout the plot, only revealing them towards the end of the story. Heck, MOTHER rarely even mentions Giygas in its script in the first place.

I also feel like developing an antagonist like that (through subtle hints and buildup) would be a lot easier in a game than in a film. I think your idea behind his backstory appearing as a shattered memory is a GREAT way of developing this character. It reveals Giyas’s backstory gradually leaving room for questions, and makes the final “battle” with him and Ninten’s party a lot more personal. I was originally going to explain George and Maria’s entire backstory in a prologue sequence, but your idea has caused me to look towards greater opportunities. I feel like it’d make the plot progress smoother, too.

Thanks so much for your insight!

it me

Struthio Camelus

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Another difficulty of adapting an RPG game to written prose is decided how and to what capacity you want action sequences to happen within your story. Naturally, since you’re writing this as a script, fighting will certainly not occur as often as within the actual game. A question to ask yourself before writing an action sequence is will this sequence be meaningful to the story? Don’t have Ninten and his buddies fight enemies for the sake of fighting.

You could use an action sequence to provide a funny moment, such as him facing a hippie.
You could use an action sequence to display the strengths of the protagonist and his friends.
Or perhaps when they’re obtaining something important to the story, such as the battle against the Dragon in Magicant.

Of course, you can take your fullest creative liberties with these. Just make sure battles within your script aren’t becoming repetitive and meaningless!

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

sprite NintenOfPodunk

That’s another factor I hadn’t considered until now.

I wanted to write a sequence where Ninten starts beating a snake to death with his bat and people passing by give him really odd looks, but I feel like the joke might fall flat (it may not suit everyone’s sense of humor).
A hippie battle would be cool to write, but there’d have to be a setup. I don’t want to write completely random events into the script such as battles and stuff, and I’m sure you’d agree that’d be slightly awkward and sort of boring.

Like, for example, I don’t want to set up a scene where Ninten’s been asked to save Pippi at the Podunk graveyard, and then having to fight a hippie fight outside town hall directly afterwards. I feel like if I include action sequences they should be semi-important to the story and/or provide comic relief, but only when it’s necessary, if that makes sense. I want to retain MOTHER’s overall quirkiness while writing a story people can consider artistic. Like you said, battles that display the strengths of the protag. and his friends would be nice, but I don’t want to throw battles into the film unless they’re absolutely necessary (i.e. Giegue, R7038, etc.).

I think something I’ll have a hard time with will be trying smoothly execute Ninten slowly learning how to control his PSI.
In MOTHER, you learn new PSI abilities as your character grows in strength, and I think it’d be cool to have Ninten learn new abilities the more and more he experiences throughout the film, but I have no idea how I’d execute that.

Do you have any suggestions?

it me

Struthio Camelus

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You know, that’s a very good question, and one that I can’t seem to come up with any ideas for. How many of Ninten’s PSI techniques are you planning on including? If you’re going to slice down his abilities to maybe five or six techniques, you can have great fanfare every time he learns a new one. However, if he will learn several abilities, then it may be necessary for his learning processes to be streamlined and over quickly, as to not repeat scenes twenty times or so.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

Supah Star Warrior

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But NintenOfPodunk, once this script is finished will the final product be live-action or animated?

Your favorite theater kid / riddle lord / proud member of the Flowey Fan Club.
In these dark times, let’s remember… Eggman had a master plan until the very end!


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You seem really committed to this project, and that is great to see! You have already got a sturdy base to work off.

Magicant has a lot of potential to be used for exposition purposes, considering that it was born of Maria’s consciousness. In the same vein as Ness’s Magicant, it can be used to reveal information that Queen Mary has forgotten. Perhaps Ninten could find some clues as to the truth scattered around Magicant. This can also, perhaps, help give Ninten a genuine reason to seek out the Melodies.

The first three Melodies can be attributed to coincidences because they are obtained through random deeds of goodwill (stopping the poltergeist attack, returning to baby canary to Laura, dealing with the problem in the zoo), and it is after the first three that Ninten first visits Magicant in-game, at which point he could start actively hunting down the Melodies.

