Eve sprite [FANFIC] Mother: The Greener Enterprise *EDITED AND ENHANCED EDITION*

A story telling of a courageous boy and his cast of friends who use trading cards of all things to find a kidnapped family.

sprite GameCube Ness

Yes, it’s back! It’s been about a year since I began writing this fanfiction and long story short, I wanted to continue it again! I believe I said I would eventually, right? Let’s set a few things straight first. This is going to be the most enhanced version of this fanfiction. I’m going to start by completely rewriting the second chapter and changing several small plot elements that didn’t quite work the first time around. There’s a Q and A thingy below if you want to read more about that.

Q and A:

Q: Why are you rewriting the story?
A: Because it’s got a really cool plot and I refuse to let it go to waste. That’s why.

Q: How often will chapters come out?
A: I won’t have a specific schedule because high school is such a booty-hole and takes up like 90% of my time. I’ll try to get them out as soon as possible though.

Q: Why do you write fanfictions instead of focusing on school?
A: Good question lol.

Q: Why are you rewriting chapter 2?
A: It was something that I rushed and made up as I was writing it. It had no structure and deserves a proper followup to the first chapter. Plus, it was cringey.

Q: When’s the rewritten n’ enhanced version of chapter 2 coming?
A: It’s being worked on right now but honestly, I feel like I need to plan it before I write it and include more obstacles for the characters this time. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take but if I had to guess, within a few weeks.

Q: Cool, so when’s chapter 3 coming?
A: It’s coming but just be patient. I have to rewrite chapter 2 first so chillax.

Q: Is the story going to be more humorous or serious this time?
A: Well it depends. I think Adam and Penelope were very self aware and it made their characters more relatable. The Mother series has a lot of subtle humor with a dark story buried under it. I’m trying to do that I guess. A deep story with splashes of humor here and there, you know?

Q: Are you going to stop being lazy and post the google doc versions of your chapters?
A: Yes actually.

Q: Why didn’t you make any changes to chapter 1?
A: There doesn’t need to be but feel free to tell me what’s wrong with it.

Q: Why did you redesign Adam and Penelope in that banner thing above this Q and A?
A: Well Adam didn’t look like a teenager in those sprites I made a long time ago. And Penelope never got a design because I forgot to even describe what she looked like in chapter twoooooo. Dang I really rushed that chapter.

I hope this clears a few things up. Without further ado, here’s chapter 1!

Short Summary: Meet Adam Lawrence, a teen who attends the single high school of Redicon and has a thing for perfect grades. He likes to impress people and make them laugh whether it’d be a potty joke or something along the lines of an improv act. His absolute favorite thing is photography. Oh, and he’s very courageous.

On what was supposed to be Adam’s day of perfection, he soon discovers that his family is missing. Adam gathers himself and his loyal friends to go on an expedition to find his lost family and more importantly, who is behind the terrible crime itself. And to just think that Adam was going to attend school that day.

Please let me know your thoughts about this post in general. It could be about chapter 1, criticisms, suggestions for chapter 2, etc. Everything is much appreciated! I’m glad to be writing this again!

Say fuzzy snickers

I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

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Okay I’m just gonna list out stuff out so you don’t need to sit through a wall of text.

I almost forgot to start my day without my Greener trading cards so I grabbed a few and slipped them comfortably in my pocket.

- I think you meant to write "I almost forgot to start my day with my Greener trading cards." When you say "forgot to start without" you are saying that you did start your day with them but forgot to not start your day with them.

"Some red leaves here and there along with the pink skyline and the addition of the colorful sunrise shining over the urban landscape; it was the perfect combination for a photo."

- This is a pretty long sentence and it is hard to read. Try to break it down. I suggest trying to make the red leaves, the skyline, and the sunrise each their own sentences.

- You used 14 adverbs. They become repetitive and got a little annoying to read. Try to only use a few of them. I would suggest 3 or 4.

"You can use em’ to duel friends in a turn-based battle format and also trade them or go the extra mile and straight up sell them depending on their value; some are worthless."

