Mr. Saturn sprite A Speck in the Dark

sprite JamesPicard_007

the Wall-Crusher Enabler

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I got mad with myself for not having done anything in quite a while so I finally plopped down a did a short story. There’s not much to it, it’s fairly stream of consciousness and I didn’t really bother to edit it so it’s probably not all that great. Anyways here we go.

It’s hard to imagine the true scale of the universe. To truly grasp what lay out there in a near infinite void. To know that when you gaze into the night sky all the stars you see is merely the light finally reaching our world. Light that has traveled for years to reach our eyes.




Even millennia far gone.

It was not impossible that the star that produced said light could be long dead and that these rays were all that left of it. Still as they twinkled it was proof that at least they had been there in the cold depths of space. Been there for must what feel like an eternity. That is if stars had any concept of time. Being gigantic flaming balls of gas it was terribly unlikely they had any sentience at all.

Sadly the same could not be said of Porky Minch.

With a loud wheeze he exhaled, fogging the viewport and ever so slightly dimmed the starlight. He attempted to smile as he briefly blotted out the stars but he found they quite unresponsive. So instead he merely smiled inside his mind. He couldn’t remember the last time his body has been responsive to his whims. Other than breathing and shifting his eyes he hadn’t moved a millimeter in ages.

Ages. How long had it been like this? He tried to think back, back before all he could see was an endless sea of stars. The memories were distant, vague, unable to completely coalesce. Still at the edge an image of the Nowhere Island came to him. The Grand Pork Army, the awesome Chimeras, New Pork City.

Ah, New Pork City. That great city, a monument to the glory that was Porky Minch. Statues that reached into the sky, glorious arcades, a theater that never stopped showing The Grime From Out Of Time, rich restaurants with only the tastiest…

Food. At the thought he tried to smack his mouth but he couldn’t find the will to move his jaws. As he breathed the air ran ragged over his dried out tongue. It had been an eternity since he had tasted food or drink. Despite the lack of nourishment somehow he still persisted on, locked in this capsule.

The capsule! Porky darted his eyes across the capsule. More memories came back to him now. That loser kid with the striped shirt, that dork with the bad leg, the stupid dog. The girl was kinda hot though. It was all their fault he had been trapped in here. How dare they attack him? Forcing him to hide in here from their cruel assault. Dr. Andonuts was truly a genius to conceive this impenetrable machine.

However in time Porky had found that he could not open it. Shortly after he protected himself in the Capsule the world had fell into complete darkness; at the time he assumed the Masked Man had completed his mission and pulled the final Needle and so he had celebrated the demise of all those who hadn’t loved him, sticking his tongue out at the world now gone. Days passed and when he was certain no one was around he tried to activate the release button but it never complied. Still it had been peaceful so he couldn’t complain.

By now the fog had cleared from the viewport and the stars shone a little brighter. At the edge what seemed to be a nebula slowly slid into view. The memory of the day was clear now. It had been all very sudden when it happened. He had been enjoying some of his favorite tunes he had loaded into the Spider Mech’s memory banks when he felt a tremendous shake. Without warning the benevolent darkness gave way to specks of lights streaming across the window of the capsule. He felt the capsule slam into unknown objects and soon things had slowed enough he could see what happened.

Though he could not tell the cause he was surrounded by gigantic chunks of rocks, around them lights from stars. Quickly he surmised he was now floating in space; apparently he had been trapped within a planet which had now been destroyed and freed him. He had laughed to himself gleefully.

Of course that had been an eternity ago. How long he wasn’t certain. For a moment he considered checking the Spider Mech’s computer, it likely knew how much time had passed. However power was at a premium, while he could still charge the Mech using solar panels it was difficult to gain any appreciable power with all the sources light years away. Instead he gave a mental command to start playing his favorite tracks again. He didn’t care how long he had been out here in depths of space, nor that he was beyond starving, beyond thirst or that he had been deprived of oxygen long ago.

No, this loneliness was truly paradise.