The MOTHER manual implies that Ana has been calling out to Ninten since the start of his adventure — you can incorporate this into his incentive, too.

As for the PSI learning process, I have always felt that MOTHER is the game where PSI is treated as the most traditionally mysterious. In MOTHER, the characters are not chosen ones, but just a small group trying to survive, a point that the futility of power near the end of the game drives in. I think that instead of separately bringing attention to every new ability Ninten or Ana learn — there are a lot — you could simply have them be used in battle without making it seem like much of a big deal.

For example, you do not need to divide Lifeup into “Lifeup Alpha”, “Lifeup Beta”, “Lifeup Omega” and so on, and have each of them commented on. Instead, you could simply treat it as “Lifeup”. Display their progress with Lifeup in how it gradually becomes stronger over time, and even gains the ability to heal multiple allies at once as they become better at it. This alone will lower the number of instances in which they develop new PSI abilities, and will also deal with strange mechanics such as Healing’s very selective effect depending on its levels.

After all, listing their PSI abilities with strict effects, PP cost and the like is a very scientific, clinical perspective — Ninten and Ana are twelve-year-olds, and are unlikely to closely scrutinize each ability. They are unlikely to analyze say, Lifeup beyond “this heals people” and PK Fire beyond “this burns stuff”.

They are similarly unlikely to say, “This is PK Thunder Alpha, which deals electrical damage, and this is PK Thunder Beta, because it deals more electrical damage than PK Thunder Alpha”. Instead, they are more likely to just realize that their PSI is getting stronger over time and use.

As an aside, it is not confirmed or implied in MOTHER that George specifically stole PSI information. Giygas just refers to it as “vital information” and makes no reference to PSI. All Encyclopedia MOTHER tells us on the matter is that George studies PSI at some point after returning to Earth.

It is, in fact, probably more likely that he stole alien technology, considering that George, who had not (as far as we know) particularly been known for his scientific ability, was able to create an underwater base and a robot like EVE.

Of course, this is just a clarification — George stealing PSI information is still a route you could take.

All in all, good luck with this project!

sprite NintenOfPodunk

How many of Ninten’s PSI techniques are you planning on including?

I want to make Ninten a little different than how he was in MOTHER. I’m wanting to have his character revolve around/focus on telepathic abilities. I want to eliminate the idea of him being able to heal party members. I want to focus on Ninten’s ability to read into and mess with people’s heads and actual/physical strength. I was going to make Ana focused around offensive/defensive PSI including the elemental psychokinetic abilities and healing/shield abilities. I think (if anything) Ana should already know how to use a great deal of the abilities she learns in-game (Fire, Freeze, Thunder, Beam), and learn the stronger ones later towards the end of the plot.

But NintenOfPodunk, once this script is finished will the final product be live-action or animated?

I’m wanting to make this into a live-action production. It’d be difficult to pull off, especially when you consider Magicant scenes, but I feel like creating a live-action MOTHER film would be a huge technical achievement considering my current editing capabilities. I also want to make my own props and costumes to really get a feel of the world I’m wanting to create. I’m wanting it to be dark. I’ve always wanted to make films for all three films, MOTHER 2 being slightly more light-hearted. I feel like a film for these games should include darker undertones. Sure, they should be comedic from time-to-time, and comedic relief will be provided, but I want them to be films people can relate to on a personal level.

They are similarly unlikely to say, “This is PK Thunder Alpha, which deals electrical damage, and this is PK Thunder Beta, because it deals more electrical damage than PK Thunder Alpha”. Instead, they are more likely to just realize that their PSI is getting stronger over time and use.

I LOVE this idea. I’d actually prefer them strengthening their abilities over time than learning new forms of them. It’d be easier to incorporate and write into the script. I think before I actually decide how I want to execute character development dealing with their psychic abilities, I should try coming up with how I want to do it, if that makes much sense to you.

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

I’ve compiled a list of information for the development/establishment of Ninten’s character. I may or may not exclude a few details as I come up with more ideas. I want a lot of help with ideas too. I want to establish traits that make him seem more ‘human’. I want the main characters to be relatable, I want them to feel real.