- This is a run on sentence. The sentence should end at format and begin with trading them. Something like, "You can use them to duel friends in a turn-based battle format. You can also trade them or go the extra mile and sell them. However some cards are worthless. Don’t expect to make a quick buck on a (insert a card name here)."

"I took a glance at her photo on the wall and reminded myself to tell her “I love you” in the case that this could be the last thing she hears me say, assuming she hears it."

- A run on sentence. Split it up a bit. For example, "I took a quick glance of my mother’s photo on the wall. I suddenly realize and quickly say, "I love you, mom" on the voicemail. You never know it could be the last thing she hears, assuming she listens to my message."

Overall the chapter has some errors but they can be quickly cleaned up. How long do you expect this story to go? How many chapters? This one felt pretty short but it may be a short story so idk. Anyways keep writing, revising, and improving


sprite GameCube Ness

Thanks for the response Lochy! I’ll make those changes when I find time. As for the story length, I’m planning for it to be decently long but not anywhere near as long as say, Earthbound Retold. Each chapter will be much longer; I felt that the first chapter didn’t need to be much longer because it would’ve been repetitive considering everything happens inside the house. But anyway, I’ll definitely make those changes when I can. It’s one of those things that you don’t come across as a writer until someone else reads your work.

Say fuzzy snickers

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

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GameCube Ness! You’ve returned! It’s been a long time since I first read The Greener Enterprize, but I still remember it vividly. It was definitely a fanfic that had potential, so you can imagine that I’m quite elated that you resurrected it!

Lochy mentioned a few things in his review, but I’ll add a few more.

  • First and foremost, the tense of the story seems to fluctuate. You sentences such as “My camera clicked and took the photo, then automatically filtered out any unwanted lighting.” which are in past tense, but then you have sentences like “Greener trading cards are the new rarity in Redicon.” which are in present tense. This is a common mistake, but keeping to one tense makes stories much easier to read.
  • I feel like going into more detail with some things would make the story more enjoyable. For example, describe Adam’s room in greater detail. What does it look like? Is it messy? What does it smell like? More detail about the Greener cards themselves would also be nice. What do they look like? What are they made of? Are there characters on the front ala Pokemon cards, or are do they look like normal playing cards? Expanded and elaborating on settings and character and object appearances can really enrich a story. This is a philosophy that I personally follow to the letter.
  • “Not much later, my phone began flooding with text messages. They were from a random number, exclaiming singular words in all capital letters. Crap, not another BOT trying to get me to buy their stock or whatever. ‘YOU.. WON.. CAR-.’” These lines lead me to believe that this text would be important in some fashion, but it is quickly forgotten about immediately afterward. If you don’t have any plans for this, I’d recommend nixing it altogether. If this event will end up having some sort of significance, I think you should find a different place to introduce it.
  • “This reminded me, I should probably call Mom.” This is an odd sentence, as it seems like Adam’s thought and his description of the event were conjoined together. I’d suggest some rewording.
  • Now, this last point is more a guidance than a critique, but I hope that you start Chapter 2 off with a continuation of the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. In the last run of this story, you ignored it, leaving me confused as to what exactly happened and what its significance was. Please keep this in mind whilst writing Chapter 2.

Well, that’s about it! I really hope you continue writing because I’m really curious to see where this goes! It’s my honest opinion that you can take this story places. Remember to “go for it!” And remember to consider your reviewers’ points when writing and revising!

I await the next chapter!

Au revoir~!

sprite GameCube Ness

Thanks for the response Mr. Meme! I remembered why I never used the Google Doc version of the story after your post. It’s because all the changes to the story I made were on the actual forum. Ironically, the old version of the story is the enhanced version with the correct tense and whatnot. Other than that I’ll be sure to fix everything you mentioned as well. Thanks for the lengthy and thoughtful response. It’s really appreciated! Again, most of these errors didn’t occur to me when I wrote this awhile back so it’s really convenient to have you and others here to critique my work.

Say fuzzy snickers

sprite GameCube Ness

Hello everyone! I got a bit carried away during this Winter break but hey, I finished rewriting chapter two! Please give me any feedback or writing tips! It helps me improve on things I don’t catch as a writer who assumes everything is fine as it is.

Say fuzzy snickers