Feel free to suggest an idea or two.

I had to make a few changes to Ninten’s character (age) to suit the story better from a film standpoint. Ninten and co’s ages are only a little over ten in the video game, but I feel like working with child actors would be a slight hassle. They’re usually not that great when it comes to acting (some of you may disagree and point fingers towards Stranger Things, but there are multiple other examples that solidify my statement, including some of the voice actors in both dubs of Akira).

Key Characters
Sources of information:


  • Age: 14 – 16 (undecided)
  • 120 pounds
  • Blood type: A
  • Hair color: Black
  • Has asthma.
  • Interests/hobbies: Baseball, playing electric guitar, exploring the unknown (local caves, forests, abandoned households).
  • Favorite food: Prime rib.
  • Born with psychic powers, but has only began to realize them over the last two years.
  • Lives in the town of Podunk (Mothersday)
  • Older brother of twin sisters (Minnie and Mimmie)
  • Ninten’s dad is always away from home due to job-related tasks.
  • Is well known at school for class achievements and status in the school’s boys’ baseball team.
  • Typically wears a baseball cap.
  • Tends to get lost in his imagination frequently.
  • Has a difficult time saying no to people.
  • Always wanting to make new friends.
  • Doesn’t like seeing people upset, and will do whatever it takes to make them happier. (Lloid’s bottle-rocket situation)
  • Is considerate and kind-hearted, but these traits don’t make him “soft” by any means. Ninten takes action when it’s absolutely necessary.

If anything I’ll probably continue to update/re-edit this reply with character profiles for Ana and Lloid. I’ll also be adding more information to the Ninten character profile as soon as I come up with new ideas/acquire new information from separate sources. I’ll try refraining from making a new reply for each character for the sake of avoiding bumps, so stay tuned!

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

I also have an idea for PSI if anyone’s willing to make commentary on it. If you feel it strays too far from the game’s original vision, feel free to voice that.

I was thinking PSI abilities should use up Ninten and Ana’s energy. Psychic points would be hard to incorporate into a script. Relating back to what StarstorMew said, Ninten and Ana shouldn’t/won’t know how to gauge their abilities. They’re newfound and incredibly alien to them, or at least should be towards the beginning of the plot.

When Ninten and Ana run out of PP in the video game, the only way they can restore it (excluding PSI stones) is sleeping in an inn/hotel. I, however, want to take a different approach. We as people restore our energy through food. We eat to maintain health, we eat to regain strength when we’re worn out or tired.

When Ninten and Ana run out of ‘PP’ in the script, I want them to feel hungry. I want the use of their PSI abilities to make them feel hungrier the more they use them. Small diner scenes going over their need to eat and maintain their energy could showcase what their abilities do to them, and could eliminate the idea behind food ‘healing’ them, like it does in the video game. They could carry food around for restoring their PSI rather than soothing their wounds. This could also eliminate the idea of PSI stones, which I think would be slightly awkward to explain/incorporate into the script.

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

Ayy, here’s another character profile. this one’s for Teddy. I really wanted to expand upon his story and further develop his character. Teddy’s barely even developed before he leaves your party in MOTHER; the most we know about him is that his parents died on Mt. Itoi.

If I make this franchise into films, I want to make each game into its own trilogy, or at the very least two films for each game. I don’t feel like I can actually fit everything into one without making it feel rushed.

I’ll admit after reading over what I typed yesterday some of it is a little needlessly dark and “edgy”, so I’ll try re-editing some of it. I made a up a few details as I went along with typing everything, so if anything seems like a bad idea feel free to say so.

Source of information:


  • Age: 19 – 21 (undecided)
  • Weight: 172 pounds
  • Blood type: A
  • Hair color: Black
  • Favorite phrase: “I’ll decide how I live my life.”
  • Son of the owners of the only car repair shop in Reindeer.
  • Teddy was named after his parents’ car repair shop.
  • Grew up wanting to be a repairman like his parents.
  • Grew quickly. Teddy was 5’6’’at the age of ten.
  • Developed a love for rock-n-roll. Started playing guitar at the age of ten.
  • Tried to act older than he actually was. Was known for “smoking” candy cigarettes at an early age to seem "cool”.
  • Started fighting at the age of five, grew to love fighting because it excited him.
  • Known for being mischievously disruptive, took his first ride in a patrol car after being caught with alcohol at the age of eleven.
  • Was a frequent liar in his youth, and once lied about his age to take up a graveyard shift.
  • Teddy’s parents once traveled to Holy Loly mountain to take one of their trucks on a test-drive.
  • Teddy’s parents never returned, but a few days after their leave, a news report surfaced detailing the death of a young married couple. The pickup truck was torn in two.
  • Newsanchors claimed their death was the result of a speeding accident, but Teddy ignored these claims, believing their death was caused by something far more sinister and monstrous.
  • Teddy lost his parents at the age of twelve.
  • Teddy’s uncle took over his parents’ auto-repair business and gained full custody of Teddy.
  • Teddy became more and more rebellious and disobedient due to a lack of a motherly figure in his life. (Teddy’s uncle wasn’t married)
  • Teddy moved out of his original home at the age of eighteen. Moved to Valentine so he could be closer to Mt. Itoi.
  • Teddy’s rebellious behaviors and fighting spirit were realized by the B.B. Gang of Valentine and he was taken in as one of their own, eventually becomes their leader.
  • Teddy vows to travel to Mt. Itoi when he thinks the time is right to “avenge his parents”. He’s still in denial of them dying in a car accident.

I honestly want to make Teddy’s character at least slightly tragic. I want his denial and cockiness to be his downfall at the end of the story.

Most importantly, I want Teddy’s character to die towards the end of the script, giving Ninten and his friends more of a reason to hate Giegue and his army. MOTHER allowed Teddy to live, giving each main character a happy ending, and although that’s pretty nice, I want Ninten’s encounter with Giegue to be more than a need to save the human race.

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

Should we change Ninten's name in the script?

(9 votes by 9 people)

I’m in the middle of plotting out a sequence of events for the screenplay and wanted some input.
Ninten’s name is an obvious reference to either the NES or the company itself. Do you think I should stick to the name Ninten in the script, or name him something else?
Lloid, Teddy, and Ana are all pretty normal names for the most part. Ninten, however, is not. I’m not sure how it’d work in the screenplay.

it me

sprite Snakeshroom

  • Undertale Temmie Sees All

change it
i suggest naming him Ken

A child without an eye
Made her mother cry, why ask why?
@snakeshroom on everything p much

sprite NintenOfPodunk

I’m going to go ahead and submit a response for my work on the timeline of events. There’s not a whole lot done, but I’m working on it. I’ll edit this post specifically when I come up with more information. Any criticisms are appreciated.

Plot for MOTHER
A Timeline of Events

- George and Maria’s life in Podunk is detailed. George is a journalist for the local newspaper, Maria is well-known in her community for her kind deeds and donations to charity.
- George hears about the disappearance and re-appearance of a group of school children.
- George investigates site the disappearance occurred (Mt. Itoi.). Hears strange noises coming from a cave close to the mountain’s peak.
- George writes a column in the paper about his investigation.
- George and Maria disappear soon after the paper is published.

“During the year 1908, a
shadow covered a small
country town in rural
Eagleland. At that time, a
young married couple
vanished mysteriously from
their home.

The man’s name was George,
the woman’s name was Maria.

Two years later, as suddenly
as he left, George returned.
He never told anyone where
he had been or what he had
done. But, he began an odd
study, all by himself.

As for Maria, his wife…
She never returned.
80 years have passed
since then.”

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

kinda-sorta-wanna kill off Teddy in the script and make Ninten’s battle with Giygoogiegoogiwhatever for vengeance, but it’d be ironic of Ninten to develop a hatred for Giygas and then sing a beautiful song to him.

“you murdered my friend! prepare to die!!”

“take a meloOOODDYYYY”

I think it could work if executed correctly but idk

it me

Struthio Camelus

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Not a bad idea. Instead of making Ninten’s focus after Teddy’s death being one of vengeance and fury, it could rather be one of conviction and finality. Teddy’s death would be the first truly grave happening to occur during Ninten’s quest. Instead of having Ninten being like, “Giygas must pay with blood,” just shift that to “Things are going to get even worse if I don’t make my move now. I know what I must do.”

Glad to see you back here again, by the way.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

sprite NintenOfPodunk

Not a bad idea. Instead of making Ninten’s focus after Teddy’s death being one of vengeance and fury, it could rather be one of conviction and finality. Teddy’s death would be the first truly grave happening to occur during Ninten’s quest. Instead of having Ninten being like, “Giygas must pay with blood,” just shift that to “Things are going to get even worse if I don’t make my move now. I know what I must do.”

Glad to see you back here again, by the way.

glad to be back.
i wish i could work more on this, but life’s beginning to catch up to me.

it me

Struthio Camelus

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Work on it whenever you can, small bits at a time. I promise those small bits will slowly add up. Best of luck to you, NintenOfPodunk.

Still lingering. Still writing.
EarthBound: Faraway Skies
MOTHER: Origins

sprite NintenOfPodunk


it’s been almost an entire year since I’ve posted, but a friend and I are making steady progress towards making this a reality. a shift has been made, one that I think will be more beneficial to the project as a whole. we plan to write multiple scripts, making our MOTHER films an episodic series. i like the idea of filming a feature length trilogy for each game, but something more along the lines of a web series will help us work more efficiently, especially since we’re both amateurs. here’s a list of changes we’ve made or plan to make involving the plot:

-MOTHER will take place in the early 2000s to avoid technological inconsistencies. i’d love to have it take place in the eighties, but that means spending boat loads of money we don’t have on props like vehicles, and the locations we’ve chosen to shoot in are very modern.

- Ninten, Ana, Lloyd, etc. will all be older than their in-game counterparts. working with child actors can be nightmarish, and working with older, competent actors ensures a more stable project.

- as ostricho suggested, we’re scrapping the introductory sequence detailing George and Maria’s backstories in favor of a text crawl similar to the beginning of the actual game. their stories will be progressively revealed throughout the span of the story. each time Ninten collects a new melody, part of their backstory will be revealed via flashback.

we plan to go location scouting soon. living in the middle of North Carolina gives us so many locations opportunities. we already have ideas for both podunk and mt. itoi, and are in the process of searching for more locations.

if anyone is at all interested in helping write or produce assets, shoot me a PM.
thank you for sticking with us as we sluggishly make progress. MOTHER as a franchise is something i am intensely passionate about, and i will make adapt it to film in some way or another, no matter what it takes.

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

should the George and Maria text crawl come before or after the title card?

(3 votes by 3 people)

I’m working on writing the introduction as I post this, and wanted some feedback from you guys. :^)

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

If you’re in North Carolina you should consider hunting down Stephen Georg for a cameo appearance. Or is he in South Carolina?

I’d love that, but Stephen is sadly from SC.

it me

Captain of Positivity

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Just happened to see this, I’m not quite a year old on this site yet. I really love this, it seems like your doing a great job! I’d love to help in any way, I’d even be an actor except I live on the opposite side of the country. I personally have dreamed of doing a video/film of Earthbound myself, and I can offer any help in the script or such if you’d like!

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite Fiddlah

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Well, well. Look’s like I’m not the only person with this day-dream. This certainly sounds like a interesting project, firstly can I see the script so far? Secondly, instead of a text crawl, the prologue should be acted out. Perhaps in a similar manner to how Kenisu3000 handled it

sprite NintenOfPodunk

Well, well. Look’s like I’m not the only person with this day-dream. This certainly sounds like a interesting project, firstly can I see the script so far? Secondly, instead of a text crawl, the prologue should be acted out. Perhaps in a similar manner to how Kenisu3000 handled it

I originally wanted to act the prologue out, but as mentioned earlier, I scrapped that idea because I’m more in favor of revealing bits of what happened to George and Maria as the plot progresses. I actually just started working on the rough draft for the first episode and I’d be happy to share what I’ve completed so far:

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -

—over black

Two voices, male and female, are audible. One is NINTEN, an adolescent male. The other his mother. 

I’ve been having… strange dreams as of lately.

Oh yeah? Do you want to talk about them? 

Well… it’s hard to put them into words. My memory is pretty hazy… 
Have they been bothering you? As long as I’m able to help get things off your mind, the smaller details don’t matter. 

Not necessarily… they’re just odd to me. 

How so? 

Well, they’re all similar in when and where they take place, almost like they’re connected to one another.

Is the setting very familiar to you?

That’s what I find odd about them. I’m always in another world, where the ground is white and sandy, and people live in seashells. There’s always a castle in the distance, too, and my dreams always end once I hear a woman’s voice calling my name. 

Do you recognize whose voice it is?

I think I’ve heard it before, but I can’t remember when…

The voices begins to fade as the background music overtakes them. A sea of twinkling stars fades in, filling the screen as the main title fades into the center of the shot.

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -

I wanted the hook of the first episode to be vague. People who have played MOTHER before will know Ninten is referring to Magicant, but people who aren’t familiar with MOTHER’s plot will be left wondering what relevance Ninten’s dreams have to his character and the plot as a whole. I’m trying to make Ninten into a very directionless character; someone who feels lost and, at times, alone. Life in small town Podunk makes him long for purpose. He wants to go on an adventure to see the world and in turn discover himself, but without the proper push, he has no incentive to do so, which is where his dream of Maria’s voice calling his name comes into play. Ninten will be coerced into searching for his grandfather’s journal in his basement, which will lead him into discovering his grandfather’s vague past, leaving multiple questions unanswered which he will have to discover at the summit of Mt. Itoi, a location described in one of the many tattered pages of the journal. While reading the journal, Ninten will be attacked by a table lamp lighting the basement, which is where his journey truly takes off.

it me

sprite NintenOfPodunk

here are screen captures of the script as it is up to this point. i’m using celtx to write, and i don’t have a paid subscription, so i am slightly limited, but i don’t consider that something i need to feel worry about. once i’m further into the writing process i may start a discord server for the project for anyone interested in helping brainstorm or write.

i’ve mentioned this in previous posts and i’ll mention it again: anyone who is at all interested in helping write or create visual assets once we get to that point in production is more than welcome, and should reach out to me via pm. i can’t predict when we’ll start shooting; my current concerns are finishing scripts for the first two episodes, gathering/allocating a budget, and casting actors, but once we get to that point you can count on me giving you guys an update.

the possibility of starting a new thread once work on video has begun is also being considered. this means discussions and updates related to the writing process will remain here, while updates regarding shooting and editing video will be posted to that separate thread. this will help me stay organized, and will attract users from different forums who are interested in discussing specific aspects of the production critically.

words cannot express how excited i am to see this project take off. our journey to completion may be bumpy and arduous, but i believe with the help of you guys, we can accomplish anything through patience and hard work.


it me

sprite walnut

me likey

I’m kinda working on Mother/Earthbound Zero redrawn, check out progress here

Captain of Positivity

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I love it! You’ve done a great job envisioning how this will all go together, I think.

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

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Perhaps you should post updates to the script in spoilers for post size… or as a PDF. I love this concept though, like adaptation is really an art that not a lot of people appreciate (including a lot of people who do it). You’re doing us proud!

Coming from someone who has in the last 10 years started maybe 6 different adaptations of Earthbound, you will reach a point a few dozen pages down the line where you think the first few pages were garbage. To be honest I don’t know the best thing to do in that case because I always gave up for a few years before starting over, but it might be good to take a step back when you reach that point and evaluate how to apply whatever you’ve learned to the big picture. There’s been a lot of really good discussion here about how to adapt a story in the years since you started this, I hope we can continue to learn from this project!

(Also, if you need a score, I can be a guy.)

I can plug my stuff down here, right?
I’m gonna plug my stuff